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Trabant and RK 62 from Soviet Finland seeds from seed heaven


New member
I take it these are regulars, as nothing else is mentioned?

But how many weeks from seed to flower?

Anyone got experience speeding these up with root restriction in smaller pots? The plan now is 10 liter, but as I'm running late in the season, how much an I speed them up, and how small do I have to go with pots?


If you can add length to your season with greenhouse that would be nice but with the right location (hilltop for example) you can still manage to grow almost say 90% ripe flowers in southern Finland. Idk about these strains but I've planted Auto Critical mass after midsummer and on a hilltop managed to harvest 'most ripe flower at the end of September, so worth a try definitely. They were growing in a grow sack by Biolan, with somewhat restricted root space but you can try with a bucket with restricted root space too to enhance early flowering, 10l sounds fine to me. You can get cheap greenhouse from Biltema less than 50€ and fit few to five plans there, that would add few weeks to your season or just plant them on a hilltop it'll work too. Good luck with your grow and have fun. Ps. interesting strains, Trabant especially can we get some more info about this?


ØG T®ipL3 ØG³
This season? Do you already have the seeds and can start immediately? Where's your grow happening? Stuff like this? I wouldn't start seeds for this year anymore here in the North, it's getting late(ish)... :tiphat:


New member
Ah, the man himself :)

They were started around 2 weeks ago @ N59, getting ready for transplant to pots or beds.. haven't decided yet.

The plan is open pollination to have seeds "for the rest of my life".

A bed would be easiest, but if we get a really wet fall... with pots I could also separate the males and collect pollen from all males and pollinate all females.

Read something about the earliest male stops the pollination of other female, and made a thread about it here to try and get a bit wiser:

How do you approach when making you seeds? Do you select plants every year, or do you just mass pollinate?


New member
This is, assuming they're regulars, as nothing is mentioned about fems...

How many weeks from seed to harvest are they?


ØG T®ipL3 ØG³
Yea they should be regs if it doesn't say femz. Think his fems were sold out earlier. RK I don't know about, but Trab should be 9-10 weeks + from seed. EDIT(that's plus those 2 weeks you've already had em)EDIT

Autos usually mass pollinate, but earlies are more pick by looks and thing.

Good luck! Both RK and Trab should make it @ 59 if started a couple o weeks ago. I'd go with beds, but pots should do fine, too. Show off what you get if you get something to show off :tiphat:
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Well-known member
Hey, I've been looking for some of soviet finland's seed stock, but everyone seems to be sold out, as well as Ovela Ratsastaja, any help? much love


Well-known member
Hey, I've been looking for some of soviet finland's seed stock, but everyone seems to be sold out, as well as Ovela Ratsastaja, any help? much love

I saw that se*dheav*n have just restock seeds from soviet finland seeds. 15 euro for one seed pack is as good as it gets. They are new strains but SF seeds are generally good strains for northern latitude.
That Ovela Ratsataja is very interesting but I’ve never seen anyone selling it. I’ve only seen that plant on icmag. It seems that Finish people want to keep that strain for themselves.

Good luck!


Well-known member
I saw that se*dheav*n have just restock seeds from soviet finland seeds. 15 euro for one seed pack is as good as it gets. They are new strains but SF seeds are generally good strains for northern latitude.
That Ovela Ratsataja is very interesting but I’ve never seen anyone selling it. I’ve only seen that plant on icmag. It seems that Finish people want to keep that strain for themselves.

Good luck!

Yeah bud, i've been talking to the guy that owns seedhaven :) I'm gonna pick up a few packs from him, i had some Ovela Ratsataja but for some reason my slugs have expensive taste lol, I don't know if you know of Gnome seeds he used to have it back in the day, but his stock has been depleted sadly


Well-known member
I saw that se*dheav*n have just restock seeds from soviet finland seeds. 15 euro for one seed pack is as good as it gets. They are new strains but SF seeds are generally good strains for northern latitude.
That Ovela Ratsataja is very interesting but I’ve never seen anyone selling it. I’ve only seen that plant on icmag. It seems that Finish people want to keep that strain for themselves.

Good luck!

Yeah bud, i've been talking to the guy that owns seedhaven :) I'm gonna pick up a few packs from him, i had some Ovela Ratsataja but for some reason my slugs have expensive taste lol, I don't know if you know of Gnome seeds he used to have it back in the day, but his stock has been depleted sadly

I don’t know Gnome seeds but I googled it up and it doesn’t seem like they have it anymore.

SF is a very good choice!


ØG T®ipL3 ØG³
Don't buy seeds from Southern Europe if you're gonna grow em OD in Northern Europe. At least if they are repro seeds of the originals, and have made the rounds in the south for a season or few.
They will lose the early flowering traits, and get used to the longer season and easier weather down south. And then it's just another South strain with a Northern name.

Not saying everything is bad, some strains might surprise you. That's how I found the Super strains from HFH for example. But then that's a Danish strain grown in Finland, so not that big of a change compared to like Southern Netherlands to Finland. For example; what's that Swede strain that was good for OD here in the North many many years ago, (seriously, I forgot the name), anyways.. Sagarmatha Seeds (Amsterdam) took the strain, repro'd it in the Netherlands for a few years and announced something like "HEY! This strain is back for you Northern growers out there! Limited supply, get em while you can!"

