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hemp cultivars with improved traits could be facilitated through the application of biotechnological strategies. The purpose
of this study was to investigate the propagation of hemp in tissue culture and to establish a protocol for Agrobacteriummediated
transformation for foreign gene introduction. Stem and leaf segments from seedlings of four hemp varieties were
placed on Murashige and Skoog medium with Gamborg B5 vitamins (MB) supplemented with 5mM 2,4-
dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) and 1mM kinetin, 3% sucrose, and 8 g l21 agar. Large masses of callus were
produced within 4 wk for all cultivars. Suspension cultures were established in MB medium containing 2.5 mM 2,4-D. To
promote embryogenesis or organogenesis, explants, callus, and suspension cultures derived from a range of explant
sources and seedling ages were exposed to variations in the culture medium and changes to the culture environment.
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Centre for Environmental Biology, Department of Biological Sciences, 8888 University Drive, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby,
British Columbia, Canada V5A 1S6
(Received 20 August 2002; accepted 30 April 2003; editor P. Ozias-Akins)
British Columbia, Canada V5A 1S6
(Received 20 August 2002; accepted 30 April 2003; editor P. Ozias-Akins)
Hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) is cultivated in many parts of the world for its fiber, oil, and seed. The development of newhemp cultivars with improved traits could be facilitated through the application of biotechnological strategies. The purpose
of this study was to investigate the propagation of hemp in tissue culture and to establish a protocol for Agrobacteriummediated
transformation for foreign gene introduction. Stem and leaf segments from seedlings of four hemp varieties were
placed on Murashige and Skoog medium with Gamborg B5 vitamins (MB) supplemented with 5mM 2,4-
dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) and 1mM kinetin, 3% sucrose, and 8 g l21 agar. Large masses of callus were
produced within 4 wk for all cultivars. Suspension cultures were established in MB medium containing 2.5 mM 2,4-D. To
promote embryogenesis or organogenesis, explants, callus, and suspension cultures derived from a range of explant
sources and seedling ages were exposed to variations in the culture medium and changes to the culture environment.
None of the treatments tested were successful in promoting plantlet regeneration. Suspension cells were transformed with
Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain EHA101 carrying the binary vector pNOV3635 with a gene encoding phosphomannose
isomerase (PMI). Transformed callus was selected on medium containing 1–2% mannose. A chlorophenol red assay was
used to confirm that the PMI gene was expressed. Polymerase chain reaction and Southern hybridization detected the
presence of the PMI gene. Copy number in different lines ranged from one to four.
Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain EHA101 carrying the binary vector pNOV3635 with a gene encoding phosphomannose
isomerase (PMI). Transformed callus was selected on medium containing 1–2% mannose. A chlorophenol red assay was
used to confirm that the PMI gene was expressed. Polymerase chain reaction and Southern hybridization detected the
presence of the PMI gene. Copy number in different lines ranged from one to four.
Key words: callus; suspension culture; Agrobacterium tumefaciens; mannose selection; phosphomannose isomerase;
regeneration; transgenic hemp.
regeneration; transgenic hemp.
Cannabis sativa L. is among the earliest cultivated plants and is
thought to have originated in Central Asia (Clarke, 1999). It is
valued as a food, oil, fiber, medicinal, and recreational drug source
and, consequently, has been dispersed throughout the world. Hemp
(Cannabis sativa L.) traditionally has been grown as a fiber crop and
there is a renewed interest in expanding its cultivation as a fiber and
seed crop in Canada. Hemp seeds possess high-quality oil and
protein (Johnson, 1999). Hemp varieties are now developed and
cultivated to produce high yields of fiber, seed, and oil, while
possessing negligible amounts of D9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC),
the psychoactive compound, within the resin. However, the
confusion of hemp with marijuana varieties, which contain greater
amounts of THC, continues to hinder the widespread cultivation of
this crop (Forapani et al., 2001).
The development of new hemp cultivars with improved traits
could be further facilitated using biotechnological strategies. The
dioecious life cycle of many hemp varieties complicates breeding
efforts towards improvement of specific traits, such as resistance to
pests and diseases (Clarke, 1999).
