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The no odor smoking thread.....Incense


Active member
OK all, I'm an older guy that has to sneak my smoking in for many reasons. I walk outside and smoke outside hidden in the woods when I can. Sometimes, I really enjoy smoking a joint, and I cant do it in my home. But I have a system that has been working for years now.

So here are my tricks.... If your not a good liar, no worries, I can help. I am a master liar. (except here all, Im honest about my dry bud weights ! Really ! )

1. Start Meditating every night. You are now one of those people that meditates. Turn on Bob Ross, or find a meditation channel on youtube... WTF am I talking about? it will make more sense after reading below..

2. Light incense for your meditation. AHH haaa ! Now its making sense. If you just light incense, its a clear give away that you smoke weed. So make it a ritual that explains why you light incense. People will also leave you alone if your meditating, its like saying your going to take a nap. Over did it to the point of couch lock, cant move? Got that covered too... your just meditating deeply !

3. Now that you are a Meditator (made up word).... Your Incense wont raise as much suspicion...Note: actual meditation is optional, your call...Smoking weed is a form of meditation if you ask me, so one way or the other, your good to go....

4. If you have a bathroom with a fan venting out, your gonna need this. Light one incense stick inside the bathroom, and one stick outside the bathroom. The second stick will cover up any weed smell that might seep out. Incense is cheap, grab it at Walmart for $1 per 40 sticks... Myrhh, Frankinsense, Nag Champa... You want a more acrid smelling incense, not something like strawberry.

5. Use a lidded bowl, or a bong. The goal is to hit and cover or hit the entire bong bowl until gone. No smoke except what you exhale.

6. Blow out the vent to outside. If your vent goes outside to a place people may notice, use a sploofy and use a little incense smoke while exhaling out the bathroom fan. No way anyone will notice.

Devices for my stealth smoke sessions:

Note the small "one hitter" 14 mm bowl. (helix from Grav). Its perfect to get a good hit with zero smoke escaping. Its also dead quiet and makes much less sound than my other bowls !



A lidded bow, perfect ! You can close it after hitting it and no smoke escapes....

Smoke Buddy...

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Active member
Note: trick to make your sploofy last longer....

Microwave for 5 seconds and hook a vacuum cleaner up to suck the moisture out. Your sploofy will get wet and wont work well after a while. This will keep it going a lot longer.... Dont over do the microwave though...

These things really work too, no smoke can be seen escaping... (or sometimes just a little)

My main complaint... Blowing through a sploofy takes away all taste, you wont enjoy any flavor at all. This might be a good thing if your weed sucks....

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Active member
Great post. I'm gonna try to find one of those helix bowls.

Yeah man ! I'm an old timer from way back when and bongs had small one hitters like this at one time. I came back to bongs 30 years later and to save my life I could not figure out how the hell you guys smoke out of those huge bowls. They are the size of a cereal bowl !

You'll love the helix, its build like a tank too.,... Ive dropped it many times no problem. No screen though, you need to hit it lightly or your bud may pull through. You figure it out fast and dont need screens.


Active member
Taking it a step further...Maybe you need to be super careful..

Notice I did not recommend vaping. The reason is that vaping takes too many hits and your sploofy will clog fast. Blowing vape for 10 minutes straight out a bathroom fan isnt great either. I can notice the vapor wafting around outside (calm days) I use a Arizer Solo, but its no good for hiding if you ask me....

BUT the vape does explain this....

Plausible Deniability.....

This is key. What your doing here is coming up with a back up lie... and a good one too, just in case....

I have a bag of valerian root that I vape for meditation.... AHH HAAAAA again... Yep, now you have an excuse if someone notices.

If someone were to bust in on me, I have this as a back up plan....

"I am meditating, vaping legal valerian root...... Its not weed."...A perfect alibi...

Ive always been a great liar, shoulda been a lawyer. Learn from me !

Valerian Root: had this bag for years just in case...Think I paid around 5 bucks for this "decoy" on ebay...

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Active member
Low (er) odor strains.....

Master Kush
Northern Lights
Durban Poison
Granddaddy Purple.

Oddly, the grinding of my buds is the highest odor thing I do. After grinding, the odor can last for hours, even with a fan. The strains above help with less "skunk" odor.

After grinding, put a lid on quick.. The little rubber containers work well to keep any leftovers away from noses....


Thats it from me...hopefully I didnt over do this thread. Enjoy !

Swamp Thang

Well-known member
Just to play devil's advocate SingleCoiled, do you think that inhaling incense fumes in the closed confines of a bathroom could have detrimental health effects over time? This thought crossed my mind looking at the smoke stains on the vent of your bathroom. I haven't run across any peer-reviewed studies that delved into the long-term effects of inhaling incense fumes in places with inadequate ventilation, but my layman's suspicion is that there may turn out to be some health downsides of this practice over time.

