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star crash

We Will Get By ... We Will Survive
ICMag Donor
Not too many nanners ...I’m gonna keep running her around the clones and 14 hours dark and then 10 hours light regime because she’s expressing her equatorial genes ...


ICMag Donor
Mulumbimby Madness long x Kangativa's 04 male
Made by Neville Schoenmakers ( RIP)

A bleeder
Dry blood from when topped a few days ago


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Hemphrey Bogart

Active member
Please remember that 30+ years ago, indoor was nonexistent. When indoor emerged in direct response to helicopter raids and as a way for those without a suitable climate to grow, fast flowering became a priority due to the extreme cost of energy.

Agree with most of your post, but...30 years ago indoor was non existent? I'll have to respectfully disagree with that. You do remember the DEA launching Operation Green Merchant, right? October 1989 was when it started to go down...which was just over 30 years ago. I was just learning how to grow indoors at that point. Was indoor growing as wide spread as it is now? No, but people were definitely growing indoors in makeshift closets and rooms. Some people even had commercial grows that they built deep underground (F. Gegax, for example). Maybe you meant 40+ years ago? I know...we're getting old and it doesn't seem that long ago, haha.

A friend of mine and fellow surfer worked at one of the largest (at the time) lighting companies on the west coast. In 1989, he hooked me up with my first light...a 250W HPS with a magnetic ballast. When the ballast kicked on, the fucking thing would go "BAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!" for a few minutes until it warmed up, lol...not too stealthy, but it's what you had to deal with if you didn't want to go with floros.

These are some of the first plants I grew indoors back in 1991 in a converted closet...yes, that's aluminum foil on the wall added for reflection...haha...should have painted the walls flat white instead, but I didn't know any better...


Gotta say I agree with Hempy here regarding the neglected market for sativas. Only guy I know of that's doing it big is Kiona up in Washington state. Their company has been successfully growing and selling greenhouse grown, long flowering sativas commercially for a while now. Their IG page would make any sativa head drool.

As a side note, I think all the Mel Frank '96 Skunk #1 plants I have going are female...which is fine, but I was hoping for a male to make seed. I'll have to try reversing a cut so I can get some pollen. Had a feeling those seeds were femminized, but I didn't bother to ask when I ordered.


Hemphrey Bogart

Active member
Good things come in small packages you seeing any thing that has you excited yet like resin on steams or even noticing any smells.

Not yet...just the weird bansai type growth pattern at this point. I can barely squeeze my sausage fingers in there to get a stem rub, lol.



Well-known member
In 1995 started growing bag seed under 70 watt hps intended for outdoor lighting. Took a few years and meeting a friend with a northern lights clone to come up with anything good. If I had only thought to order seeds out of high times. It was not until I saw marc every catalog over and over a few of us got the confidence to buy seeds.

Seems so silly and easy to take for granted now a days.


The Haze Whisperer
People were growing indoors long before there were hydro stores i went indoors i think 83 or 84 and it was because of choppers.


Well-known member
90 was a good year for indoor nl5,, nl5 haze sk1 sk haze here in uk seems like the quality dropped a degree every year since to were everything seem waterded down to a point of taste only but crap effects its like it taste like nl but it aint nl it taste like haze but it aint haze,,,must be getting old lol

Hemphrey Bogart

Active member
People were growing indoors long before there were hydro stores i went indoors i think 83 or 84 and it was because of choppers.

Absolutely...I was just talking about my own experience.

Bought my first grow book in 1991 "The Closet Cultivator" by Ed Rosenthal (which I still have, by the way). Vermiculite and perlite as a medium and 3 part GH "nutes" for feed on drippers.

Lots of guerrilla grows before in the 70s and early 80s around here...then CAMP came along around 1982 and they started busting people up in the Triangle...Hawaii had their own version of CAMP as well. I think Skunkman has a pretty cool patch collection from those days if I'm not mistaken. Just about every state in the union here had some version of cannabis eradication going on.

As a result of CAMP, folks went underground here in California...then Operation Green Merchant came along a few years later and screwed a bunch of people who were growing indoors and selling seed, including Nevil.



The Haze Whisperer
I had one show up hover real low and film my plants while i hid it was so low i could see the camera that had the mic on top of the lenze filming my plants and me hiding. I had big plants to but they were tie downs.


The Haze Whisperer
I still freak out decades later when i see them i just cant relax at the site or sound of them.People think going indoors was a choice well it was not a choice it was the only option most had to survive and grow people had to adapt.

Hemphrey Bogart

Active member
I had one show up hover real low and film my plants while i hid it was so low i could see the camera that had the mic on top of the lenze filming my plants and me hiding. I had big plants to but they were tie downs.

Haha...it's crazy to think about those wild days now that we're older, eh hempy? I know things are still illegal there, but I think Australia will come around eventually.

