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Trippin' into the Congo....



....the heart of darkness. I'd like to first....thank the peeps at Ace fer the opportunity to grow the genetics and to thread my trip in their forum.

Here's some pix of the girl I'm workin' with.....I call her Co'lean(though that is not important....she'll soon be gone) and she is in the F1 generation. The hostest.

I don't know what day she is on....I'd say late 60's.....but she is startin' to fill in....yet remain compact. This is my 2nd round with her....and the 3rd round is probably 3wks behind this one...maybe less. In her 1st round she was incrossed with a single male.....I only had 1 male and 1 female to work with....as I burned up my seedlin's outdoors in July...just a fuc up cost me all but two....so they were tough...the male and female and incrossed....plenty of F2 were made on a single branch....good bean producer.

Now in the 2nd round she was pollinated with Cindy Jones (Casey Jones X C99BX....both parent plants were from H3ad Seeds...so kudos to them).....and in the 3rd I mixed pollen from mutant and nonmutant Grape Krush F1 and Blue Satellite 2.2 ....DJ Short and SOL respectfully.

I no longer keep cuts....so I'll be doin' recombos and incrosses as I go up the river. A pix of the seed bud with Cindy Jones pollen.

....I am on a quest fer different sativa expressions......and a different mix of genetics. I will be makin' my own hybrids to become acclimated to my indoor....height restricted environment. I intend to use Congo and some other acclimated sativas in this mission. I have threads all over the place....and if ya need to get a feel fer the genetics I work with.....my albums are open. I won't spend a lot of time givin' all the details.....but ya should know that I intend to blend a creation I'm workin' on....MMB = Casey Jones X Highland Mex x BB to the Congo. I will not do this ...however...until after I select through their common outcrosses......ie both have been knocked up with the Cindy Jones. I'll select there....then blend....

That's in progress...but until then....the next thing I'll do with Congo is to start in with the F2 generation....and that should be soon enough. I will be comin' back to select Congo here and there....to keep the hybrids close to their roots....that's how I go about workin' my hybrids....keep given them dashes of the orginals(even if they themselves are hybrids).....keep spinnin' them in different expressions.

All this is fer hobby....private....full circle cultivation.....tendin' my own needs....not tryin' to start a line or a business. Fer fun and the questin'............feel free to involve yerselves if ya like. I'm friendly and direct. pablos


ACE Seeds Breeder
Thanks The Pablos for the feedback :) Your kind words are very apreciated.

Your 2nd round Congo girl probably needs at least 3 weeks more to mature, looks a nice sativa expression without lanky growing.
A reproduction between only one female and one male is probably not enogh to explore the line and improve next generation, the more the better, but im glad you are producig your own Congo F2 seeds.

How was the smoke of the congo female you are working with? Best wishes on your own congo hybrid projects!


ring that bell
ICMag Donor
Good day, The Pablos, always enjoy sharing your vision quests!
Wondering what your feeding schedule is like, if you go light w/ your sativas. She looks quite healthy for that age, kudos! :yes:

Currently have 3 Guawi and 5 Golden Tiger girls 25 days in, and am amazed @ how uniform they are.
Two mo. vegging in 16 oz. cups kept them compact, not the gangly monsters I was expecting. :D
Sorry about the off-topic ramble, just happy to see a compadre rockin' it in the ACE forum. Has a peanut butter/chocolate effect on me, lol! Mix it up! Best, HL


...Mornin' gentlemen....to answer yer questions and fill in the blind spots a little......dubi I have some problems describin' aromas/flav on this one....distinct aroma...chewin' gum?...something not too sweet....and it transitions to flav. I've still a nug from the 1st run curin'....good resin production....buds fill in nicely...I looked yesterday the plant in the pix is at 68daze flower....I'll take her 85-90+.....I flush fer wks....so startin' flush right about here....1st round was around 85daze if I remember correctly.....I like to push my subjects and at times torture.

I should mention that I let my plants acclimate in multitude of different conditions....I don't heat my rooms in the winter....didn't run AC this past summer....my plants must adjust to these changes....some can better than others...so I use their seeds....I'm lookin' to find different expressions....environmental induced or otherwise...just the game I play. But conditions can make plants finish faster or slow them up(in most cases I've found the latter)....so my finish times may well be irrelevant. This plant may go 100 if she gets a cold couple of daze. I'm geared to take her to the wall....get a good stress test in....she did excellent on an early window harvest....now she'll go the distance. A consistent grower I am not....nor want to be. Pablos' Nature.