And so people did, and they grew em, and it wasn't the same strain anymore. Didn't flower fast enough, didn't take cold weather like it used to. And people paid for it because they wanted something for a specific purpose, which they didn't get. So ppl got mad! And Sagarmatha, to their credit doesn't sell the strain anymore. I think they even did an apology of sorts, and maybe they didn't know better. But then they should have known better, because they were selling something that was supposed to be special.

Like one time ODH was saving up for a high class call girl, one of those ladies that might be labeled a 10.
Then she showed up and was only a 5. ODH was like the fuck, I ordered a 10?
And she was like yea, my sister is a bit late, but she's at least a 6, so it's still a good deal for you, man!

5+6=11, yea, sure.
But if you wanted that one 10 you saved your money for and dreamed of having, it's not the same thing now, is it, ODH? You freaky basterd!

Wait, what?

Oh yea, seeds.. Check yaself, before ya riggidy wreck yaself, boiiii!


Well-known member
Don't buy seeds from Southern Europe if you're gonna grow em OD in Northern Europe. At least if they are repro seeds of the originals, and have made the rounds in the south for a season or few.
They will lose the early flowering traits, and get used to the longer season and easier weather down south. And then it's just another South strain with a Northern name.

Not saying everything is bad, some strains might surprise you. That's how I found the Super strains from HFH for example. But then that's a Danish strain grown in Finland, so not that big of a change compared to like Southern Netherlands to Finland. For example; what's that Swede strain that was good for OD here in the North many many years ago, (seriously, I forgot the name), anyways.. Sagarmatha Seeds (Amsterdam) took the strain, repro'd it in the Netherlands for a few years and announced something like "HEY! This strain is back for you Northern growers out there! Limited supply, get em while you can!"

And so people did, and they grew em, and it wasn't the same strain anymore. Didn't flower fast enough, didn't take cold weather like it used to. And people paid for it because they wanted something for a specific purpose, which they didn't get. So ppl got mad! And Sagarmatha, to their credit doesn't sell the strain anymore. I think they even did an apology of sorts, and maybe they didn't know better. But then they should have known better, because they were selling something that was supposed to be special.

Like one time ODH was saving up for a high class call girl, one of those ladies that might be labeled a 10.
Then she showed up and was only a 5. ODH was like the fuck, I ordered a 10?
And she was like yea, my sister is a bit late, but she's at least a 6, so it's still a good deal for you, man!

5+6=11, yea, sure.
But if you wanted that one 10 you saved your money for and dreamed of having, it's not the same thing now, is it, ODH? You freaky basterd!

Wait, what?

Oh yea, seeds.. Check yaself, before ya riggidy wreck yaself, boiiii!

have you seen the research done i think it was in India where they planted out the same strain in different latitudes and it ended up almost becoming two strains? I think people have a very poor understanding of RNA and how it effects the plants, also environmental stresses add alot to flowering time and effect, so a ruderalis grown in a southern latitude will display different flowering times yes, but after 1-2 seasons of growing in the northern latitude the strain should revert, RNA is crazy


ØG T®ipL3 ØG³
Is that an argument, or are you agreeing with me..?
Have I seen the research from India? No. But I don't need to see it to tell you that it's true. And what you said about Ruderalis reverting back to north in 1 or 2 seasons, well I'm not gonna argue that either. But then that's what I said. And I think you missed the point. See, most people don't have 1-2 seasons to spend on a breeding project, if they buy seeds and they want to grow weed THIS season.
And that is why you don't buy southern stuff for the north, even if it originally came from the north. DO. YOU. UNDERSTAND?

You do you, what is that supposed to mean? Are you sassing me? ME?!
Out of all the people, you pick me? Do you have any idea what you're getting in to here?

I guess not because you're doing it.

Jesus Christ, son. Ask around. I don't just do the research, I am the research.



Well-known member
Is that an argument, or are you agreeing with me..?
Have I seen the research from India? No. But I don't need to see it to tell you that it's true. And what you said about Ruderalis reverting back to north in 1 or 2 seasons, well I'm not gonna argue that either. But then that's what I said. And I think you missed the point. See, most people don't have 1-2 seasons to spend on a breeding project, if they buy seeds and they want to grow weed THIS season.
And that is why you don't buy southern stuff for the north, even if it originally came from the north. DO. YOU. UNDERSTAND?

You do you, what is that supposed to mean? Are you sassing me? ME?!
Out of all the people, you pick me? Do you have any idea what you're getting in to here?

I guess not because you're doing it.

Jesus Christ, son. Ask around. I don't just do the research, I am the research.

bro bro, I don't know you personally but i think you're not understanding where i'm coming from, but i wish you all the best, try this out, you may like it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A2KVN8CIl6c


ØG T®ipL3 ØG³
Yea mang, it's cool. Sorry about getting cocky (er).
Big up to cbotany for PM'ing me and getting this sorted. Both apologized and accepted and water under the bridge :)

Smooth sailing, BAY-BAY!