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Tincture from a spin trimmer question


Howdy. I searched. I swear I did.

I have a question about tinctures. I'm planning on using the kiefy crust from a spinpro trimmer to make some tincture, but I haven't a clue how much alcohol to use. This thing is caked with about an eighth of an inch of mostly keef. My method for removing the kief from the trimmer is going to be by using the alcohol as an astringent. I can't think of any other way. Because I'm liquifying it, there isn't going to be any way to actually weigh the contents, so I'm stumped as to how much alcohol to use. Has anyone done this before?


I've never done this - but seems to me that if you use "too much" vodka, or alcool, you could always evap off the extra, and make your tincture stronger. Couple runs thru coffee filters should get the veg material mostly out.

Sound like fun - good luck, let us know how high you get and how much meds you finish with...


I decided to err on the side of blow-your-dome-off potency, instead of on the side of caution:) I started with a cup of Everclear and ended up adding another 1/2 cup before I got all the sludge off my trimmer. The liquid resembles the stuff that dumps out of your oil pan after 10,000 miles without an oil change. I put it in the freezer and will be swirling it several times daily for the next week or so.


Original Editor of ICMagazine
You can keep it at room temperature... it's sterile already because of the Everclear.

This is actually an ancient way to make an excellent tincture. It is called maceration.

I use a quart jar filled to within an inch of the top with popcorn bud and other trim, then fill it to the top with Everclear. Then I agitate it (shake it) daily for a month. No need to chop the bud finely, the Everclear will dissolve all of Mother Nature's goodness right out of the trim.

I then use a stainless steel fine mesh strainer to decant it into eyedropper bottles.

Easy as pie and strong as can be. It does finish with a marvellous golden/brown/green color and I sometimes add a dash of fine Brandy or high quality rum (such as Mt. Gay from Barbados) to enhance the aroma. That would be added in the beginning of the maceration process, not at the end as a dilutant.


Yeah, I figured you could. I read the taste is better if you cold brew it, but it doesn't really matter to me one way or the other. I think this shit is going to be some killer, haha! What is a normal dosage? Two drops? Ten?


Original Editor of ICMagazine
Dosage depends on your tolerance. I put an eyedropper full on the back of each hand and rub it in...get very relaxed very soon, and my arthritis goes away. Also is great for skin cancer, mine have shrunk measurably and are no longer big black and crusty.

Cannabis = medicine

Happy Daze!


This worked quite awesomely. I used a cup of everclear, but ended up adding another half cup to my filthy, caked trimmer. I used the everclear as a cleaner to get all the shit off, then put the solution in a mason jar in the freezer and agitated 8 or 10 times a day for a week. I strained through cheesecloth once, then coffee filters twice. 10 drops under the tongue is like taking a zannie.

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