We are growing indoors with 2. 1,000 watt lights. We run from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. we run during the day cause the air outside is humid at night and was worried about the room getting to wet on the walls. we aren't worried about paying extra for electricity during peak hours, we already get a break on it but are limited on power in the room. there is a intake fan that cools the lights and exhausts only when lights are on. There is a few oscilating wall fans that run constantly. Its a sativa dom. strain. plants are about 3 feet from the lights and will probably stretch another foot before finishing. The strain is Quantum Kush from TGA Subcool, that were purchased before it got discontinued. Temp in the room gets close to 85 during the day and 62-664 at night, I heard something about Sativa Dom. can and do better in hotter and more intense lighting? Thanks friends