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The law and sentencing in Germany?


peri alypias
Hallo Madalasatori, :tiphat:
in the south it´s very strict in the north it´s not so bad. But in booth parts you don´t go to jail for 20 plants. You have to pay money for "strafe" (punishment?) and the biggest trouble is losing the drivers licence.
But I´m not sure what happens to foreingers, non german citizens, with the drivers licence.

best regards


Well-known member
Hey Madalasatori,

nice to meet you here :)

Nice to hear that we will get some grower-support from the good ol´UK!

I am not sure about the situation in the UK but i think it should be quite similar here in Germany.
If you get caught the first time it is not soo bad; you have to go to court, they will size your equipment of course and fine you with a financial penalty of some hundred euro´s i think.

So it is okay, no death penalty in germany ;)

Why you don´t like the UK anymore, why coming to germany; don´t get me wrong, i am very happy about new guys in the community; i am just interested...

btw: ...don´t forget to bring your cuts here :D

best regards


Well-known member
in the south it´s very strict in the north it´s not so bad. But in booth parts you don´t go to jail for 20 plants.
Oh yeah, i forgot that: Don´t move to the state of germany called "Bayern", they have the rigorous sentences in germany (state-laws, like in the US)

biggest trouble is losing the drivers licence.
But I´m not sure what happens to foreingers, non german citizens, with the drivers licence.
You will loose your license when you get busted??? never heard about that, can you add something about where this info is from...???



peri alypias
Bavaria is the german Texas, without Old Sparkey. :biggrin:

Hallo Hazeo,
ich dachte das man generell seinen Führerschein verliert wenn man im Zusammenhang mit Weed erwischt wird. So nach dem Motto, Drogenuser, keine Verantwortung im Straßenverkehr.


Well-known member
Thanks for the replies guys! :) ahh my reasons for moving are many... Am tired of living in a country that is in decline and is run by the newspapers.. Also house pricings are crazy here and I could never afford to buy a place that I like. I am a lover of german people's and of course the main reason is my wonderful lady :)

In England the courts are clamping down on us growers and 20 plants is now likely to get you prison time..

Thank you mates, keep any info coming!

Edit - would be likely to move to the north

El Pollo Diablo

Well-known member
@Herman: Wenn du dich als Konsument outest ja, wenn nicht wird dir eben Weitergabe angelastet:moon: Kommt aber immer drauf an. Ich habe es aber schon erlebt, das Leute Führerscheinsperre oder Entzug bekommen haben! Auch wenn es nicht direkt was mit Verhalten im Straßenverkehr zu tun hatte!


High Grade Specialist
If.you are a first.time offender have a job,.dont get caught selling and have a good lawyer and
all that you will propably not go to jaip. But noone can relly tell it depends alot on the state and district youre in and wether the judge has a good day or not. Ive seen ridiculous sentences on the one hand one guy rinning three grow houses and getting off with probation and on the other hand very stiff sentencing for small time growers. Its pretty mich a crapshoot.

You have to consider though that if you have more than 7,5 grams of thc.then you will get a probation sentence 100%! This goes permanently into your file and can make it hard.to find jobs later as some companiea check those files. Also you will lose your driving license.

Am tired of living in a country that is in decline and is run by the newspapers.. Also house pricings are crazy here and I could never afford to buy a place that I like.

And then you come to germany??

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