OK Guys .. I am taking the plunge! I have been lurking here for a couple months now and voraciously reading everything I could on everything but most especially the auto flower.
What I would like is for you guys with all your experience to help me design the “PERFECT” cabinet for growing only AF’s. It must be no larger in dimensions than I already use and preferably instead of the 18” deep to be only 12” deep and use only the 150w HPS with maybe a couple CFL’s for lower level foliage.
I built a grow tent using panda film and pvc. (a temporary get by) Dimensions are:
36”w x 42”h x 18”d
SILVERSTONE FM121-B 120mm Case Fan w/110cfm on exhaust (unless I turn it way down to low it keeps the panda film sucked in)
3 3.5” passive intakes
4 socket bath vanity with Y splitters to accommodate 8 26w CFL
5” fan blowing between plants and cfl’s
I am very surprised I haven’t killed the freebie short stuff seeds I am using to learn on. I started them in tiny Dixie cups then moved them to 16oz cups. When they started looking a bit bedraggled I checked them to find I had over watered them. At that time I moved them into fresh soil and 2 gallon bags. You won’t believe it but they are finally looking not to bad at all. I have to say tho the bag seed I am playing with growing in Miracle Grow with fertilizer (in far too small cups) is much nice looking than the Short Stuff in Jungle Grow organic. Fertilizer I am using is chemical.. I know I am defeating the purpose of organic .. but it’s all I have atm. I just can’t see ordering in the fox farm soils and nutes and there is no where locally to obtain it.
I can only put 6 cfl’s in there without temps soaring so I ordered a 150w HPS that I expect in tomorrow in hopes it will be better light and easier to control temps.
I anxiously wait for all the accumulated years of experience in growing AF’s and lessons you can teach me.
I do have a pic of my little much abused Short Stuff uploaded to an album but can't figure out how to put it in here. Every time I try to drag it over it wipes out all my writing
What I would like is for you guys with all your experience to help me design the “PERFECT” cabinet for growing only AF’s. It must be no larger in dimensions than I already use and preferably instead of the 18” deep to be only 12” deep and use only the 150w HPS with maybe a couple CFL’s for lower level foliage.
I built a grow tent using panda film and pvc. (a temporary get by) Dimensions are:
36”w x 42”h x 18”d
SILVERSTONE FM121-B 120mm Case Fan w/110cfm on exhaust (unless I turn it way down to low it keeps the panda film sucked in)
3 3.5” passive intakes
4 socket bath vanity with Y splitters to accommodate 8 26w CFL
5” fan blowing between plants and cfl’s
I am very surprised I haven’t killed the freebie short stuff seeds I am using to learn on. I started them in tiny Dixie cups then moved them to 16oz cups. When they started looking a bit bedraggled I checked them to find I had over watered them. At that time I moved them into fresh soil and 2 gallon bags. You won’t believe it but they are finally looking not to bad at all. I have to say tho the bag seed I am playing with growing in Miracle Grow with fertilizer (in far too small cups) is much nice looking than the Short Stuff in Jungle Grow organic. Fertilizer I am using is chemical.. I know I am defeating the purpose of organic .. but it’s all I have atm. I just can’t see ordering in the fox farm soils and nutes and there is no where locally to obtain it.
I can only put 6 cfl’s in there without temps soaring so I ordered a 150w HPS that I expect in tomorrow in hopes it will be better light and easier to control temps.
I anxiously wait for all the accumulated years of experience in growing AF’s and lessons you can teach me.
I do have a pic of my little much abused Short Stuff uploaded to an album but can't figure out how to put it in here. Every time I try to drag it over it wipes out all my writing