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This is why people hate cops


Active member
And this is really only the tip of the iceberg when considering all the corruption, big and small time, across the country. For every lifesaving good like CPR on kids saving their life, etc., there are things like this.


<section id="module-position-NZA86UJo4xc" class="storytopbar-bucket story-headline-module">Indictment: Philly cops went rogue, made a fortune

</section><section id="module-position-NZA86UJdcIM" class="storytopbar-bucket story-byline-module"> Rob Quinn, Newser Staff 3:57 a.m. EDT July 31, 2014
</section><section id="module-position-NZA86UrVBb0" class="storymetadata-bucket expandable-photo-module"><aside itemprop="associatedMedia" itemscope="" itemtype="http://schema.org/ImageObject" class="single-photo expandable-collapsed">

(Photo: AP/Philadelphia Police Department)


(NEWSER) — Six officers in Philadelphia's Narcotics Field Unit were among the biggest crooks in the city over a six-year period in which they used violence and threats to steal more than $500,000 in cash and drugs, according to a federal indictment.
The 26-count indictment against the six men, who were arrested at their homes yesterday, includes charges of robbery, extortion, kidnapping and drug dealing, CNN reports.
The officers have been under suspicion for years: Dozens of civil-rights lawsuits against them are pending and hundreds of cases they were involved in may now be dismissed. The feds were able to build a case against the men with the help of another former member of the unit who pleaded guilty to robbery and gun charges this year, sources tell the Philadelphia Inquirer.
Prosecutors say the men doctored police reports to conceal their theft and brutalized suspects who resisted, dangling one over an 18th-floor balcony and keeping another hostage in a hotel room for days. The officers pleaded not guilty at an initial hearing yesterday and are being held without bond. "My client is a good, decent family man, presumed innocent by law," an attorney for one of the officers tells the Inquirer. "These are merely accusations by a bunch of police-hating drug dealers."
The special agent in charge of the FBI's Philadelphia office says it doesn't matter who the victims were. "That many of the victims were drug dealers, not Boy Scouts, is irrelevant," he says. "This corrupt group chose to make their own rules. Now they will have to answer for it." Five of the six face up to life in prison if convicted; a sixth faces up to 40 years.


Well-known member
i don´t know if u heared about in america, but former days in bavaria/germany a cop shoot a guy down and killed him - headshot from behind - the victim was just about to flee, without any weapon! - sad, rly sad, but such stories get me mad about cops.


$$ ALONE $$
I bet every inmate is watching the outcome to this one!
They smell blood in the water and some pigs are gonna be getting butt-hurt. Literally!


most police today are young over aggressive bullies and punks looking for trouble ,that's why they are cops,many have serious mental flaws as well as historys of alcohol abuse and domestic violence and a high rate of suicide.they are really shamless and will do what they are told to do.add to that that they in most cases they think they are above the law and and add a touch of corrupt officers its a recipe for disaster.


Rubbing my glands together
dddaver;6476267 The feds were able to build a case against the men with the help of another former member of the unit who pleaded guilty to robbery and gun charges this year said:

Wonder how those pig fuckers feel about the use of snitches now?
When/if they get convicted it's going to be like feeding christians to the lions when they get to prison. In this case I'm pulling for the lions!!


Active member
useless wankers - after 6 years between 6 of em they had half a mil - thats shit!

and now they gonna get ass fucked for 40 years plus lol fucking idiots- all for less than 100k each after 6 years being pricks lol losers


$$ ALONE $$
Even if they didnt do anything like that, there still cops. They climb the corporate ladder through your misery, money, and inconvenience.
They wage war against thier own citizens.... the very people they should protect from people like themselves!
Most cops are the real enemy of the state. They follow the law thats written by selfish, greedy politicians that line their own pockets with huge bonuses while you are being destroyed and isolated by the state you live in.
Read what Abe Lincoln said about prohibition in my sig below.

"It strikes a blow at the very principles on which this Gov was founded." Therfore.... Cops are enemies of the state and so arent their bosses,
They should be sued for everything they have done to American families and this great country!


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
More americans are killed by cops then by terrorist each year, its clear to me who the REAL terrorist are!
Ive been bullied, wrongfully arrested & threatened to be killed by cops if i attempt to press charges against them, ive never been in any serious trouble & im "white"! I feel safer around LA gangs then cops.

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