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The Original O'l Farts Club.

Unca Walt

Well-known member
You gave your volcano away? Here is the picture you were talking about. I featured your book in the pic. You can also use it with a hand held vape
View attachment 19075259
The Beautiful Witch looked at that rig and said (all in one breath):

"You gave away what is now a $600 Volcano because it used too much of your marijuana supply and oh look she has one of your novels on a stand!"

Ya gotta be able to multiplex when married to a redhead. ;)

Anyway, I guess I looked at the rig at first as a way to avoid the Volcano and (Duh!) did not realize you still haveta use a Volcano inna first place to get the goodies inna bag. Darn.

I would still have given my V-toy away because there is NO FARGIN WAY to make a bagful of smoke from a lima-bean sized bit of weed using it. Takes at least a teaspoon. Or about a Marley's worth. Outrageous.

Youse guys would laugh if you saw the extremes I have engineered into my toking. I can guarantee that you would be unaware of any weed smell from my setup and method. I waste (Sgt Schultz ON) NUH-thing!

I light up a lima bean/pea-sized bit of weed in a steel cylinder with a mesh bottom. The cylinder connects to a clear tube inserted into a half-gallon bottle with 4" of water in it and a tube out the cap. The steel cylinder holding the weed is capped by an air-tight sleeve-cover instantly as one takes a hit. Not a wisp of smoke lost.

So I light it, hit it/cap it... and exhale into the bag. Then I do "three and three" <-- Three breaths from the bag and three exhales bag into the bag. Then rotate the procedure with a minimum of three or more breaths of plain open air. No oxygen starvation.

I can get a second (albeit shorter) hit by re-lighting the bit of weed in the steel cylinder and repeating the process. When the time comes that the bag is clear of anything, I just empty it one last time and exhale to the world. Zero smoke.

So I get absolutely all the yummy from that lima bean, leaving only white ash, and there is no odor detectable from smoke, since no smoke ever gets into the air.

Hey, @SubGirl You gotta tell me: Didja get chokey while reading The Cadet? (either for happy or sad)

I am at 87% for respondents doing so. One guy said, "You son of a bitch! You got me on the last page!"

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
You crushed me ,I thought they cared
My sincerest apologies brother!

I almost didn't post that sage and witty saying because us old farts do talk a lot about food and thought about substituting another activity for the word breakfast but decided not to plagiarize.

Please accept the sage wit of the anon author about the shit posted on Facebook and other social media, using a word that befits your current perspective.

IE: Remember before Facebook when no one cared about our ablutions? They still don't. Graywolf


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
Off to the Basement to do my thing. '


Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Yes Sir!

been following that sailor for over a year now!..

I think they are over in Greenland now

I follow about 10 different bloggers who sail , way better content than any of the crap that is being served up on lame stream media

lately I have been watching this Dutch woman solo circumnavigate the flat earth 🤓🤓🤓

I believe her boat is a 27’ foot Contessa

The problem with solo sailing is who runs the boat while you sleep? We had auto steer and wind vane steer on Illusions, but you have to be assured about the weather and that there is nothing out there to hit or hit you.

You also have to stay connected to the boat with a safety line because if you go over, the boat won't be returning to pick you up.


On a mailtrain.
Premium user
The problem with solo sailing is who runs the boat while you sleep? We had auto steer and wind vane steer on Illusions, but you have to be assured about the weather and that there is nothing out there to hit or hit you.

You also have to stay connected to the boat with a safety line because if you go over, the boat won't be returning to pick you up.

Have you ever heard of Joshua Slocum?.. you probably have
It’s a great story!

There are a few reasons why I like the solo sailing videos

Mostly, I want to see how these humans can solo sail 20 to 30 days out on the deep blue Sea..

What a challenge!

Just found this young sailor with a cause who should be on his way about now for a solo circumnavigation
