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The Haze discussion thread

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The Haze Whisperer
The last commercial Colombian red i saw was being grown in SA very strong .

I managed to get some old Colombian red from family and grew a few out just to see how they did indoors they were long flowering vine type plants dried to a red brown.


I'm going to post more pics in a few weeks when all my plants catch up in size but check out this strange wide leafed '97 SSH f3 :smokeit:



The last commercial Colombian red i saw was being grown in SA very strong .

I managed to get some old Colombian red from family and grew a few out just to see how they did indoors they were long flowering vine type plants dried to a red brown.

Hi Hempy,
That is a good discription, red brown but not brown like brickweed.
Actually, I got a few shots of one of my 5hazes I was discussing in my last post that kind of reminds of the Columbian Red of my childhood:





Well-known member
looks great johnny how many weeks and how was the high ?

To many HR. Better you think in month :)
For the high look at MadMac's reviews in the OHaze thread. He describes it well. They do all carry the kind of high he decribes. Some are more introspective, others more speedy. All are clear.
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Well-known member
I have a couple packs of Shanti's new Holy Grail on the way from MNS, and will pop some seeds the moment they arrive. I'm confident that I'll find some nice, strong, long-flowering hazy plants in there. But I have to wonder about the claimed lineage of the strain: (Neville's Haze x Haze AC) x Haze C, particularly the Haze C bit. Last year's G13 testers didn't include a Haze C cross, which I would've expected if he still retained the Haze C male. The fact that Shanti chose to name it Holy Grail, that Nevil's grail thread is on Shanti's own forum at MNS, his past work with Nevil, and that Nevil was continuing his grail project in Australia with Kanga's Mullum, Oaxacan and Thai heirlooms, I wonder if Nevil shared any seed with Shanti, and if Shanti might've grown it out and found a suitable replacement for Haze C. There's precedent for this, as he used to refer to La Nina as a haze cross and later revealed that the haze was Mullum.

Anyone know if Nevil and Shanti were in touch or might have shared seed while Nev was working on the grail project? Maybe there's some of Hempy's Thai in the Holy Grail I'm about to grow?


DEA Agent
Premium user
I have a couple packs of Shanti's new Holy Grail on the way from MNS, and will pop some seeds the moment they arrive. I'm confident that I'll find some nice, strong, long-flowering hazy plants in there. But I have to wonder about the claimed lineage of the strain: (Neville's Haze x Haze AC) x Haze C, particularly the Haze C bit. Last year's G13 testers didn't include a Haze C cross, which I would've expected if he still retained the Haze C male. The fact that Shanti chose to name it Holy Grail, that Nevil's grail thread is on Shanti's own forum at MNS, his past work with Nevil, and that Nevil was continuing his grail project in Australia with Kanga's Mullum, Oaxacan and Thai heirlooms, I wonder if Nevil shared any seed with Shanti, and if Shanti might've grown it out and found a suitable replacement for Haze C. There's precedent for this, as he used to refer to La Nina as a haze cross and later revealed that the haze was Mullum.

Anyone know if Nevil and Shanti were in touch or might have shared seed while Nev was working on the grail project? Maybe there's some of Hempy's Thai in the Holy Grail I'm about to grow?

I totally forgot what HazeAC was.

Maybe there's some of Hempy's Thai in the Holy Grail I'm about to grow?

I can already see @hempy Initiating Attack Mode
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DEA Agent
Premium user
It's been said it's 5HzA x SkHzC, or the other way around

Which would make it kinda like the first testers for mango haze, right?

In my view that's what makes Shanti and the whole MRN crew shitty breeders. If they don't care about correctly naming strains nor genetic background accuracy then Fuxk them.
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Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
I my view that's what makes Shanti and the whole MRN crew shitty breeders. If they don't care about correctly naming strains nor genetic background accuracy then Fuxk them.

Yeah this where I have trouble believing .

Shanti is sposed to have a fcking Masters Degree in biology , but can`t get his pedigree or lineage right .

He also has a degree in psychology . I some times wonder which he puts to better use ?


