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The Haze discussion thread

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Well-known member
Doesn't Sensi still hold the HazeC male?

They must of lost that years ago....they started using jack to make other haze hybrids years ago....alot of companies lost most all ther mothers/clones..in 1997-8 they made seed breeding ileagal in holland...an the years following alot of people got hit hard...nothing's been the same for most since


The Haze Whisperer
It may stil work hempy...I totally agree....hopefully one day shanti will have a bash....he should be able to put a pure hazeC ibl line out....defo something id like to chek out.....we need to get someone to ask him.......fingers crossed they still go.

The Grail line shanti is putting out seams to flower fast when i think of a 50% haze hybrid i think of a 16 week to 20 plus week flower not under.

If Haze improved by inbreeding it then Ohaze would have more than 5% keepers.

Nevil would not of gone in the direction he did in his last projects.


The Haze Whisperer
Get it thru your head @hempy, Shanti would never be on the same level as Nevil, even with the man's genetics. We all know you have a man crush with Scott (might be because of his lushes blonde hair?) But you don't need to drag Nevil in to every discussion of Shanti and use him like a shield to protect your boy toy/boss. I'm as much of a Nevil fanboy as OJD and anyone else, so don't think my criticism towards Shanti is a bash for Nevil.

Nevil handed his plant library and seed library to shanti and only shanti so you need to build a bridge and get over it.

Nevil gave shanti the plant combinations to re create the lines he made so the breeding was all ready done by Nevil surely you have worked that out by now ?.

Get your eyes checked shantis not blonde.


DEA Agent
Premium user
Nevil handed his plant library and seed library to shanti and only shanti so you need to build a bridge and get over it.

Nevil gave shanti the plant combinations to re create the lines he made so the breeding was all ready done by Nevil surely you have worked that out by now ?.

Nobody is doubting who Nevil gave his library to, I'm doubting Shanti's breeding abilities, like I said before their shit, the guy that can't even recreate his own damn White Widow.
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You may have got that mixed up hazenaciouc as nevil thought hazeA an even more so FH wer more old world thai leaning.....the hazeC being more closer to the Columbian an probably out the three closest to o-haze type....hazeC caries those more soul pleasing incense frankincense type...its the hazeA that has that nasty incense to it...more deep antique leather with hints of spice an dark roting flowers type.....more old world thai type

Hi Darkstorm,

No, I didn't mix it up. I did not discuss Haze A much with Nevil. He told me that Haze C was his favorite, so much so that he didn't even bother with a release of Haze A. In his words Haze C was better in every way.
I agree with what you are saying on Haze C flavors, I get a lot of those Frankincense type phenos, and sweet ones as well. Also some nasty leather ones too, and cedar etc...

He felt Haze C was Thai Dominant, however it's completely possible that he thought Haze A was even more Thai Dominant, I don't know, so I am not arguing you on that point.
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The Haze Whisperer
Personally i am looking forward to growing out some of Nevil's last work sadly a lot of what is being offered to the public are hacks at best or early work called something different but again hacked.


The Haze Whisperer
Nobody is doubting who Nevil gave his library to, I'm doubting Shanti's breeding abilities, like I said before their shit.

Keep defending your Boss, the guy that can't even recreate his own damn White Widow.

You cross the real Nl5HzA to HzC and you have Nevil's haze its not complicated Royal.

Shantis not my boss and to claim he is only showing your being an idiot.

I like shanti Nevil liked shanti that has nothing to do with the Cannabis or the plants the seed he sold produce quality personality's play no roll in the plants the seed do.

Its not my fault you never found good plants but plenty of us did and that is all people care about.

My Widow keepers were solid as have all my haze hybrid lines i got from mr nice.




The Haze Whisperer
Let's get back on topic @hempy, there is no need to insult OJD nor Karma when they are not here to defend themselves.

I am not insulting any one just stating facts and Ojd is one of few that is doing the right thing.

I have not insulted Karma his been honest if you read his post he was honest about the genetics you should read research more mate that way you have a better understanding of things.

Lets take bushweed do you think he has any of kanga or Nevil's clones to re produce any thing he is selling answer is no.I know the MMx78Thia his offering is in fact MM x Gypsy Thai easy to prove.

Hemphrey Bogart

Active member
Todd's Ohaze...pic taken a few days after Solstice. Leaves are wider than expected at this point. I'm curious to see how much this plant stretches in the coming weeks.

C5 x A5T...favorite plant in the garden right now aside from a couple others. Just waiting on the stretch to see if I should have topped her or not.




DEA Agent
Premium user
Todd's Ohaze...pic taken a few days after Solstice. Leaves are wider than expected at this point. I'm curious to see how much this plant stretches in the coming weeks.
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C5 x A5T...favorite plant in the garden right now aside from a couple others. Just waiting on the stretch to see if I should have topped her or not.
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At what height are you shooting for with the C5xA5T?
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The Haze Whisperer
No need to drag Karma in this discussion, I already know how you really feel about the man ( jealousy? )

Don't forget I also claimed him to be your lover :kissgrin:

Ok on a serious note let's get back on topic.

Your the one dragging Karma into this discussion Royal your panties seam twisted today.

I don't know Karma on a personal level so how can i say i like him or not ?, And that is irrelevant to a discussion about genetics Royal.


Well-known member
Hi Darkstorm,

No, I didn't mix it up. I did not discuss Haze A much with Nevil. He told me that Haze C was his favorite, so much so that he didn't even bother with a release of Haze A. In his words Haze C was better in every way.
I agree with what you are saying on Haze C flavors, I get a lot of those Frankincense type phenos, and sweet ones as well. Also some nasty leather ones too, and cedar etc...

He felt Haze C was Thai Dominant, however it's completely possible that he thought Haze A was even more Thai Dominant, I don't know, so I am not arguing you on that point.

Your lucky hazenacious....you used your head an managed to save some good c5 genetics....wish alot more had had the foresight....its dam near impossible to find that old c5 to smoke wer I am..has been for years....mind you luckly thers one or two others that make up for it.....just they take way too long flowering...especially wen your itching for some
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