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Those of us old enough will probably agree - we peaked in 1971


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
I was 16, had a car, and a horny girlfriend. A 3 finger lid was $10. Hotrods and burnouts decorated the streets, with great new rock and roll blaring from the 8 tracks. But the country was going broke projecting all that democracy, and soon would be fighting the war on drugs. And we were still drafting people to fight in Viet Nam, unfortuntely.



Active member
The smell of 89 octane outa dad's 69 bronco...

Oh fuky Life...
Riding on his police special suicide shift till I almost pissed myself .......know what I miss most? The tie dyes back then kicked serious ass and REALDEAL OWSLEY LUCY was everywhere......

Cough and lemon qualudes.........South African calvin...lmao take me away. Sorry I'm.hella stoned


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
That website basically boils it down to these two charts. The USA was too big for it's britches after WW2, as we had an intact manufacturing base and most of the world's gold. Bretton woods made the dollar king, but the gold was there to be sold off. Cheap. Too cheap. The frogs snapped it up.

So we lived off selling gold too cheap, and when that ran out we went to borrowing. We are now at the end of that rope, broke, and divided. BTW, the rise of the amount of .guv gold in the 30's is because FDR stole it from the people, then a few years later sold it at a 60% increase. Gold used to be our money, as well as silver.

the money:


And the debt after the money ran out:

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Well-known member
I was 17 had a 67 Mustang, with an 8 track, smoking the primo the brotherhood had brought, along with blonde, and red leb, and a bunch of seeded Mexican weed 10 dollar lids. That sure brings back some memories...

El Timbo

Well-known member
Yet another thread that has a generic "we" in the title but turns out to be about just one country...


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
Sorry, my bad. Here is how things turned out after they unleashed the banks and the .guv from the chains of gold. Remember the women's rights movement? All about getting momma out of the house where she raised the children, and into the workplace to make up for one income not cutting it. Added bonus for the globalists was the children got more quality time in the indoctrination centers (schools).

Must be nice. When I was 17, cigarettes were $7, gas was $3, and unemployment was over 10%.

Yeah, millennials are the new silent generation...


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
Actually Mr. El Timbo, this stuff affects the whole world. The United States has badly abused whatever status we had after WW2, including our currency the dollar. We had help, it was really the globalists who went on a spree changing pieces on their grand chessboard. Just 1947 alone... India/Pakistan, Israel, the UN, Japan and Germany handed new industrial machinery to outclass our old WW2 stuff, atom bombs (and giving the stuff to the Russians so they could also get in the game), just to name a few.

In 1947 gold was globally codified to be redeemable at $35/oz for dollars. We ran out of gold, and renigged in 1971. Inflation has been globally rampant since, as well as other things that were enabled by easy living, via debt. You had to work for gold.

I believe one result was war. Bigger .guv in the USA was another result. The DEA, which came from that bigger .guv, certainly has had a lasting effect on the global cannabis universe. It wasn't a positive one.

So this is an American thread, but the world certainly has been impacted by these changes.
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