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Well-known member
I took tryptophan once and yes it can lift your mood. But as far as I recall it should not be taken when you´re on anti-depressants. I remember reading sometimg about a serotonin shock (or something) and it can be fatal.
It might tbe worth googling the keywords again :)

If the tryptophan does prolong the vegging period for plants then it could be great for cloning autos, meaning you won´t have to buy as many seeds :)


Update. It’s been 3 days since I gave the Auto its first foliar application of Tryptophan.
Within minutes the stem curled. Within hours it was back to normal.
All I can see after 3 days is that it’s stalled. Still looks healthy.
I dosed on the high side because 10 mg, when I weighed it out, is like nothing (like a light coating of dust on an spoon) and my intuition told me just add a touch more. About as scientific as adding sugar to coffee!
If it works, I will have also proved dose isn’t crucial I guess!
To be honest, I can’t see an amino acid doing much harm anyway.
Last edited:


Another week and more misting the Auto AK. Looks fine. Roots seem to be developing faster than the random controls (NH and a Trifoliate JH) Very green. Ive misted 3 times within 10 days at about 10 times the tested dose the researchers used weekly. I’ve proven it’s harmless at least!


Active member
If this works this way...
I was thinking about trying a 12/12 grow from the beginning, maybe it's worth giving it a try with a fem seed and 12/12 schedule.
Thoughts on this?


If this works this way...
I was thinking about trying a 12/12 grow from the beginning, maybe it's worth giving it a try with a fem seed and 12/12 schedule.
Thoughts on this?
We discussed this in the auto forum. More than one member said you get as much as 25% better yield on 24 hr. As strange as it seems, they really don’t benefit from a dark period.

For me, at 52N, autos are the only realistic chance of an outdoor season. I’ve always dismissed it because outdoor for me would be guerilla and I’m not chancing expensive seeds on something that risky. I could drop a bundle on seeds and lose the lot to weather, pests, thieves, vandals or whatever.
If I can mother an auto and make clones for free, I’ll put as many out as I can, happy that I’m only risking a waste of time.
The other thing that makes it more appealing is working with a known clone and getting more consistent, predictable results.


Revegging autos, that would be overkill 😂.
I will certainly try getting outdoor guerilla girls to reveg. That’s even easier than rooting another batch of clones for the next run. It would be amazing actually, IF it works. Imagine… you set up one time and keep the plants going. Only have to take plants out to the spots once.
You only have to go and spray them with tryp once a fortnight. You will have to protect them from frost maybe but other then that you have 6 harvest a year and nothing in your house but full jars. Just need good spots and Tryptophan, if the theory works.


When I say 6 runs, I mean somewhere sunny lol
Here in UK with a really quick auto, you might get 2. But, yeah, established roots. Well established plants will be hardier too so looking after them will get easier.


YES people. The AutoAK is still solidly in veg and I’ve just taken a cutting. (I took it across a node, scarified, clonex’d and put in Aeroprop with dome vents shut).

I did clean up my act with dosing. I do 10mg in 300ml of distilled water and there no wilt after spraying (one good misting a week) . Doesn’t miss a beat. Just vegges. Now will see if a snip roots :)


Active member
YES people. The AutoAK is still solidly in veg and I’ve just taken a cutting. (I took it across a node, scarified, clonex’d and put in Aeroprop with dome vents shut).

I did clean up my act with dosing. I do 10mg in 300ml of distilled water and there no wilt after spraying (one good misting a week) . Doesn’t miss a beat. Just vegges. Now will see if a snip roots :)
Spraying just once a week is enough??
I'm so excited to be following this thread!
Big respect to your work and to sharing it with us

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