I have been a toker since way back when joints were called hooters and doobies, so I'm guessing that I fall within your age group. A couple of years ago I switched over to vaping with an Airizer Solo, and have not reverted to smoking joints ever since. Vaping is the ultimate stealthy way to consume cannabis and I regularly vape bud in a room of my home, with no other occupant of the home any the wiser.

Another major benefit I discovered with regards vaping is that I tend to get way less red-eye from vaping, in comparison to the way my eyes got bloodshot even after just a few tokes on a joint. Likewise vaping does not saturate my clothes with that tell-tale odor of weed, as used to be the case before I switched to vaping. All told, there is a lot to be said for vaping, and I urge you to give it a shot for comparison purposes


Well-known member
Just to play devil's advocate SingleCoiled, do you think that inhaling incense fumes in the closed confines of a bathroom could have detrimental health effects over time? This thought crossed my mind looking at the smoke stains on the vent of your bathroom. I haven't run across any peer-reviewed studies that delved into the long-term effects of inhaling incense fumes in places with inadequate ventilation, but my layman's suspicion is that there may turn out to be some health downsides of this practice over time.

I have been a toker since way back when joints were called hooters and doobies, so I'm guessing that I fall within your age group. A couple of years ago I switched over to vaping with an Airizer Solo, and have not reverted to smoking joints ever since. Vaping is the ultimate stealthy way to consume cannabis and I regularly vape bud in a room of my home, with no other occupant of the home any the wiser.

Another major benefit I discovered with regards vaping is that I tend to get way less red-eye from vaping, in comparison to the way my eyes got bloodshot even after just a few tokes on a joint. Likewise vaping does not saturate my clothes with that tell-tale odor of weed, as used to be the case before I switched to vaping. All told, there is a lot to be said for vaping, and I urge you to give it a shot for comparison purposes
Your layman's suspicion is spot on.



Active member
Just to play devil's advocate SingleCoiled, do you think that inhaling incense fumes in the closed confines of a bathroom could have detrimental health effects over time? This thought crossed my mind looking at the smoke stains on the vent of your bathroom. I haven't run across any peer-reviewed studies that delved into the long-term effects of inhaling incense fumes in places with inadequate ventilation, but my layman's suspicion is that there may turn out to be some health downsides of this practice over time.

I have been a toker since way back when joints were called hooters and doobies, so I'm guessing that I fall within your age group. A couple of years ago I switched over to vaping with an Airizer Solo, and have not reverted to smoking joints ever since. Vaping is the ultimate stealthy way to consume cannabis and I regularly vape bud in a room of my home, with no other occupant of the home any the wiser.

Another major benefit I discovered with regards vaping is that I tend to get way less red-eye from vaping, in comparison to the way my eyes got bloodshot even after just a few tokes on a joint. Likewise vaping does not saturate my clothes with that tell-tale odor of weed, as used to be the case before I switched to vaping. All told, there is a lot to be said for vaping, and I urge you to give it a shot for comparison purposes

Yep, thought about it and I dont like it, but I really dont have a better answer for now. It works fine though, the sploofy alone might work, the incense is just insurance.

I'm not in the bathroom room for long, one or two hits I'm done. The fan also removes a lot of the incense smoke, thats the trick. My exhaled smoke mixes with the incense. The second stick in my main room is higher quality and I actually enjoy the smell..

This is the stuff here, you gotta try it..Smells a lot like northern lights in flower.



Active member
Also, you're not fooling anyone.

I do like the look of that one hitter bong bowl. Should give a tasty hit.

You might be surprised how well this works. Ive even had friends test for smell. Took a few hits, had them check outside at the vent and in the smoking room. Nope, and nope. Tested twice, two different friends, one a smoker the other not. Neither could tell. There was a slight incense smell coming out the vents, barely.

Anyway, thought I'd share. Ive been at this for years now, late at night (and occasionally during the day). Nobody ever asks what that "skunk" smell is. They used to.


Well-known member
You might be surprised how well this works. Ive even had friends test for smell. Took a few hits, had them check outside at the vent and in the smoking room. Nope, and nope. Tested twice, two different friends, one a smoker the other not. Neither could tell. There was a slight incense smell coming out the vents, barely.

Anyway, thought I'd share. Ive been at this for years now, late at night (and occasionally during the day). Nobody ever asks what that "skunk" smell is. They used to.
The method of hiding an unwanted smell with another smell is fundamentally flawed IMO. Though not new, it is how perfume was invented.

At the headshop they sell these Ona blocks that are supposed to neutralize odors somehow. Wonder if they are any good.


Anne enn Normal
OK all, I'm an older guy that has to sneak my smoking in for many reasons. I walk outside and smoke outside hidden in the woods when I can. Sometimes, I really enjoy smoking a joint, and I cant do it in my home. But I have a system that has been working for years now.

