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tip of the week ~ from the chatroom gang



this thread will contain a gardening tip every week (or so :yoinks:) from the kindly folks in chat

gonna get the ball rollin :smile: the first tip come's to us via ICM's very own SunSimulator

Never use metal vessels/pans for propagation purposes!
the metal creates an acidic reaction, causing retreating/shocked roots,
or no rooting at all, as in my case this past week.:yoinks: yes, thats right, i goofed :wallbash:
received a motherload (quite literally) of cuttings in a metal crock pot,
pre-prepped and ready for action in 1.5" oasis root cubes.
the cubes were nestled in nicely sitting directly on the metal surface.
anything i left on the metal surface proceeded to die.
the pot with a tupperware over the top made an excellent humidity chamber
so i left them be, with the reason for them dying unbeknownst to me.
until, that is, i was given this sage from my friend SunSimulator, over in the chat. :wave:

so, folks, moral of the story, don't use metal in yer grows
aside from its extreme heat and cold conductivity,
it will cause a reaction leadin to plant/root death, and/or retreating roots.
not sure which metals in particular, so play it safe and avoid them all :)

ok kiddies, stay tuned for next week's bet you didn't know that from the guys in chat :lurk:
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from the mists and the shadows .... there you wil
ola capi ... yeah I kinda knew this as theres alot of metal structures and bits lying around in my garden ... it took me ages to work out why but as soon as I removed the metal and placed the plants away from the site ... they took off ... luckily I only killed one before It was too late ... Thanks Guys in the chatroom!
And you too CJ



here's a tip ( but it's not from chat..it's from the school of hard knocks lol)...males will shed pollen way before the females are advanced enough for pollenating..pollenating very young fems will affect yield in a negative way..so....when starting seedlings with the intention of seeding a few branches, heavily tip the males after they show sex, but leave a few lower growing tips..by the time the males regrow and are ready to shed pollen, the females will have enough flowers on lower branches for selective seeding..using this method, it is possible to grow lots of seedlings of both sexes in the ground, side by side and still have controlled pollenation and seed production!..it will take a little experience with the strain to time it right...but if the males grow back too fast and are about to shed pollen, just remove the about to mature "balls" and this will give you a few more days or weeks!...

Happy seed making!
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Joint Date: Today.
where are my tips about getting diarrea from Burger king food?

grat idea BTW!!

take it easy wapitano :joint:
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Overwatering is advertised as one of the most common newbie mistakes.
There for i feel there may be an unseen effect of our guidence to our new friends.
With most soil mixtures reccomeded for cananbis result in a semi-arid soil medium.That will need regular adequate waterings.
My first gorws i was very timid to over water, often letting the soil get much to dry.
wich stunted plant growth and caused plant and grower stress.
The constant stressing of the notion of a wet and dry period being crutial for optimal plant health and happiness is true but for newbies the term wet and slightly moist may be more helpfull and when i read dry i interpreted it as dry "dry as dirt" as ive found soil going dry kills.

Summary, Wet and "dry" period is important just dont actully let the soil get all the way dry.
Learn what your pots should feel like watered. and completly watered.
A good way to learn is just take your containers, 1 dry soil , 1 waterd soil. pick them up, notice the weight.
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