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the mystery of pH


pH is an elusive measurement that makes me afraid. I mean, I've read countless books, articles, and threads on the matter but still.. it seems quirky and confusing.

When I first started growing, I didn't have forums like these or people to talk with so you just kind of grew by the seat of your pants. Much like the seed you started in 2nd grade science where you fill a cup with dirt, push in your seed, and hit it with water from the tap and that bitch grew no prob. So whats the big problem?

I mean really, whats the big thing? Until the last few years, when I started reading forums like these, I didn't even think about it and my bud always turned out fine. These days, I check every drop of water and adjust accordingly as a good trooper yet nothing changes. Ro water, RO/DI, tap water, PH down here, some more there, all with my awesome controlled swing and feeling great.

But still.. I could run 5.8, 5.3 and swing up, 6.5 and so on and my yields or buds never change. I average 3.5# with two 1k lights. Thats if I adjust the PH, or if I let it sit at 7.5-8 and the taste is the same.

So.. huh?


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
You probably have Buffering going on so the PH does not matter much if its always being buffered to 7 or your using Organics..
Yeah man...I remember the old days when all we had was Ed's book and a dream. I was always fucking around with pH and not growing much of anything worth smoking. As soon as I went organic and threw away my pH meter life's been good and I haven't looked back.


Sorry no.. not organics. I use/have used RO/DI and tap. With some of my best runs.. I was using straight tap water, with GH base nutes and a PH of 7.5 to 8.