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To smoke or not to smoke?


Active member
Hello all,

Have you ever had the expereince of loading a bong for yourself and then decide that the buzz you have will last awhile longer.

Or conversely you would decline a bowl because that bong hit will likely leave you torn up and useless.

But you wan tto smoke it anyway.

Deep Thoughts by Jack Handy




Active member

Oh yes, I smoked it- and many more since.

What I was getting at was the "habit" of smoking when you really don't need to.

Like I have this habit of smoking and watching a tv program. I have gotten into this habit of taking a bong hit about every other commercial break. Even though I do n't get any higher.



Active member
minds_I said:

Oh yes, I smoked it- and many more since.

What I was getting at was the "habit" of smoking when you really don't need to.

Like I have this habit of smoking and watching a tv program. I have gotten into this habit of taking a bong hit about every other commercial break. Even though I do n't get any higher.

I was just tryng to explain that whole,ya ain't gettin any higher thing to my 21yr old niece just last night.she don't know i grow.and cant afford to smoke as much as she does.how much tou ask.How much ya got? she smokes constantly when she's got it.my 63 yr old father in law lives on $500 a month and he makes a quarter last 3wks as opposed to 4 or 5 hrs.Awe kids what ya gonna do??? :confused:


Active member

Yeah well, I do rememebr back in the day when smoke sessions were quite lenghtly. I also remember that it was a"smoke till its gone mentallity".

Now, since I grow- i have more then I used to get by with in a month (actually have doubled my consumption) so conservation is not an issue.

Now its more like "why??"

Don't get me wrong, I do not wish to quit or cut back.

Oh well,

I am going to go and eat some hot dogs and burgers, drink some beer and watch some pretty lights in the sky tonight.



Same song here.

I wake up in the morning with the hunger for herb.

_ ° 0 _

Too High To Fly

New member
I find that I am pretty conservative when I smoke. I know exactly what I need for the functional buzz I'm looking for. A hitter with some dank will usually make me buzzed for about 2 hours. An oz. will usually last me about two months with the occasional bowl packing.


Sorry to bring this thread back from the dead but I was just going through some old posts and I just had to reply because this actually happened to me today lol. I decided to smoke the bowl anyways.
sometimes i just can't finish that last one...but the next morning HA HA! ready 2 GO! whenever.
I tend to fall into the smoke it if you got it crowd, but moderation, if you can do it, is better "buzz wise" too space out the exposure a bit.
i have not moderated in A WHILE.
1 o per mo. standard.
it is hard to get but I don't conserve it.
yes i am an ameriCAN. :joint: :chin:


It sounds like alot of people get that same feeling about one more toke. I don't think it will get you "higher", but there are other factors, taste, aroma, the feeling as it rushes into your lungs. I like to try to be a conservative and not overindulge. Just give a friend in need that rip and let them have some of those feelings.


i like going through the motions of smoking entirely too much.

i pack the bong...then revel in its glory

i take a hit or two and play some x360 or watch tv

a few mins later pick up the bong hit it again...push it down a bit

i continue doing this until i realize, oh shit its kicked. then i want to continue to smoke even though i wont get any higher, i just love going through the motions so much


Active member
Sounds to me like you guys just like smoking the smoke, just role a nice big fat spliff and toke it up slowly over a couple of hours(or whatever). I really can't imagine always takin 4-5 rips from a bong, rather take 20-30 hits from a spliff, much more relaxed y'know...


i do like smoking in general but i will never return to cigs or anything tobacco...so my love for smoking is solely satisfied by weed...and there is never enough

Mr. Nevermind

GoodbyeBlueSky said:
yeah, for me the mantra is....

'whenever... where-ever'...

Indeed, that and i have found if i load a bong or roll a J and let it just sit it will begin to mock me. The J will start teasing me and telling me im scared to light it, to which i show my true grit and fire that fucker up.

If you got it , smoke it. You can take it with you and why else do you grow if not to be able to smoke whenever, including when already high and may not need to



Active member
rkrone said:
i do like smoking in general but i will never return to cigs or anything tobacco...so my love for smoking is solely satisfied by weed...and there is never enough

No shit!


3.5 years tobacco free after 30 years of cigerettes.

....oh look theres a bong now....



Active member
I wish I had to deal w/the delima of whether to smoke,or not.
I'm all out of Bud,untill I get home next weekend.
The brake will do me good.
I do so love that 1st.BUZZ after a brake.
Guess I got 2 things look forward to :kitty: :canabis: when I get home.

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ruger 500
hey trucker guess what i found growing in the field next to me .....a williams wonder plant ready to come down .....hhhmmm .....should i......yep i should


I hate it when someone I haven't seen in ages comes by and pulls out special stuff, so I get mine and we get so stoned conversation dries up and we don't even catch up.

I try to remember not to personally take a toke each round, but it's just habit to pass and take; and then boom, then next thing you know, right in the middle of a sentence, brain fart and couch lock. :pointlaug

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