The Haze Whisperer
I think @hempy posted something about Shanti having a HazeC BX or HazeC S1? I don't remember but surely he can straighten this out for me.

I totally forgot what HazeAC was.

I can already see @hempy Initiating Attack Mode

I didn't post that


Well-known member
Nevil believed that the dominant high/flavor his Haze C male imparted was Thai. I agree. The high actually reminded me of Thai stick I used to get as a kid, it was the first thing I had smoked that reminded me of that high, and I thought my 5hzC was Thai dominant long before I ever talked to Nevil about it.

You may have got that mixed up hazenaciouc as nevil thought hazeA an even more so FH wer more old world thai leaning.....the hazeC being more closer to the Columbian an probably out the three closest to o-haze type....hazeC caries those more soul pleasing incense frankincense type...its the hazeA that has that nasty incense to it...more deep antique leather with hints of spice an dark roting flowers type.....more old world thai type


The Haze Whisperer
All i know is Shanti was the guy Nevil entrusted with his plant library and seed he had made and never released.

All the HzA seed crosses like SkHzA and others the Nl5HzA clone HzC and many more are in his possession and his alone.

People can talk all the shit they want about him and Nevil but the genetics he has are what people want.


Well-known member
I didn't post that

That was me who posted that.....about ther being back up seed nevil had made of hazeC...hazeC reversed....wich ive seen nevil say shanti had possession of in storage....but with the way nevil kept seeds I doubt they"l ever pop....if they had been popped we would have probably seen females an male haze plants ....mind you nevil had already tested them in other combinations an made seeds....but said it wernt as good as the original anyway....

Wat I also said was I have seen that nevil had already made nevils haze x hazeC squared.

I havent seen hazeC if it still around put to anything new since nevil had it....probably be a good idea if still around to put it to a sativa before its history


The Haze Whisperer
That was me who posted that.....about ther being back up seed nevil had made of hazeC...hazeC reversed....wich ive seen nevil say shanti had possession of in storage....but with the way nevil kept seeds I doubt they"l ever pop....if they had been popped we would have probably seen females an male haze plants ....mind you nevil had already tested them in other combinations an made seeds....but said it wernt as good as the original anyway....

Wat I also said was I have seen that nevil had already made nevils haze x hazeC squared.

Nevil made pure haze also i had asked him that as i thought it odd he would not back that up but as for the seed being viable you only need to look at the G13/Sk that was made they germinated.


DEA Agent
Premium user
All i know is Shanti was the guy Nevil entrusted with his plant library and seed he had made and never released.

All the HzA seed crosses like SkHzA and others the Nl5HzA clone HzC and many more are in his possession and his alone.

People can talk all the shit they want about him and Nevil but the genetics he has are what people want.

There is a big difference tho.
Nevil refined his lines so people could find keepers in almost every pack. Shant? Not so much work is put in.
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Well-known member
Nevil made pure haze also i had asked him that as i thought it odd he would not back that up but as for the seed being viable you only need to look at the G13/Sk that was made they germinated.

It may stil work hempy...I totally agree....hopefully one day shanti will have a bash....he should be able to put a pure hazeC ibl line out....defo something id like to chek out.....we need to get someone to ask him.......fingers crossed they still go.


The Haze Whisperer
I am kinda over the Nevil and shanti bashing people are fast to forget that every one sold 10 seed packs were Mrnice sold seed packs with 15 to over 20 seeds per seed packs.

Shanti since say 2011 has focused a lot of his efforts on CBD and the pharma side of the industry than he has on recreational cannabis.That is the direction he went but before that Mrnice was the place every one went for Haze hybrids.

Nevil like him or not was a trail blazer produced some of the worlds best hybrids decades later people rubbishing him while growing or selling his work.

Shantibaba like him or not is the guy Nevil instructed with his plants and seed library and for years was the place serious growers went to get the seed to grow.

I read people that regularly bash Nevil and Shanti claiming shantis clones that he got from Nevil are dead but believe others have them when there story has holes.
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