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Times they are a changing ......


Well-known member
Dominoes are falling , shame it seems to take so long.
Don't think my government ( U.K. ) even owns any dominoes , they won't even comment on medical use.


Active member
Dominoes are falling , shame it seems to take so long.
Don't think my government ( U.K. ) even owns any dominoes , they won't even comment on medical use.

Same in a lot of countries although very surprisingly Australia's right wing PM came out with statements to the effect that he'd possibly support medical marijuana, he thought one State (NSWs) already had legalized/sanctioned med (he was wrong), and that there seemed to be no arguments for the benefits of med because the research was already showing this. Its been a long, hard vicious and cold war my friend but we will get there. It stands to reason that the country that started this fiasco (the war on drugs) needs to lead the way into the light so others can follow.


Active member
Too bad my state, Indiana, will probably never even go to medical, let alone full legalization. Too many leaders that have their hands in big pharmas pockets that sell their message to the bible thumpers who are further pushed by the people that fear losing their illegal market and all the money they make because of it.

Man I really wish I could pack up and move far away from this state where religious is shoved down your throat and supported by the backward thinking government officials. I swore our ancestors came here to get away from religious oppresion and thats why our country and all its states are suppose to have a separation of church and state, wonder whatever happened to that????


Active member
There are several trillion dollar industries that cannabis threatens.

I'm half expecting civil war over this. Rather see prohibition of cannabis just go away.


$$ ALONE $$
@ Mr.Brunch
I followed the link and then read that long article from the other link.
Great read man. Thanx for sharing.


ICMag Donor
Same in a lot of countries although very surprisingly Australia's right wing PM came out with statements to the effect that he'd possibly support medical marijuana, he thought one State (NSWs) already had legalized/sanctioned med (he was wrong), and that there seemed to be no arguments for the benefits of med because the research was already showing this. Its been a long, hard vicious and cold war my friend but we will get there. It stands to reason that the country that started this fiasco (the war on drugs) needs to lead the way into the light so others can follow.

Are you aware that Cannabis prohibition started in Canada in 1908 when they were attempting to rid Vancouver BC of it's opium dens.
"Marijuana" use was associated with opium use so they were banned together.


Too bad my state, Indiana, will probably never even go to medical, let alone full legalization. Too many leaders that have their hands in big pharmas pockets that sell their message to the bible thumpers who are further pushed by the people that fear losing their illegal market and all the money they make because of it.

Man I really wish I could pack up and move far away from this state where religious is shoved down your throat and supported by the backward thinking government officials. I swore our ancestors came here to get away from religious oppresion and thats why our country and all its states are suppose to have a separation of church and state, wonder whatever happened to that????
The Mitten is right above ya homie don't have to travel to far to see the green. I made a 5 hour pilgrimage from IL to MI. Best move of my life....


Well-known member
I think it's happening pretty quickly. Can't tell you how many people I know have told me it's gonna take at least 10 - 20 years for full on legalization. Seems to me it's gonna be much sooner than that.

Anyone have insight as to how this would happen federally, like do you think it would be the same a how things went down with alcohol prohibition?


Well-known member
National alcohol prohibition was a relatively short period (13 years) and at the time alcohol was more accepted by a much larger population. Cannabis prohibition has been for a much longer period and at first was actually prohibited more so from an agricultural point of view except during WW2 (go figure).

It really has become an educational process to show its merits as many people have only been exposed to its so called negative aspects.


ICMag Donor
I think it's happening pretty quickly. Can't tell you how many people I know have told me it's gonna take at least 10 - 20 years for full on legalization. Seems to me it's gonna be much sooner than that.

Anyone have insight as to how this would happen federally, like do you think it would be the same a how things went down with alcohol prohibition?

Since Alcohol is still prohibited for some & in some locations, it is still Illegal for some & in some locations.
Therefore, Alcohol is still under the guise of prohibition!

Due to this prohibition, a black market still exists everywhere, not just in the places it's prohibited.

These laws that allow some people to use & posses are nothing more than opaque curtains in your faces.
The curtains must be either removed or pushed asside in order to see the truths in these matters.

Administrative controls (the legal system) are used when people are willingly blinded to the facts of nature.

I have yet to see the seed that can read these laws & prevent itself from germinating. I've also never seen any rotting fruit that didn't produce Alcohol.

It is the nature of man to attempt to control everything around him, including other men.
Doesn't mean its right though.