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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Well-known member
So, where did you learn french......from your mother.....??

No, my friends sister. She was a french teacher.

Quite a good one.

I managed to go into a pharmacy in France once and ask for some drops for my itchy "eggs" instead of my eyes, then I told the woman behind the counter that I loved her.

The wife may have been doubled up with laughter at that point. So I got away with it. :greenstars: :good:


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
Funny story if I get this right. When my daughter was a senior in HS the school always gave a pep rally before the game.

This year the senior Football players were marched into the gym blindfolded and told that they each got to kiss one of the Cheerleaders. The game was to figure out which Cheerleader it was that they kissed. Sound like fun. The whole student body though so.

Keep in mind they were blindfolded.......Couple of the guys really got carried away and really got carried away with their kissing technique. Since my daughter was a cheerleader Mrs Pute and I were in on what was about to happen.

The whole gym exploded in laughter when the Players MOTHER was the one getting kissed. You should have seen the face of the football player when he removed his blindfold and he realized he had just kissed his mother.

That was 1997 and I haven't laughed as hare since that day.


Well-known member
good morning peoples...storm left a few limbs down but all it well...genset has been running since yesterday afternoon...I'm afraid to look at my fuel level...a 20 hp Honda eats propane...
I seen photos of lots of property damage and my understanding some people have died.

It's good for your particular situation you have escaped the worst, you and your furry family are safe.
I hope it is all over for you and you can get back to your health needs.

Unca Walt

Well-known member
As a Plumbers son I cant wrap my brain around that.
As an electrician to me it's a pumping station nightmare.
Sounds like too much can go wrong
I had worked in sewerage treatment plants earlier in my career and always knew when corn was on sale.
I dunno if these pipes are a problem or somewhat of a fix... I got to stand on a short motor-traffic bridge over there, and look down at the river below.

It was not water. It was a fast-flowing river of raw sewage.

Unca Walt

Well-known member
beautiful day out today...looking at the yard I have no strength to get out there to begin the cleanup...been fatigued for months and nothing is getting done...I need to motivate but my body is telling me to kiss my ass...
Wait'll hurricane season is over.

Then hire a team of women only to straighten up the place.


Well-known member
Premium user
Hey Yall last day of trimming in the cap junky tent. Decided to use the bowl trimmer. I gotta say it sure is a quicker job with this tool. The trimmer does not do as pretty of a job as hand trimming but it’s acceptable to me s long as I have three racks of beautiful hand trimmed to look good in the jar while I smoke up the ugly stuff 🤪
‘really look ok tho…. This tent yielded very nice 🥰😁


Well-known member
Our daughter is gonna get some tough love today when I tell her no on the overnight thing and the reason why. She and a lifestyle change putting the kids interest first is the only thing that will change things. She accepts the way things are and feels that there is nothing more she can do. She used the Down syndrome crutch too saying that the granddaughter has two behavioral specialists that say that DS kids are prone to these actions. I just can’t allow her behavior and every moment she is with me I am constantly correcting her which steals all my energy as well as takes away from quality time with her. Plus, I don’t want her burning my house down in the 20 seconds I take my eyes off her. 🙁
Hey Sub, I have worked/volunteered as tutor for many age groups, in the school system, college and for an international organization. There has been a couple of times I have had to decline to work with a student because their problems go beyond learning. I found it very taxing on myself to work with children that I did not know how to help. My understanding of Down Syndrome is that there can be challenging behavioral issues.
Not everyone is equipped(mentally/physically) to meet these kind demands.
I hope something can be worked out for all involved. My heart goes out to you, these are not easy decisions.


Well-known member
Checking out the outside girls before the rain. Pulled some leaves. Found these growing on one of them. I’m sure there are more…

I put them in a jar to see what they grow into. Yall know?
took this with my scope. They are super small black and with dots to the naked eye less than pin head size

maybe aphids?
View attachment 19074044
It could be a good thing, maybe lady bugs.

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