The smoke?......not heavy at all....not to say it isn't potent....it is potent.....sativa dominant high....workin' man buzz...totally functionable. Perfect fer gardenin'....or most any activity. I'll update a smoke report after I spend a day on just cured Congo....I haven't done that yet.

As far as feedin'....as some know me....coco....heated RO H20....modified Head/Rez....GH....Kool Bloom.....NO THRILLS....just basic nonorganic feed....flush beyond reason.....

I feed all my plants....all the time...lightly.....just decide when to cut N in flower.....I gage my stop of N by bud structure....I flux my PH 5.6-6.0.....never the same.....I do the same with flush water....

....so Highlighter....they are... like a lot of sativa/sativa doms....they don't need a lot of nutes.....I'm just guessin' her needs any given day...when it gets close to N cut off....I'll cut her one feed then give back the next....do that fer a few daze....then just cut all N.
She can go a long waze on very little....perfect fer extended late window harvest flush....the 3rd rounder is mo' multi topped and probably bigger....I'll show ya later on but she is gettin' close to N cut....already pollinated....

I'm not expectin' the F2 to give me a full look at Congo expression of course. I'm just playin' the hand that was dealt to me....through chaos/fate......have no doubts...I'm totally happy.... just a dude with a room....one thing I have....that keeps me afloat....is faith that I will be blessed with sick ass plants....they just seem to come along.....good enough fer me anyway. I'm very happy to work with Congo....my 1st African genetics.....and invision this particular female I have... as a potential awesome outcrosser....in my quest to further along my indoor sativa dominants.

HL...ya know I'm interested in yer projects...with ya all the way dude....btw I'm over the Bolts....yet again they show no class in a real game....lol...just sad. Hope yer player is healin' up...and ready fer next season...


It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
all these CONGO threads, its like you guys are rubbing in on purpose, lol! i cant wait till mine get here!

i'm tagging along bro! :joint:


Good luck Pablos, while I don't subscribe to your theory on cuts and seed production, I do respect you for trying it out and taking a different and seldom walked path. Good karma to you and yours bro, I will definitely be watching.


3rd Rounder.....

3rd Rounder.....

....I hate countin' daze and gave up calenders but she is labled and flower date is 10Dec....so 45 daze...somethin' like that. Daze don't mean much to me.

Seems to be developin' faster....(though the round 2 was topped she grew mo' as a single top)......and mo' of a typical topped plant in stature.

Here's some observations on growin' Congo in the F1:

Stays compact in stature
Flowers fill in and are fairly dense fer a sativa
Resinous....well developed glands under the loop
Does not need a lot of light******

*****This is very important to me.....I use movers and run uncooled 600HPS almost to the point where they can touch the plant....so they are not always under direct light(multiple movin' 600s will get them partial when their main light has moved off).....

Several things then...plants must be able to withstand heat transfer....Congo shows no care at all.....and they must be able to fill out under my semi sunny day....again Congo thrives....this 3rd rounder is green the whole way down....and bottom flowers are not airy. These are environmental issues that my plants must be able to thrive in....and Congo does.

Easy to grow and low maintenance.....I don't mind when plants are tricky and need lots of attention....Congo though....is not one of those.....very simple to cultivate.

The above plant has one branch pollinated with blended GK and BS 2.2..........and has had her N cut. About 1/2 way.....now I'll blast her with hits of Kool Bloom fer the next few wks on top of her regular Bloom feed....flux the PH and watch her fill....seeds swell.

AB.....good to have ya drop in....happy huntin'

Seis...my friend...thanx dude.....I know that most peeps don't agree with me on the cuts....I even understand why ya wouldn't.....I totally respect that point of view. It is my belief though...that I'm not givin' up anything....I believe seeds are just like a bank....and ya can withdraw yer investment....one bean at time....or how ever many one needs to find their girlz again. If I wasn't sure....I wouldn't be doin' it....they will change with time....but so will I. I've watched clones change....with time and environment everything does....just like peeps.


