Haven't actively read the paper in decades.... happened to be shown this and figured I'd share.
Anyone care to pick apart the "Irrefutable Facts" in this article?
There are literally thousands of sources of 'facts' that prove the opposite and I know that at least a few sombodies have quick access to the best of the best.
On a side note... In the 4+ years I've looked into the "medical" end of cannabis... the one thing I've found to be true is this:
"Anyone... and I mean ANYONE.... who dilligently studies this subject, with an open mind and from all avenues (for and against)... anyone who works with patients one on one using cannabis in concentrated oils/edibles/sub-linguals/lotions/etc...
Anyone who makes a serious study of this subject... finds out the truth and cannot refute the evidence they've researched and witnessed.
People are SOOOooooo programmed!
Haven't actively read the paper in decades.... happened to be shown this and figured I'd share.
Denver Post opinion page said:CU's Leadership in curbing 4/20 pot fest
Re: "CU's efforst dwindle pro-marijuana crowd; Rally blows over," April 21 news story.
Hats off to the University of Colorado for providing much-needed leadership where there has been little. Particularly disturbing is press coverage glorifying marijuana use with no discussion of how increasing marijuana use is impacting our state. While many misconceptions exist, two facts remain irrefutable: Marijuana use permanently damages the young developing brain, and today's marijuana is much more potent than ever before.
Marijuana, not alcohol, is the No.1 reason why children and adolescents are admitted to substance-dependence treatment today. In the last four years, drug-related suspensions at Colorado public schools have increased 45%. Meanwhile, with more marijuana dispensaries than Starbucks coffee shops, marijuana is as enticing and accessible than ever.
It is time for all of us, including the media, to step up. Our indeifference is putting the health and well being of our yout in jeapordy.
Diane Carlson, Englewood
Anyone care to pick apart the "Irrefutable Facts" in this article?
There are literally thousands of sources of 'facts' that prove the opposite and I know that at least a few sombodies have quick access to the best of the best.
On a side note... In the 4+ years I've looked into the "medical" end of cannabis... the one thing I've found to be true is this:
"Anyone... and I mean ANYONE.... who dilligently studies this subject, with an open mind and from all avenues (for and against)... anyone who works with patients one on one using cannabis in concentrated oils/edibles/sub-linguals/lotions/etc...
Anyone who makes a serious study of this subject... finds out the truth and cannot refute the evidence they've researched and witnessed.
People are SOOOooooo programmed!