So here are my tricks.... If your not a good liar, no worries, I can help. I am a master liar. (except here all, Im honest about my dry bud weights ! Really ! )

1. Start Meditating every night. You are now one of those people that meditates. Turn on Bob Ross, or find a meditation channel on youtube... WTF am I talking about? it will make more sense after reading below..

2. Light incense for your meditation. AHH haaa ! Now its making sense. If you just light incense, its a clear give away that you smoke weed. So make it a ritual that explains why you light incense. People will also leave you alone if your meditating, its like saying your going to take a nap. Over did it to the point of couch lock, cant move? Got that covered too... your just meditating deeply !

3. Now that you are a Meditator (made up word).... Your Incense wont raise as much suspicion...Note: actual meditation is optional, your call...Smoking weed is a form of meditation if you ask me, so one way or the other, your good to go....

4. If you have a bathroom with a fan venting out, your gonna need this. Light one incense stick inside the bathroom, and one stick outside the bathroom. The second stick will cover up any weed smell that might seep out. Incense is cheap, grab it at Walmart for $1 per 40 sticks... Myrhh, Frankinsense, Nag Champa... You want a more acrid smelling incense, not something like strawberry.

5. Use a lidded bowl, or a bong. The goal is to hit and cover or hit the entire bong bowl until gone. No smoke except what you exhale.

6. Blow out the vent to outside. If your vent goes outside to a place people may notice, use a sploofy and use a little incense smoke while exhaling out the bathroom fan. No way anyone will notice.

Devices for my stealth smoke sessions:

Note the small "one hitter" 14 mm bowl. (helix from Grav). Its perfect to get a good hit with zero smoke escaping. Its also dead quiet and makes much less sound than my other bowls !

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A lidded bow, perfect ! You can close it after hitting it and no smoke escapes....
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Smoke Buddy...

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you and me buddy, you and me, I don't even use the incense cause i measure quantities of weed in my bong that my lungs can inhale without leaving any smoke behid. then I just hold my breath long enough to ghost it. no smell, and I live in a 44m2 apartment with paper thin walls, it's forbidden to smoke, and none of my neighbours ven know, there had been a complaint once from the floor below, but it turns out it was one from the lower floors that would "shamelessly" toke with his window open...I'm the god of Ghost tokes 💪


Active member
you and me buddy, you and me, I don't even use the incense cause i measure quantities of weed in my bong that my lungs can inhale without leaving any smoke behid. then I just hold my breath long enough to ghost it. no smell, and I live in a 44m2 apartment with paper thin walls, it's forbidden to smoke, and none of my neighbours ven know, there had been a complaint once from the floor below, but it turns out it was one from the lower floors that would "shamelessly" toke with his window open...I'm the god of Ghost tokes 💪

It's kinda sad to be at my age hiding like a teenager, but that's how it is. Glad to know I'm not alone. Lets face it, there are a lot more of us sneaking a smoke than you might think.

Yep, I hear you about the smokeless bong hit, your doing the same thing I do. Thats why I like the helix bowl, you can easily clear the whole thing without any smoke escaping.
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Active member
The method of hiding an unwanted smell with another smell is fundamentally flawed IMO. Though not new, it is how perfume was invented.

At the headshop they sell these Ona blocks that are supposed to neutralize odors somehow. Wonder if they are any good.

I use the ona gel during late flower. Its not bad, smells good and covers up grow odors (a little). Its kind of expensive though and dries out fast.

I also have a second 4 inch fan and used carbon filter that I could use as a giant smoke sucker if I wanted to. Now that I think of it, I've gotta give it a try..


Active member
I tried something similar and it didn't fool my wife!

Wonder if it was the smoke or the smell of freshly ground bud that gave you away. If you smoke right, almost no smoke escapes.

Grinding my bud is the riskiest and smelliest part of my sessions. The odor can linger for many hours after grinding. Smoking hardly smells at all if done right.

I had a fellow smoker friend who helped me test my system. I smoked two bong hits, used the smoke buddy and blew out the fan. (no incense)... Had him turn on his "bloodhound skills" and he couldnt smell a thing. We also reversed the test, he smoked, I tested. Add Incense, and you have one added layer of insurance. I keep incense going almost constantly, so its not odd when I light a stick. My basement is musty and damp, the incense smells nice. (thats my story anyway)


Well-known member
I use the ona gel during late flower. Its not bad, smells good and covers up grow odors (a little). Its kind of expensive though and dries out fast.

I also have a second 4 inch fan and used carbon filter that I could use as a giant smoke sucker if I wanted to. Now that I think of it, I've gotta give it a try..
Oh I see it also adds to the smell, I'll pass then. At the headshop they don't have the gel it's some kind of "block" in a jar you're supposed to open when you smoke, same chemical but maybe it wouldn't dry so quick? Or maybe it's the gel "pre-dried". :D

Carbon filter and fan works well, I mean we all use them in our indoor grows and above the kitchen stove, all kinds of place... but makes noise.

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