Well-known member
High The Pablos and all :wave:
Thank yu fi post them, this is a line i wanna swimin in ;)
Peace and love


Flushin' and Blastin'....

Flushin' and Blastin'....

....At daze 57 on the left and 79 on the right....same clone...at 79 the 2nd rounder is happily flushin'....at 57 the 3rd rounder is bein' blasted with P & K....she is at full speed and pumped as much as she'll take....she loves it...haven't burned her yet...

...mushroom trained top cola....open up and let the light in....fillin' out the interior of the flower....

Distinct smells...I just call it the "Congo Smell" fer lack of a better description. Eazy sleazy plants to grow.


Thoroughly Thrashed....3rd into flush,,,,introduction to MMB

Thoroughly Thrashed....3rd into flush,,,,introduction to MMB

2nd round Congo.....thrashed to day 95...impendin' harvest scheduled tomorrow morn. Keeps puttin' out new growth....but she is in panic mode at this stage....nanners have started to appear past 90daze....I'll flower the third rounder to that day....

....this plant was mutilated and starved fer wks and wks....a tough one...handled the punishment very well imo.

Introduction to MMB (Casey Jones X Highland Mexican x Blueberry)...these are the 2 lines sizin' each other up.....now both have been introduced to Cindy Jones (Casey Jones X C99BX)....actually the 2nd round Congo was pollinated with that male....this Congo in the pix is still the same clone but the 3rd rounder...and thus...pollinated with the Short/SOL stuff.

Some shots of MMB's top cola....pollinated.....I love this cross....so much that I dedicated most of the plant fer the Cindy Jones pollen. My concept of indoor Mex...work in progress...bringin' up some new ones fer an incross into the f2 generation.

The 3rd rounder Congo in flush at 72daze....harvest will be 90 like I said up top. Massive flowers compared to 1st and 2nd rounds....I put her in to flower much bigger on this round....payed off with mo' mass.

Pollinated bud (Short/SOL pollen).....



ACE Seeds Breeder
Great Congo Colas The Pablos :) Good yielding with plenty of flowers!

Im glad to see you are in your 3rd round! Hope you enjoy after the good work!

PD: Dead kennedy Rocks :D


Smokin' Congo...mornin' wakey bakey...

Smokin' Congo...mornin' wakey bakey...

....I've been smokin' on the top cola of the 2nd round Congo....dry but with no cure....fresh off the vne then.

As reported above...I harvested in the late window @ 95daze...and the flush went on fer mo' than 2wks....well flushed.

The flav is likened to Juicy Fruit chewin' gum....some hits are mo' distinct...seem to have an abundance of this taste. But that's the closest description I can come up with....sweet and gummy.

The high....I've been tokin' this stuff since the weekend...so a few daze.....up and at times clear....but if I do old skool thumb crushers in the bong...it can be a bit of a stupid high...but that's way overdoin' the rippers. I was checkin' it fer ceilin' and have not yet hit it yet....not so sure I need to look fer it either.....as just a fat rip off the bong is all I really need in most cases.

Let me show ya some pix....I hurriedly took these this mornin'...not the best pix then....

The above pix are of the top cola of the 3rd rounder....harvested a couple daze ago at 80daze flower....so this brings up another point............

Finish time on this pheno: I've taken her...in 3 different rounds....at 85, 95, and 80..........I'd put her finish time officially between 80-90daze....on this 3rd rounder....she blew herself up and once startin' flush....finished extremely quick....a few clusters of nanners when I tried to continue on with her....she said she was done.....so just about 10daze flush is what she got. Done is done...I don't get hung up on # of flower daze.

The nanners....minor but fer the record they were there in time of severe stress...ie the very end. I see no problem at all with this late throw....I even expect it. Realistically I'd say most peeps growin' heavy sativa/landrace infused offers from ACE are not inexperienced,1st time growers....and when they decide to play with genetics like these....kinda know what to watch fer....part of the game.

As fer myself...I cultivate all sorts of tempermental plants....and would not classify Congo as one of those. Congo is a pretty friggin' stable sativa hybrid....I pushed and shoved her all the way through all the grows and she reacted outstandin' imo. I'm breedin' with her....so I have no issues...or I wouldn't use her in my projects.

