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This is the Coco forum, right?



Coco wants to say hi. This is the Coco thread isn't it? hehe


Here's Coco, my new girlfriend. Got her yesterday to replace Rocky, my little 7 month old Rotty who was killed last March by my brother-in-law's three pit bulls. I put them down 10 minutes later.


Edited: Tried to change the title to "My new puppy, Coco" so nobody would get pissed, but it didn't work. Sorry, but my finger hit enter before I was really ready to post the thread. I'll remove it in a couple of days.
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DAMN THATS A CUTE DOG!! :rasta: Thats a shame to hear about the dogfight and resulting put downs :badday: pit bulls and rotty's are my favorite dogs. good luck with your new women. :joint:


JITAMON, thanks for the shout. Yeah, she's pretty fuckin cute. The wife's out of town and I need to know if it's morally right that I don't tell her about Coco sleeping with me last night, lmfao.



nice.........real cute looking mutt
sorry to hear about the other puppy-thats horrible

i love rotties
here's our 8yr old bitch under my daughter-
i'd love to get another puppy-good luck with Coco



Funny as shit, Neptune. lmfao. Yeah, I bet you would, dude. Don't know bout you but I've done worse, hehe.


Just a little story, true too! I lived in West Virginia for a year or so a while back. Headlines in the Charleston Gazette or whatever it was called.

Man Arrested for Having Sex With Sheep on Courthouse Lawn

A man in his late thirties was arrested by the Charleston Police at 2:00 AM on December 19th while he was having sex with one of the sheep in the "Living Nativity Scene" on the lawn of the Kanawha County Courthouse. Now the Kicker!!! He wasn't arrested because he was having sex with the sheep. He was arrested because the sheep didn't weigh enough. lmfao.

Apparently, in Charleston, WV, you can have sex with a sheep but only if it's over a certain weight. Kinda cramps your style when ya go out on a date and have to take a portable squeeze chute and some livestock scales with ya.

West Virginia is such a progressive state, hehe.


hm.. remind me NOT to eat sheep-kebab in charleston..

peace all

hehe this is my pup "Luna"

ratonera/chihuahua x chihuahua



Sheep-Kabob! Too fuckin funny bones. Now that you mention it, I think it's what they skewer it with that throws my appetite off a little, lmfao.

Damned cute little pup. Dogs sure the hell are more dependable than a lot of people I've met.

Peace to ya bro bony
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cute pups fellas makes me think about mine when he was little, he was all feet and ears when i got him and now look at the big dummy. He's 13 months old this week

thats not a dog its a small horse lol. Mojo thats the most adorable pic of a puppy ive seen in ages, hope she grows up to be a fantastic additon to your family.


SuperNuck, nice looking boy ya got there. Looks like he's serious about protecting the toys on the deck, lol. "MY TOYS!"

Thanks BaffledMonkey. Yeah, I'm really protective of her right now. She is a fantastic little girl. Everything's got to go on her mouth. And what goes in, has to come out - INSIDE AND ON THE DEN FLOOR!

She'll get it down. If I can learn not to shit on the floor, she can too! And I've almost got it under control. Can't remember the last time I had an accident. lmfao. It's taken almost nightly beatings by the wife, but I'm getting there.

Peace all


sorry guys, the only things he is ever serious about are dinner, bathroom time and nap time, in that order. We've never had a chance (thankfully) to see him 'in action' so to speak and I wouldn't want to, he is built to capture and hold humans and does it well every time he and i wrassle. I can't imagine having ever been a poacher in merry old england with 1-2 dozen of these things chasing me through the forest at night, fucking scary is all I have to say! Awesome dogs though, I have had many many dogs over the years and he is above and beyond all of them in terms of temperament, personality, disposition etc.. He loves kids so much, if anyone ever wanted to rob me blind, all they'd have to do is hire 5-6 little kids to do it and the dog would probably help. The only downside is the drool, every time he eats something he looks like he has rabies :muahaha:


Too fuckin funny SuperNuck. Funny how these little guys become a part of our lives. Really cool, though. Guys, dogs, weed, = no prob. Add a woman to the mix = problems. Why is that?

Hope nobody gets pissed about our apparent lack of regard for talking about weed in this thread. I guess I need to start mentioning her growth tips. She has eight of em on her chest and belly, lol. Maybe ten but I can't be sure. They're not growing much though.



the coco forum seems to have quieted down a little and we do seem to have a bit of a core of die hards in here, I don't think anyone will mind the dog pics. I've never met a smoker who did'nt like dogs! I know once upon a time there was talk about having sort of a coco lounge thread, I would'nt mind having a place to hang out in here, the tokers den is overrun with bullshit and youtube posts anyways!


see, this is exactly what I am talking about. How can we be the best damn forum on IC without a place for soft core porn and family photos?


Gotcha SN. Yeah the forum has seemed to die down a little hasn't it. Bad leadership I'm sure, hehe. BTW, WHERE is gaius? Last post was a couple of weeks ago.

Rosy Cheeks, so you're into humans, huh? Ya freak! I'll keep it quiet, man. No worry. My bitch, and the word seems like it was made for her, has twice as many legs as yours. I'm still looking for the other p----. I know it's here! She's beginning to get pissed though with all the poking and prodding though.
