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They Say Coco Sucks


crazaer at overgrow 2.0
ICMag Donor
Where to start?

This paper was written by Mormons. I'm not one to start slinging religious shite out the

gate, but have you read any of the book of mormon (as given by the angel moroni?)

It will quickly make you question the validity of any statement given by someone who

believes in that book.

Furthermore, at the beginning of the paper it states that they are only testing

applications with monocots. Cannabis is a dicot. The plants tested also are high N

consumers, unlike Cannabis and especially the way we're growing it.

To cap it all off they're using Peter's ferts that are way too high in N for coco. When

they fail to even mention nutrient lockout you can bet that the damn thing was written

by freshmen (or Mormons, wait, I already slandered them enough).

There's probably more points to make but I have real ish to deal with. Good day, sir!

Peace, Love, & Coco
Lets not even get started on the Mormons, I think everyone (including SouthPark "DUMB DUMB DUMB DUMB DUMB DUMB DUMB" LOL) knows how rediculous that religion is.

Humble hit it on the head though, that experiment is totally off. Coco I know for a fact is one best mediums you can grow in, it has a steep learning curve but once you get it, its amazing. Not to mention eco-friendly.
Yes, I think the key to understanding this study comes down to the fertilizers that were used. The nutrients used in the study were not specifically formulated for coco, in spite of the fact that several manufactures have developed lines of coco specific ferts.

I remember reading that coco was considered, and then rejected, as a growth medium because of high salt issues and fertilizer problems as early as the 19th century. These problems were of course later addressed and solved. All this was ignored by the study’s authors.

I would appreciate a more knowledgeable analysis.


OldMan&theWeed said:
I would appreciate a more knowledgeable analysis.

there are tons of successful coco growers on here; threads and pics are plenty.

btw- coco nutes aren't necesarry for good results in coco.

20kw dreams

Interesting. I could see it. Think about it: Why would our favorite hydroponic suppliers try to sell us huge bags of cheap ass Peat and Perlite, when they could sell us expensive ass Coco? The horticultural industry has been using peat forever, and I think they would switch in a quick minute if results were better, but then again perhaps the yield doesn't justify the cost when you are selling $2 plants.

You guys shouldn't be playing the Mormon card though, that's BS. You guys should take that one to the religion/philosophy forum. These people were presenting the data from their research, so just take it for what it is, which is not Mormon propaganda I'm sure.


crazaer at overgrow 2.0
ICMag Donor
I'm sorry, I never should have gone there. Just trying to inject some levity into the

situation before I exploded.

I just remembered another point: peat was mentioned as a concern, not because the

production of peat destroys the natural peat bog environment, because there might

not be a reliable supply.

Whoever wrote this "research paper" needed to do some more research.

20kw- you got it right there "yield doesn't justify the cost". Peat is so much cheaper

for the mass producers of nursery and landscaping plants that they'll never switch. It's

not about yield for them, it's about profit. If paper were a cost effective medium, they

would use that.

Peace, Love & Coco


I think that any evaluation of coco should include nutrients specifically designed for use with coco. I'd think that a test would need to use a number of different coco nutes to give a proper impression. I'm noticing quite a difference between the canna a+b i used last time and the AN Monkey Juice I'm currently using.
I’m not questioning the viability of coco. Coco’s effectiveness as a reliable, effective substrate has been proven with cannabis, as well as other crops such as roses and strawberries. What I am questioning is HOW this study could conclude that coco is an inferior medium to peat moss when the practical experience of so many horticulturalists says otherwise. The problems with peat include:

Peat must have lime added to stabilize the PH.
Peat decomposes quickly compared to coco.
Peat must be mixed with perlite or it will hold too much water and cause root rot.
Peat must go through a wet/dry cycle which precludes drip or ebb & flow.
Peat doesn't hold as much Oxygen as coco.

Yet this study says that peat produces better results. What’s going on?


Yet this study says that peat produces better results. What’s going on?

the fact that a link to a company selling peat appears on the first page gives the game away doesn't it? it's not a peer reviewed academic study-it's advertising



Not all coco are the same. Not all nutrients are the same.
Lets not forget the peat and saw dust industry that want you to use thier products. Lets all watch the peat and saw dust price's in the next coming years.
In california most of the commercial roses are grown in coco.
Coco has it's problems, but it is the future.
Also I would have liked to see what the difference would have been with multiple feedings in a day. I know in my coco garden that is the case.
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Originally Posted by British_Hempire
. . .I'm noticing quite a difference between the canna a+b i used last time and the AN Monkey Juice I'm currently using.

What difference do you see?

The canna nutes required the use of ph down to bring the ph below 6. My tap water has no salt contant at all, being straight off the mountains, it has an ec too low for mt truncheon to measure. I would mix the canna nutes to an ec of between 1.6 and 1.9 and the ec would be around 6.5, so I owuld have to use ph down. I had some issues with ph spotting and nute burn with the canna.

The plants grown with Monkey Juice just seem healthier, no ph or overfert problems. After mixing the Monkey juice, the ph is 5.4 to 5.7 so no adjustment needed.

I'll reserve judgement till final harvest, the results from the canna nutes were impressive, hopefully the Monkey Juice will perform as well.