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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Well-known member
Good Morning All (OF's):

Wishing each and every one of you, a pleasant morning, wonderful day, and outstanding evening.
I am currently pretty tied up with projects and work, so wanted to start with a daily check in hello.
Today is Friday and right next door to the weekend on Saturday. Will be glad for the break. TGIF!!

See you all tomorrow (again)! (y):)

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
You can also buy a code reader for pretty cheap. I bought one for around $30 that has saved me $100’s in garage charges. Cleaning a MAF is quick and easy. So is cleaning out acorns from an air filter box(mice filled my box with 20-25 acorns once).
Thanks, I'll check that out as well. If the codes are universal, I can use it on both our Jeep and Ford.


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
!@#$%^&*() Squirrels are picking off our tomatoes as they ripen, so I picked them all green and will ripen the remaining tomatoes off the vine or eat them green.

I relocated five squirrels last year with no effect and tried to keep them busy with peanuts this year to no effect beyond smiley faces. The perverse thing is that my Plan B was to relocate the tomatoes to the side rose garden next year to avoid the squirrels and discovered that they are burying the peanuts that I feed them in the back yard, in our side rose garden now.
Our squirrels never touch my maters


On a mailtrain.
Premium user

the kopi luwak coffee is the cats arse!….goot chit Mang!..



Mtn. Nectar

Well-known member
Big…. got ya covered brah…!

another hot one..at least the flowers enjoying….and never seen a season with no codling moth/budworm problems like this here in the pit….

stay fried amigos….