Cannabis sativa L. is among the earliest cultivated plants and is
thought to have originated in Central Asia (Clarke, 1999). It is
valued as a food, oil, fiber, medicinal, and recreational drug source
and, consequently, has been dispersed throughout the world. Hemp
(Cannabis sativa L.) traditionally has been grown as a fiber crop and
there is a renewed interest in expanding its cultivation as a fiber and
seed crop in Canada. Hemp seeds possess high-quality oil and
protein (Johnson, 1999). Hemp varieties are now developed and
cultivated to produce high yields of fiber, seed, and oil, while
possessing negligible amounts of D9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC),
the psychoactive compound, within the resin. However, the
confusion of hemp with marijuana varieties, which contain greater
amounts of THC, continues to hinder the widespread cultivation of
this crop (Forapani et al., 2001).
The development of new hemp cultivars with improved traits
could be further facilitated using biotechnological strategies. The
dioecious life cycle of many hemp varieties complicates breeding
efforts towards improvement of specific traits, such as resistance to
pests and diseases (Clarke, 1999).
Development of a tissue culture system to regenerate hemp plantlets and an Agrobacteriummediated transformation protocol would permit exploitation of a
greater amount of genetic diversity for plant improvement and
would facilitate clonal multiplication of plants with desirable traits.
There are only a small number of reports concerning tissue
culture of hemp. Most of these studies were aimed at developing a
cell culture system to obtain secondary metabolites, particularly the
class of cannabinoids that are distinctive to the genus Cannabis
(Turner et al., 1980). Callus cultures (Hemphill et al., 1978;
Heitrich and Binder, 1982) and suspension cultures (Veliky and
Genest, 1972; Itokawa et al., 1977; Hartsel et al., 1983; Loh et al.,
1983; Braemer and Paris, 1987) have been established for
extraction of secondary metabolites and biotransformation studies.
Cryopreservation of hemp suspension cultures was developed as a
means to preserve germplasm collections (Jekkel et al., 1989). A few
reports have described tissue culture conditions intended for
plantlet regeneration. Richez-Dumanois et al. (1986) propagated
apical and axillary buds on stem explants in tissue culture and
subsequently rooted the shoots. A report by Fisse et al. (1981)
assessed organogenesis as a means of propagating hemp tissues.
They did not observe any direct organ formation on explants and
reported that Cannabis callus readily produced roots but was
unreceptive to shoot formation. Mandolino and Ranalli (1999) have
compiled an excellent review of the achievements with in vitro
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed: Email punja@
In Vitro Cell. Dev. Biol.—Plant 39:578–585, November–December 2003 DOI: 10.1079/IVP2003454
q 2003 Society for In Vitro Biology
1054-5476/03 $18.00+0.00
greater amount of genetic diversity for plant improvement and
would facilitate clonal multiplication of plants with desirable traits.
There are only a small number of reports concerning tissue
culture of hemp. Most of these studies were aimed at developing a
cell culture system to obtain secondary metabolites, particularly the
class of cannabinoids that are distinctive to the genus Cannabis
(Turner et al., 1980). Callus cultures (Hemphill et al., 1978;
Heitrich and Binder, 1982) and suspension cultures (Veliky and
Genest, 1972; Itokawa et al., 1977; Hartsel et al., 1983; Loh et al.,
1983; Braemer and Paris, 1987) have been established for
extraction of secondary metabolites and biotransformation studies.
Cryopreservation of hemp suspension cultures was developed as a
means to preserve germplasm collections (Jekkel et al., 1989). A few
reports have described tissue culture conditions intended for
plantlet regeneration. Richez-Dumanois et al. (1986) propagated
apical and axillary buds on stem explants in tissue culture and
subsequently rooted the shoots. A report by Fisse et al. (1981)
assessed organogenesis as a means of propagating hemp tissues.
They did not observe any direct organ formation on explants and
reported that Cannabis callus readily produced roots but was
unreceptive to shoot formation. Mandolino and Ranalli (1999) have
compiled an excellent review of the achievements with in vitro
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed: Email punja@
In Vitro Cell. Dev. Biol.—Plant 39:578–585, November–December 2003 DOI: 10.1079/IVP2003454
q 2003 Society for In Vitro Biology
1054-5476/03 $18.00+0.00
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