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My teenage granddaughter has not gone to school for 2 weeks. Stressed. But parents allow her to sit on her room all day and night on her phone and then go out on weekends.
Our daughter is gonna get some tough love today when I tell her no on the overnight thing and the reason why. She and a lifestyle change putting the kids interest first is the only thing that will change things. She accepts the way things are and feels that there is nothing more she can do. She used the Down syndrome crutch too saying that the granddaughter has two behavioral specialists that say that DS kids are prone to these actions. I just can’t allow her behavior and every moment she is with me I am constantly correcting her which steals all my energy as well as takes away from quality time with her. Plus, I don’t want her burning my house down in the 20 seconds I take my eyes off her. 🙁

Mtn. Nectar

Well-known member
truth to that Pute…. when did kids run the home… never in my day….

guess who she’s voting for…..?


Well-known member
Morning gang. Storm just blew over. Then we lost power 😂. Got the generators running for the important stuff.
Only thing I’ll say about the parts store code reading. Don’t take any advice they give. Need to research the codes yourself online. I’ve seen them tell a guy his cam position sender was bad and to just fix it when it was convenient. Code was for a range performance fault which meant the signal was there it was just out of normal range. So three days later his car jumped one more tooth on the timing and ruined a cylinder head.
Agreed. They provide the service to get you to buy parts. Good advice on searching the code(s) they tell you are being read and looking for your specific vehicle(especially look on Jeep forums for Jeeps, Ford forums for Fords, etc). Odds are some enthusiast has had your problem and has a fix for it(sometimes with videos).


Well-known member
@SubGirl I dunno if I am in time with this, but lemme put my 2c in.

You are NOT responsible for your granddaughter. Not in any way whatsoever.

Your new rule (and make sure your give the reasons stated above) is she is not to come to your house. Your personal risk -- monetary and livability -- is the rock-solid reason.

Do not compromise.
Totally agree with Unca here!

Set down the ground rules and do not waiver!

Someone has to be the adult in the room!! Leave the emotions out of it.

Mom doesn't discipline out of guilt is my SWAG.


Well-known member
no needy Amigo

only thing blue around here is the sky

View attachment 19073996
No flooding here. No hurricanes - just the occasional thunderstorms and tornado's.

Jeez. Now I feel guilty about feeding the squiddels at the Chateau. If I go out with a handful of peanuts and make tossing motions, they'll come right up to me to get one.

Inevitably, they run at least 20' away to eat them. If I catch them burying those peanuts, the kitchen will close.
Wife feeds them nuts in the shell. They bury them in the neighbor's yard. Neighbor uses nuts to capture squirrels in a cage and then shoots them with a BB gun.

Gotta love people sometimes....


Well-known member
My teenage granddaughter has not gone to school for 2 weeks. Stressed. But parents allow her to sit on her room all day and night on her phone and then go out on weekends.
My youngest dropped out of high school with our blessing. A vice principal had a hair across his ass for my son and made no bones about it. He once told my son he would be re-roofing his house one day and apologize to the VP for being such a little shit. My son beat the shit out of kids who bullied his buddies on a few occasions and the VP didn’t think that was acceptable. Fast forward 10 years and my son runs a local Y and his former VP brings his kid to the day care program at the Y. He has actually apologized to my son. I am aware that my son is the exception. His obsession was martial arts not his phone and that is a big difference.


Well-known member
Our daughter is gonna get some tough love today when I tell her no on the overnight thing and the reason why. She and a lifestyle change putting the kids interest first is the only thing that will change things. She accepts the way things are and feels that there is nothing more she can do. She used the Down syndrome crutch too saying that the granddaughter has two behavioral specialists that say that DS kids are prone to these actions. I just can’t allow her behavior and every moment she is with me I am constantly correcting her which steals all my energy as well as takes away from quality time with her. Plus, I don’t want her burning my house down in the 20 seconds I take my eyes off her. 🙁
Good for you!

Knew a gal 30+ years ago who decided with her hubby to not raise their little boy strict like their parents did.

Kid was a wild animal. In restaurants he'd climb under the table (booth) and over to mom's side and back. Cute!

One day she was at a lady's house with the varmint eating tea cakes. Kid goes up to the host and asks to try one of hers. Host says "Ok..." Kid takes one bite then spits it out on her plate in disgust. Mom was horrified, but what you gonna do when you have no discipline?

"Spare the rod and spoil the child" is an historic idiom for a reason.


Well-known member
My youngest dropped out of high school with our blessing. A vice principal had a hair across his ass for my son and made no bones about it. He once told my son he would be re-roofing his house one day and apologize to the VP for being such a little shit. My son beat the shit out of kids who bullied his buddies on a few occasions and the VP didn’t think that was acceptable. Fast forward 10 years and my son runs a local Y and his former VP brings his kid to the day care program at the Y. He has actually apologized to my son. I am aware that my son is the exception. His obsession was martial arts not his phone and that is a big difference.
Every kid should take martial arts. Equal the playing field.

Kids today are socialized pussies.


Our daughter is gonna get some tough love today when I tell her no on the overnight thing and the reason why. She and a lifestyle change putting the kids interest first is the only thing that will change things. She accepts the way things are and feels that there is nothing more she can do. She used the Down syndrome crutch too saying that the granddaughter has two behavioral specialists that say that DS kids are prone to these actions. I just can’t allow her behavior and every moment she is with me I am constantly correcting her which steals all my energy as well as takes away from quality time with her. Plus, I don’t want her burning my house down in the 20 seconds I take my eyes off her. 🙁
Your daughter needs her monkey ass whooped.........get'em!

I reckon they are rooted and ready to uppot by now.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
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