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this is astounding stuff...

You have stumbled upon a JEWEL, trich! Decades passed while we looked forward to this man's wisdom and humble serenity following the noon news, daily. Being on a hay-crew we had no tv or computers...just radio, and he was the high point of the workday. A different take on the news of the day and an introspective view on humanity. A GOOD soul and the world is richer for his contributions. Thanx for the post. It IS all a struggle between the dark and the light.


Kiss My Ring
suppose his station in life enabled him to discern the direction he saw us going?

this was almost fifty years ago.

he must have given this quite a bit of thought, or had other information...like George Orwell had.

not that often you get to peek at the devils playbook...


Sorcerer's Apprentice
the devil... is a projection.... of your fear.... it isn't real. It is your fear personified.

God.... is a projection.... of your hopes.... it isn't real. It is your aspiration personified.

Get past the projections and people are just people dealing with other people.


3rd-Eye Jedi
the devil... is a projection.... of your fear.... it isn't real. It is your fear personified.

God.... is a projection.... of your hopes.... it isn't real. It is your aspiration personified.

Get past the projections and people are just people dealing with other people.

the fact that we all project duality of nature is a clue that we are of the same source which is the basis of creationism

regardless lets work with your logic

if its all just "projections" then we are equally entitled to enjoy our own to our own accord

when you try to correct someone eles's projected reality with your own do you as yourself if there will be a benefit?

do you understand the causation of belief in their life?

have you been witness to it before you decided to judge it?

sounds like the reason you understand project is because you do some of it yourself

there is a definitive causation to human nature

many find it in various dogmatic and philosophical beliefs

see another universal trait among humans is th trap of the human ego, the trap where the whole of our life's experiences so shape our understanding that we can't fathom similar enlightenment via a different means

if you were in Australia and i were in America and at the same time we were asked to look up at the sky we would see a "different" portion of the same sky, the differential being a matter of personal perspective

the universal truth is the sky is larger than all of us thus we only see a small section individually

when you can adopt this understanding you will can focus on the humanity that lies within us all instead of focusing on the differences

Christ said it most eloquently "it is not what goes into a mans mouth that defiles a man but what comes out"

Nichiren called it turning poison to medicine

you are right though it is a matter of our perception who we decide to deem just a person

that is could anyone you see or meet be just as human as you or me

in my life's experience that is a yes


3rd-Eye Jedi
some pondering from another forum

god is universal, our egos are not

and while our nomenclature may vary from dogma to dogma the "physics" of human spirituality remain the same and all they all potentially lead to the same path

our minds are the playground for all these forces and are actions are how they are manifested and projected into the world

its the quintessential struggle we all are exposed too, embrace the carnal part of your being we are born into our embrace the conscious potential of our being that lies above the carnal one


3rd-Eye Jedi
a response to someone else regarding the god concept seemed to fit

have dogmas and philosophies simply changed over time like the organism that founded them?

changing ever so slightly from generation to generation but over a span of time it changes starkly much like the dna of the creatures that create it

have you ever asked yourself why is it that man kind is drawn to the same proverbial "spiritual wells" over thousands of years and across disparate continents?

not every culture was exposed to the book of the dead yet they believe in celestial beings

in fact you would willing gamble that there are "aliens" or beings that reside in the celestial bodies

did you think far enough into the equation that your premise that there is intelligent life in the universe is the same claim the bible makes?

angels in the skies?

do you have any idea how many dogmas and philosophies refer to celestial or alien beings planes or powers?

it seems downright ignorant to think that there isn't a bit of truth to all of the inklings of man

do you think the laws of the universe we experience here are incongruent with the laws that lie outside our own galaxy ?

now ask yourself if we can sense the unseen past our 5 sense such as gravity and time

now consider if there is such a thing as congruency and we evolving to become cognitively aware of unseen forces through observation of causation, then what is the unseen we have been observing through causation and proselytizing over the past eon?

the living spirit of humanity that has existed longer than any ones lifetime, that is an entity in and of itself and whose undeniable existence is the foundation of most dogma and philosophy

in the all roads lead to the lotus sutra and for me ( and ill save the causation lecture on this one for when i feel like writing that much) proof that we share a like design and thus are "created" not just random happenstance

what is one realistic god theory?

did intelligent life exist elsewhere in the universe and send self replicating rna/dna into deep space hoping that it would find a suitable host and colonize as a way to save the race and are we it?

were on the cusp of being able to do this ourselves

its really not that far out a concept, live on this planet being a creation from life on another

and humanity isn't so bad when people contribute to it harmoniously

isn't that the defining factor that makes a phish show perfect

"the energy"

its the collective spirit of humanity we share in it is our full potential

now how special is that


3rd-Eye Jedi
i always wondered why people who claim to love humanity for humanity sake judge humanity that love humanity because of dogmatic or philosophical reasons

this phenomenon's existence tells me the devil is real and is a part of our being we choose to manifest .. or not

what would happen if we embrace the conscious potential in all of us, the potential to live in harmonious synergy regardless of the catalyst?

we would have the peace the different dogmas and philosophies promise us if we seek it

the devil is standing in front of everyone's egos saying "only if they look and act like him"

and that translates to many different dogma's and philosophies proposed devil because it is the same in all of us


Active member
Everything he's preaching was going on then an is going on now . Its the ease information is received by the masses thats changed . Which probagates an so on an so on .

Hank Hemp

Active member
Same sorry BS I've heard my whole life from the likes of the rich like Harvey. Telling us what's best for us. After all most of us are too dumb to think for ourselves.

guest 77721

I always enjoyed Paul Harvey when I heard him on the radio over the years. I always found his voice so convincing and sincere.

Funny to hear how conservative and fascist his world view is now. His radio program wasn't more than a daily sermon. I guess it's true that fascism is the bible wrapped in a flag.
I still dig paul harvey. Got some of his books. The rest of the story things.......always wanted to get my folks on that part where a couple has been married for 50 years or more. On the other hand there has always been the doomsday folks......since the beginning of time. go figure. Just another Christian for legalization so write me off if ya want to. Now if I could just find my copy of Black Sabbaths first album. With the worlds most boring opening track. Such a great album except for that song.......Wonder if Nero knew any bluegrass tunes?


Kiss My Ring
hmmn. i fall somewhere in between Anti and Weird.
the message was somewhat lost in the existential arguement, that what he was warning us about has come to pass.

Hank Hemp

Active member
I was listening to HP one and I thought I'd heard or something what he'd just said. I looked in the newspaper and word for word was one of short info burbs was a AP short. Hell he'd just used as a story. Lame and lazy, he'd just read a paper. I could do that and I barely spell.