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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Well-known member
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A developer in this area bribed the crooked county commission into letting him put 8” pvc pipes in the ground as a private sever system. The waste from each house in several subdivisions is pumped from their own 5 gallon bucket into this line, which travels about 5 miles to a pumping station where it is sent into the city sewer system. That line is pressurized by the houses individual pumps. I am waiting for someone to use a power auger to put in a mailbox post and hit that pressurized poo line. There she blows!

The all-important check valves will hopefully also start failing.
In addition, that was engineered for normal asses.
If the neighborhoods started to turn just 28% Italian, the load put on that system would make it fail.
The overflow would do damage of Biblical proportions.


Well-known member
Get @bigsur51 and we can start a "no appendix" club.

Since my guts were all over the floor anyway, the surgeon decided to yank my perfectly normal appendix out while he was in there. <-- TINS I dunno if that is a common practice, or if I got some kinda insurance freebie that I was guaranteed never to have appendicitis.
I am 75 with an appendix.
I do remember being a young fellow and playing outside with the kids. When all of a sudden one boy was down on the ground in agony. The ambulance was there soon after for him and his burst appendix. He seemed to be in a world of hurt.
My wife had a bust appendix and explained how painful it was. At the same time the doctor casually mentioned to her on his way out of her hospital room, oh, by the way you have Crohn's disease and he left her laying there wondering WTF is Crohn's disease.

take care Unca Walt, with his new computer and password:)


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
I am 75 with an appendix.
I do remember being a young fellow and playing outside with the kids. When all of a sudden one boy was down on the ground in agony. The ambulance was there soon after for him and his burst appendix. He seemed to be in a world of hurt.
My wife had a bust appendix and explained how painful it was. At the same time the doctor casually mentioned to her on his way out of her hospital room, oh, by the way you have Crohn's disease and he left her laying there wondering WTF is Crohn's disease.

take care Unca Walt, with his new computer and password:)
I still have my appendix as well. Good Morning OldMan.


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
beautiful day out today...looking at the yard I have no strength to get out there to begin the cleanup...been fatigued for months and nothing is getting done...I need to motivate but my body is telling me to kiss my ass...
Sorry Boo! Funny these days are much the same. I just know out of gas feels like I have a 40 lb weight strap to my butt.

I need to go wash pots be back later.


Well-known member
Good evening OFs! Hope you're all cool n groovy today.

Pute, Boo, you have some years on me, but I've been out of gas since getting that corvid last xmas. It's put me right on my arse.
I struggled in the garden this year, the renovations on my house have also ground to a halt.

Words of wisdom from my wife... "Do not beat yourself up about it, your body tells you to rest, so you just rest up."

I'm drinking a beer and making daft AI pictures then!!! But don't be too hard on yourselves, as long as the dogs get walked and there's a dope plant growing, I think life should be fine.


On a mailtrain.
Premium user
Checking out the outside girls before the rain. Pulled some leaves. Found these growing on one of them. I’m sure there are more…

I put them in a jar to see what they grow into. Yall know?
took this with my scope. They are super small black and with dots to the naked eye less than pin head size

maybe aphids?
View attachment 19074044


easy to control


Cabana’s bitch
my health has gone to hell in the last few years...I've got 2 issues that have a side effect of fatigued...some day I really don't wanna get out of bed but the boys keep me honest...I've got a small fortune sitting in my commercial real estate and I've done nothing to get it ready to sell...all I need is a well but geebus they have gotten super strict and I'm dealing with a small book of paperwork they wanna see before I can get cranking,...


On a mailtrain.
Premium user
Good evening OFs! Hope you're all cool n groovy today.

Pute, Boo, you have some years on me, but I've been out of gas since getting that corvid last xmas. It's put me right on my arse.
I struggled in the garden this year, the renovations on my house have also ground to a halt.

Words of wisdom from my wife... "Do not beat yourself up about it, your body tells you to rest, so you just rest up."

I'm drinking a beer and making daft AI pictures then!!! But don't be too hard on yourselves, as long as the dogs get walked and there's a dope plant growing, I think life should be fine.

listen to the wife unit



Well-known member
!@#$%^&*() Squirrels are picking off our tomatoes as they ripen, so I picked them all green and will ripen the remaining tomatoes off the vine or eat them green.

I relocated five squirrels last year with no effect and tried to keep them busy with peanuts this year to no effect beyond smiley faces. The perverse thing is that my Plan B was to relocate the tomatoes to the side rose garden next year to avoid the squirrels and discovered that they are burying the peanuts that I feed them in the back yard, in our side rose garden now.
Hello GW and a very good day to you.

I've had volunteer peanut plants show up in my garden, from either the Steller's Jay or the squirrels burying their goodies. Along with other plants and trees, as well.

I can appreciate your diligence in a peaceful resolution:)