Pollinated buds from the 3rd rounder....a blend of Grape Krush and Blue Satellite 2.2 pollen. I'll be lookin' fer differently expressed Blue line sativa.....but built on a Congo frame....perhaps some different mutant expression as well. I breed with mutants and always look fer somethin' different in them.

To sum this pheno of Congo up.....Kudos Ace.....I've smoked out a # of my seasoned friends...all found the flav and high to be excellent....different from other things goin' around here. Personally...this was my 1st ACE grow and my 1st African based genetics....and I'm very very happy with my results.....the results actually exceeded my expectations....

I really like this line all on its own....and will soon be germinatin' some of the F2 generation. I'll continue this thread as I go along with those incrosses and the outcrosses I've mentioned above...

Goals are simple on paper....find different sativa expression that can become its own population in my indoor garden. Kinda makin' my own "landrace" to my particular environment. It is important that I have plants that I can control height wise (this is why ya will see me selectin' mo' stocky line sativa).....finish times not as important....but yield must make up fer late flowers.....I don't mind lower yieldin' mutant expression at all but will not be lookin' fer those specifically. I'll also select certain subjects fer yield....I'd like to find some sort of prehistoric plant....that I've not seen yet.....as well as ornamental art plants.

Thanks ACE fer the genetics....I look forward to growin' mo' of yer seed....and thanx fer the space in yer forum.....I have much respect fer yer work.

To be continued.....


ACE Seeds Breeder
Thanks for your kind of words The Pablos :)

Im glad you are happy with the Congo taste and effect, the dried flowers look very tempting! :yummy: Best wishes with your Congo breeding projects, hope genetics will stay in your garden for future delights!


....I appreciate that dubi....I'm interested in many of yer genetics....I see African genetics in a special light...I'm glad there are breeders out there in pursuit of such things....that recognize the need to infuse new(and sometimes old) lines into the modern canna gene pool.


THE PABLOS, great jod!:respect: i love your plants:biggrin: just looking at this congo makes me feel like some african voodoo:laughing: imaging how its smokes :D


Glad to she is treating you right Pablo, take care bro, and keep on doing what you do:tiphat:


Elephant Head (Congo X Cindy Jones)

Elephant Head (Congo X Cindy Jones)

....These beans did a good deal of curin' on the vine....after soakin' them overnite....almost all cracked and showed tails....they are now in coco.

"Elephant Head" is the workin' name of this manuscript.


Porpoise Head (Mean Mexican Bitch X Cindy Jones)

Porpoise Head (Mean Mexican Bitch X Cindy Jones)

.....Had 100% germ rate on the Elephant Head.....now to start the other side of things....Porpoise Head.

Should get a good look at what direction the 2 crosses want to express....it will be advantageous fer me to get a good side by side grow in....as I incross each side. I'm totally open minded in my approach....that is....I don't really know what I expect....I'll rely on my instinct to guide both crosses.....and hopefully cross my f2 Elephant Head selections to my f2 Porpoise Head(ever listen to the Good God's Urge album by Porno Fer Pyros?...I lifted the name from there...a song about a Perry freak out..lol) selections.....there is method to the madness....Walrus Head awaits.

Congo has the greasey(est) flowers.....whenever I break some up...my fingers get greased up. Very nice....just love the stuff. I'm plannin' the Congo F2 round now...just want to get the hybrids goin' 1st.


About a week apart in age.....

About a week apart in age.....

Porpoise Head on the left.....Elephant Head on the right.....typical/random selections...

Had 100 percent strike rate on the Porp Heads as well....let the cullin' begin.


Update on E-Head and P-Head.....

Update on E-Head and P-Head.....

..........transplanted the E-Heads into beer cups...outta little clear space savin' cups....I'm havin' trouble cullin' any....I'm tryin' to find excuses to cull....I've only culled one so far.....pretty much bein' fed full strength.

I found 2 mutants in the P-Head population....don't know if it's DJ Short's Blueberry makin' them appear....but I'd say that's probably the culprit....I culled one of the mutants....wasn't growin' at all....this is the other....a little slower when compared to a typical P-Head.

beside a typical fer comparison...
