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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Well-known member
ya know , one time a doctor mistook me for a female when I was 15

Long story short , my appendix ruptured when I was 15 and my dad drove me to the emergency room and I was laying in the emergency room with the sheet, pulled up to my neck with only my head and face showing

The doc came in and asked me where the pain was, and when I pointed down to my side , asked me when I had my last period 😂😂😂

When I told him I was a dude, he got this funny look on his face and then just walked out of the room

I almost died and was in intensive care for 16 days
Mine ruptured when I was 6 or 7 years old.

Worse pain ever. I was a skinny kid. I could count my ribs if I held my arms up. Dr. said it burst and was contained in the fat.


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Premium user
Good night folks, hopefully I’ll be able to check in tomorrow after the storm blows through. The news is saying 5 inches of water coming down is rain and up to 10 feet of water coming in on the title surge.
Hold on tight boo. I will be looking for your snack time and you to check in in the morning. Sleep well🥰


Boo's gonna be just fine don't you'all fret too much.
30' of surge and he would be in trouble but the whole state would be as well.
News is squawking 20' of surge noaa says 8'........fuckin news chumps.
Don't get drowned and make me look stoopiderer than I already do @Boo !

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Hey Gypsy, having lived closer to the ocean , I found the fall and winter rainy months, while warmer than the interior of BC, the damp cold seems to permeate into your body differently than the snowy cold of the interior. I much prefer the snowy cold over the damp cold of Vancouver or the Islands.

How is Loki and are you still the keeper of cats?
Oh yeah, are you still drying and curing or is project complete and ready for use? Any comments on the finished bud?

Hope all is well with your life.
Here it's wet and chilly mostly thru fall and winter - although these past years we haven't had a serious snow/ice winter in the South of England - so temps rarely drop below zero - winters seem much milder today than when I was a kid more than half a century ago -

Loki the mutt pup is 7 going 8 months old now - has put on some weight in the past 2 months - since he came to stay with us and now weighs around 13lb - growing fast - I got him a new pink and fleecy dog bed that is very warm for him to sleep in yesterday - and he looks happy in it 😀

Yes - I have harvested all my plants now - just one Zamaldelica is left to dry out - and looks like I'll get 4 zips full out of what I grew so easily on my balcony this year - already I'm getting stoned on the dried bud - and it's working well 😀 - I'd doubt seeing any of this bud cured before it's consumed - 😆