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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Well-known member
Jan, are those solar lights in the planter and if they are, do they effect your flower cycle?
They are solar lights and not bright at all. The first harvest was not bothered the buds were nice and tight. Plus they are low to the ground not going to hit nothing important there. These are them I doubt the bother anything. They are to light the path. I like to see what the pooches are doing when I take them potty at night. Pua the chihuahua x rat terrier mix likes to carry kittens in her mouth. The bright lights are motion sensors so are not on all night.


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We had a similar female in our area. She was living with a friend of mine and he pissed her off so she made up a lie and had him arrested for kidnapping. He had to sit in jail for 45 days while they investigated it because he was “so dangerous”. They finally let him go because she never showed up at any of the court hearings to testify. A few years later another guy got shot in the leg and bled to death. She was there when it happened. 🤨
2 of my sons friends had their lives ruined in college by allegations that had no footing in reality. Both were kicked out of college(one on a soccer scholarship, the other academic). Both were vindicated after the facts came out. It was back when the ‘Me too’ movement was the propaganda of the day. Both young men who had so much promise are directionless. Pretty sad.


Well-known member
Yes, he doesn’t like the bad dog voice when I take the pack leader position. I gotta say tho he’s pretty thick headed compared to my Maryjane. I had to get a pinch collar for him on walks it helps a lot keeping a loose leash walk until he sees his doodle buddies then he’s outta control. I’m still working on that…. He’s pretty much a mommas boy and stays at my feet constantl. We, even Maryjane compensate for him not being the sharpest knife in the drawer. Sometimes she helps me translate to him what I’m asking 😂😂😂
Male dogs are boneheads till about 2ish


Well-known member
Good morning peoples of the OFC :)

Been kinda slow in here recently.
I do hope everyone is just busy taking advantage of the
seasons change and all the opportunity to be out of doors... finally.

I'll be hanging about indoors more over the next week
unfortunately. We have a heat advisory in effect thru
Friday. Mid to upper 90's which... for me is okay
BUT... along with that we will have %1000 (exaggeration ;) )
humidity and I do not function well trying to wade thru
and breathe in that slog.
Then the added clouds of dirt hanging in the air due to the
road/ sewage/ drainage work being done...
yeah... like trying to breathe in dirty water. No thanks.

I've got some sewing projects waiting to pass the
time inside instead :)

Oh yay... 5 of my gals just went across the way
to begin their new life in the neighbors greenhouse.
How cool :)

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
I am guilty as charged. This 500+ lb specimen in my lawn was culled from the herd…
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Your rock removal reminds me of the pair of salad tongs that fell apart when Grayfox dropped it and which I decided to fix rather than replace. The repair was as simple as drilling the pivot holes larger and installing a screw with a nut and riveting the end so the nut couldn't come off.

The fly in the ointment was compressing the torsion spring and inserting it before installing the screw and it took three different schemes to make it so, and multiple tries before the scheming started.

Salad tongs are cheap, but once I decided that I was going to make it so, I felt compelled to follow through and find a way.


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Premium user
Male dogs are boneheads till about 2ish
Arlo is not a bad dog. He’s just a bit thick headed. He knows who the pack leader is. It just sometimes takes a few seconds while he stares at me asking for something of him. We realized a while back that it wasn’t defiance but just ignorance. We are lucky that Maryjane is super smart and helps him understand what we are asking of him. I’ve always had two dogs my entire adult life. Usually smart ones. All have had the same training I learned myself with my first GSD. Some dogs are just more eager to learn than others. Arlo is one of the others I guess 😁

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