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To QWISO Or Bubble?


Active member
Well, im buying ( :yoinks: ) a pound of trim from our grower.

(before you ask why im buying it... He's not directly Our grower, he grows and supplys our dealer. so, when we asked our dealer if he could hook us up with some trim for hash/oil, his eyes lit up green, and bam now im paying 150$ a pound for it. Wish i could get it free :( But, the quality of the bud is superb for Houston, so the end result will hopefully be good.

Now, im wondering if I should QWISO it all, or bubblebag it up. Im hoping some of you more expierenced extractors can help me out.

I would like to have bubble quality, but feel its a risk in my particular situation. I dont want to spend 150$ on trim, and 200-250$ on bags, if Im going to fuck up on my first run and harvest like 5 grams. I dont doubt my knowledge of bubble/bubblebags, as ive been reading about them since I saw them appear on OG.com 3-5 years ago, I have more doubts in me making a rash decision and fucking up. I know the basics: more ice is always better, dont squeeze the bag to "get more", etc etc

But like ive read so many people say about making hash "the product only gets better with time", meaning each time you make it you learn new tricks, what not to do, etc.

Im leaning more towards ISO, because of the reasons listed, but how does good ISO compare to good Bubble? Im sure the taste isnt as great, and the potency isnt quite the same, but is it a very noticeable difference? If i sat two somewhat smart smokers down for a blind "taste" test, would they know bubble without seeing it? Like could they tell the diffrence in potency?

I was actually leaning more towards BHO for the better quality, but im a bit concerned about it staying in its oil form forever. Does it eventually harden at all like traditional hash/iso oil?

And a final couple of questions...

After i scrape ISO, what is the best procedure for drying and curing it? Does it even need to be cured?

How much can I expect to yield? Give me a slightly under average ratio, incase my trim isnt up to par with yalls dank trim ;p

And Bubbleman if you read this, I saw new Slinger pieces on the BubbleBag site...is he back into blowing? I heard from another blower that he was laying low, and had pretty much quit glass. I asked you a year or so ago about him, and you said you didnt really have anything to do with him anymore...so are you guys friends again? :woohoo: I need to get my Slinger doubler replaced, nothing can rival that smooth smooth slinger doubler hit, except maybe a better slinger piece :p



Active member
for a pound of trim, I have no doubt, that one, qwiso would not be best, and two that a good set of quality bags, with say, three sizes, youd be in bussiness with the best way to extract the trichs....just freeze the dried trim for at least three hours, and get to work.

let us know swishman...good luck


Active member
ty for the reply :)

I guess i will be getting the trim and putting it in jars until i can buy bags :)

might buy a 3 bag kit and order a seperate bag w/ different screen..what are good sizes for dry trichs? the trim is dry if i didnt mention ;p 150$ for an elbow of wet trim would be ...rediculous ;p

what size should i get? i was thinking a 1 gal, and do a few batches, but how many batches would i be able to do with a pound? like how much should i do per 1 gallon. and after i collect bubble in the screen, i can try the same plant material a second time? i think this is what I've read, but i don't know if i misinterpreted.

and whats a decent or average yield ratio?


Active member
yield ratio has alot to do with how potent the trim is...yes I hoped the trim was dry. I imagine that for every ounce of trim you run you will get at least a half gram sometimes up to two grams...like I said its dependent on the quality. any combo of sizes is good, the smaller the number (lpi) the wider the screen for the trichs. the 120 is as tight as I have gone and it is some primo full melt most often. in a one gallon bag you can run, I'd imagine two ounces at a time.....a gallon seems awfully small.....good luck...!!


Active member
thx for all your advice :)

Ya, but hey a 7 bag kit for 125$, for the beginner its a steal :) And, it will be good for me to get some practice in.

Just have to get a wood spoon :)


Also, what is the difference between FM and FMCD? What s it clled Clear Dome? Im by no means expecting to yield FMCD, maybe FM...but id just like to know :p


Active member
full melt is when you can get a solid hash to melt upon heating, a fmcd, or full melt clear dome, is when you get a clear bubble from your hash, or more commonly oils. I imagine in the seven bag kit that one of the meshes has to be a very fine tight knit. if that is the case I'm sure you can accomplish some full melt, or also known as some bubble from your bubble bags. peace swisha


Active member
let me elaborate on the fmcd. this picture shows a pile of dry sift kief as dry, bubbling, and in what I see as two domes. it is simply a bubble of thc vapor, as is my understanding.

the following images were taken from comphashon's gallery.

tihs is what you want from your trim.


Active member
ICMag Donor
get the bubbleator with a few extra bags.
turn the machine on and go or set it and forget it if you like.
with a lb of trim there would be a lot of mixing to do and a bunch of runs unless you get the huge bubblebags which cost wayy more.
the 2-3 hundred bucks you would spend on this would be worth it if you are going to keep buying trim.
once again, bubbleator


Slap-A-Ho tribe
Just how good quality is the trim you're buying? For all you know it could contain worthless non trichfull fan leaves, that could cut down on the "usable" weight significantly.


bluebublelove said:
full melt is when you can get a solid hash to melt upon heating, a fmcd, or full melt clear dome, is when you get a clear bubble from your hash, or more commonly oils. I imagine in the seven bag kit that one of the meshes has to be a very fine tight knit. if that is the case I'm sure you can accomplish some full melt, or also known as some bubble from your bubble bags. peace swisha

I have never seen full melt that did not have clear domes, but I have seen lots of clear domes on hash that didn't fully melt.

full melt means there is no virtually no residue(ash) left in the bowl and that the hash kept mellting and bubbling to the end of the hit.

also the tightest screens or those with the smallest micron*µ size do not give the best quality. the 45µ and 25µ in my experience rarely yield full melt or clear domes. fmcd is usually found in the 73µ and sometimes the 120µ. imho the most important bag to make fmcd is the 160µ bag, without it your 73µ will likely not melt/bubble as much and you can kiss clear domes goodbye.


Active member
trichomefarmer said:
I have never seen full melt that did not have clear domes, but I have seen lots of clear domes on hash that didn't fully melt.

full melt means there is no virtually no residue(ash) left in the bowl and that the hash kept mellting and bubbling to the end of the hit.

also the tightest screens or those with the smallest micron*µ size do not give the best quality. the 45µ and 25µ in my experience rarely yield full melt or clear domes. fmcd is usually found in the 73µ and sometimes the 120µ. imho the most important bag to make fmcd is the 160µ bag, without it your 73µ will likely not melt/bubble as much and you can kiss clear domes goodbye.

thanks for the clarification, didn't know that


i myself am a bubble fan, but i must say if you only intend to do it once then it would turn out quite expensive to buy the bags. ok if you only get the 4 most important bags it wount be that much but still. and in the end as far as i've been told when it comes to pure potency oil is often stronger then bubble hash, not by much but still. as i say i'm not an oil guy myself but if i was to do this once only a quick wash iso would probably be my choice. specialy as you don't know the quality of the trim. good bubble comes from good trim. oil on the other hand makes use of all the active ingredients in the trim hash makeing allways leaves alot of trichome stalks on the trim. as the stalks aren't what the bubble maker is after anyway. you could make bubble and then oil with whats left lol.

peace and all the best:wave:


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