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The 'Happy Thoughts' MT Thread

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Hey, I love this great state. Not many of us here so I thought I'd start a thread that maybe Big Sky Peeps can say hi and network in.
I look through the MT forum and all I see is ghosts of our failed MMJ law...let's look to life and the future!!!


Microbial Repositories
Premium user
I live next door in North Dakota. I'm cheering for you and envy the opportunity you have. I hope ND. can open the doors for mmj. I would love to be a provider and a dispensary owner. Enjoy what you have Montana and protect it. Keep the out of staters out and I think you will be fine.


Active member
OKD, as an Over the Road Trucker for 18Yrs., I ALLWAYS LOVED it when ever I could get to Montana. Any time of the year. I would love to afford to buy there, but it is all ready to late to keep the outsiders out, and The Rich Fucking Hollywood types have driven up prices to outrageous levels(worth Every Penny to, if I had it).
I am obviously an outta stater, but love the Basic respect for Ones Basic God given RIGHTS to LIBERTY, and The Pursuit of HAPPIENESS. Call it a Live, and let Live Atttitude, or whatever Ya want to, but that is the felling I get when ever I have been there.

Rock ON OKD, I hope you get some of Your Big Sky Brothers, and Sisters to Join You Here in Big Sky ICMAG.

Peace; 1TT


Shout out to North Dakota! Here's to the thought that we can hold a cannabis cup in Fargo or Billings someday!!!!

First off, I transplanted myself here from Wyoming 17 years ago.I didn't really know we had a medical law until things started booming in 2010. By 2011 the state house totally fucked up our law and by outside appearances killed the medical movement here. All the storefronts closed down, registered card holders went from 30,000 to under 8,000 today.

Ironically, that's when I started growing, when I was 'forced' to take in a clone. Then two days later my friend called and told me to come get a second clone. It had been out in the rain all weekend, outside of his back door. The third was grown in the front yard of a card holder across the street. They killed it with nutrients. My clones grew to trees and produced some of the best bud I've ever smoked!

I know some card holders, and people who should have cards, and none of them grow their own. I keep my hobby to myself, but occasionally I find someone to gift extra plants to.

I doubt I will ever have a MMJ card. For me,the MMJ laws opened the door to growing for me. I am secretive, but I think the laws pushed the envelope of society, and cannabis is more acceptable. As long as you're not a drug dealer with traffic to your house at all hours of the day, I think most people here don't care what you do. I really doubt the old lady across the alley would call the sheriff if she spotted a pot plant in my yard. She knows damn well that she won't get anymore green tomatoes from me to make her green tomato jam!

Damn the torpedoes and full steam ahead!
the Basic respect for Ones Basic God given RIGHTS to LIBERTY, and The Pursuit of HAPPIENESS. Call it a Live, and let Live Atttitude, or whatever Ya want to, but that is the felling I get when ever I have been there.

Rock ON OKD, I hope you get some of Your Big Sky Brothers, and Sisters to Join You Here in Big Sky ICMAG.

Peace; 1TT

Montana is far superior to Wyoming in this respect, TT! Everyone I know agrees that Wyoming will be the last state in the nation to legalize it!


Aaaaand I might be wrong about Wyoming. They are going to make possession of an ounce (or two?!?) a misdemeanor offense, fine only!


Microbial Repositories
Premium user
When I stated keep the out of Staters out. I was referring to who can grow MMJ under State laws. IMO only people residing in the State as a registered voter should be able to grow and sale in their State. When big Canna moves in. Their only goal is to produce volume for profit. Quality fades to a distant memory of remember when?


Microbial Repositories
Premium user
HEY MONTANA CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!! You have a working platform for MMJ. That is fantastic. We are celebrating in ND also. With the passage of Measure 5 ND patients will have a viable alternative to failed traditional medications. Peace


Well-known member
I'm in Montana been here since 92. Was one of the first med cases tried by the Feds from 08 to 09. Did 52 months fed time for 228 plants got out in 13.. nice to see the people speak again we will see if the legislators can keep their hands out of things. I believe as I always have that it should be available to everyone that needs it!


Microbial Repositories
Premium user
ctg, Wow brother I'm sure sorry to hear about your hardships. It scares the hell out of me. I grow but I don't smoke or sale. So many people being left out in the cold. I have been trying to be a beacon of light for a few people in dire need of relief. The thought of being imprisoned for trying to help people keeps me awake some nights. You have paid a terrible price for your compassion. Much respect to you!!! I hope you are able to continue unhindered now. I'm hoping North Dakota has what we need in place by spring so people can start helping and healing. Peace