I look at how things are now and just have to shake my head. If you would have told me back in the 80s that in 40 years time, growing 6 plants would be considered legal here, I would have laughed in your face. Let alone being able to walk into a store and buy the stuff...that would have been crazy talk.

Things were soooo much different back then...I'm glad I'm still around to see it all changing.


Hemphrey Bogart

Active member
I still freak out decades later when i see them i just cant relax at the site or sound of them.People think going indoors was a choice well it was not a choice it was the only option most had to survive and grow people had to adapt.

So true...even though it’s quasi legal here, I still don’t like choppers and refuse to look up when they’re overhead.

In a way, having to resort to indoor was a good thing...you might not have come up with hempy buckets if it weren’t for indoor growing....“Necessity is the mother of invention” and all that.



The Haze Whisperer
Haha...it's crazy to think about those wild days now that we're older, eh hempy? I know things are still illegal there, but I think Australia will come around eventually.

I look at how things are now and just have to shake my head. If you would have told me back in the 80s that in 40 years time, growing 6 plants would be considered legal here, I would have laughed in your face. Let alone being able to walk into a store and buy the stuff...that would have been crazy talk.

Things were soooo much different back then...I'm glad I'm still around to see it all changing.


We would of been legal by now to but sadly big cannabis MC company's showed up they became legal pushing law reforms back for the rest of us and activist are now more interested in cashing in than supporting law reforms.

As of jan31 this year one territory became legal to grow 2 plants 2 others have had decriminalization in place for years small fine for a few plants.

Most here still do there thing but keep it real quiet and with in there close circles why we can still find lots of old sats here still.

I just hope i am still around when it becomes legal to grow out doors i want to grow my trees again that is my K2.


The Haze Whisperer
So true...even though it’s quasi legal here, I still don’t like choppers and refuse to look up when they’re overhead.

In a way, having to resort to indoor was a good thing...you might not have come up with hempy buckets if it weren’t for indoor growing....“Necessity is the mother of invention” and all that.


I look at it as a positive to HB i got to understand sativas and how to get the very best out of them both in and out doors.

Having a controlled environment was only seen in universities or research facility's.Growers going indoors made them advance there methods of growing like cloning they become a lot more serious and advanced the hobbie as a result.

Growers got to spend more time watching studding the plants as a result gaining more Knowlogy. Were growing gorilla you go in do what is needed get out with out being spotted.


Hiya mate yep haze is a hybrid but it was a hybrid made from sativas and even Sam says that in today's Ohaze only 5% are good.

The only problem with indica being hybridized with haze is once its in you cant get it out and inbreeding that line will only result in that indica element becoming more and more dominant over time.

I brought this up with Nevil and he saw the same now if you have the Haze or sat side put a side then your fine you can always go back and beef up the haze/sat side up.

Hybridizing your favorite line to a haze is what Sam suggests people do with Ohaze.

Hi Hempy,
Yes I agree that is true to a certain extent. But I also feel that you can get mutations and results with crossing to indicas and Indica Doms that cannot be achieved with sativas.
I am also resistant to the idea that sativas are going to produce exclusively up highs, Indicas produce down highs, and hybrids are producing muddy up highs that just can't compete with pure sativas.
As a gross generalization the above may be generally true, but taken as an axiom I can say that the above statement is absolutely false.
The strongest longest lasting most up least crashy highs I have ever experienced have been found in the sativa dominant 5hz hybrids, hands down, and I have been smoking pure african sativas in Africa for years. Generalities don't really apply to my breeding program because my search is for the exceptions.

With that said, I will say that I place the most hope and credence in my search within Nevils final work which is mostly sativa, as well as the more wild crosses coming from the seedstock I collected myself in Africa.

My breeding program utilizes primarily my 5hz hybrids, After completing a lengthy inbreeding and preservation program for my haze and Heirloom stock ,I have been outcrossing to 3 primary groups:
1)Other hazes

2)African Bagseed I collected myself in Africa.(Sativa)

3)Top modern commercial clone only cultivars, namely high THC cuts.(Primarily Indica Dominant [Including Diesal])

I Believe that hybridization is the driving force behind evolution, we can take advantage of this force when breeding typologically and use it to our advantage.

Sativa Dominant 5hz hybrids:

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People were growing indoors long before there were hydro stores i went indoors i think 83 or 84 and it was because of choppers.

I remember digging soil from the garden and feeding baby bio to 10 foot african and thai plants in my bedroom window and then smoking the leaf trying to get high, no matter what i did to that leaf i just couldn't get it to work:biglaugh:


Active member
I've got the Australian indoor Marijuana growers guide, by Joynt Venture in 1982
bought it at a news agency in SA in 83, no mention of HPS only MH and fluro's
you could get 400w hps street lights, used to run 3, ya needed a mate at the SEC tho

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