I came down with flu like symptoms other day at work - shivering so bad I couldn't talk, and rotating sweating buckets, chilling arctic style. I'm bed bound since.
The various remedies are being used, but I'm also hitting a small bowl (or 4) every few hours, too...
Man, the weed takes the edge off, but I can tell how lousy I feel when weed doesn't make me forget how lousy I feel.
Boss is ticked - sorry dude, I ain't no good for sh*t, I'm stayin' home...
The various remedies are being used, but I'm also hitting a small bowl (or 4) every few hours, too...
Man, the weed takes the edge off, but I can tell how lousy I feel when weed doesn't make me forget how lousy I feel.
Boss is ticked - sorry dude, I ain't no good for sh*t, I'm stayin' home...
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