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The fleecing of the planet ~ Andy Griffith continued...


Comfortably numb!
Think in these times the issue with finances and housing is common to us all.
I think the largest difference between now and then, is that back then it felt like we lived in a
society that was designed to help the average guy out.

Now we live in a society that is designed to prey upon and take advantage of the average guy.
That is well said! It also sparked memories :)

I am glad that I am in my twilight years. I didn't sign up for this defecation!

I remember a line from “Full Metal Jacket”. It's a shit sandwich and we are all going to have to take a bite!

In my original post, I posted the following...
I remember the sixties, I was born in '56. Yes people were more civilized with each other, and had more manners. You didn't dare tell a grown up to "fuck off", etc... Then again it was the dawn of the civil rights movement and, unfortunately although it got off the ground with some seriousness. Unfortunately, it was short lived. The " machine" ensured that it was not about to happen or take root and assassinated the lot.
Now! you clearly see the result of that decision, world wide. We are currently living on a chartered course of, me, myself and I! :tiphat:
How did we get there?
I think the largest difference between now and then, is that back then it felt like we lived in a society that was designed to help the average guy out.
Yes, absolutely, 3 bags full sir” Gene Hackman ~ Crimson Tide!

Today's society most likely don't know what Chargex was or means, or that KFC is not The Colonel's Kentucky Fried Chicken.

The sixties was post WWII, where the rich and powerful (the banks Rothchilds and his US adjutant, Rockefeller) ) enjoyed the fruits of said war, and benefiting from the industrial machine they had created in the process. The day where a decent wage was paid and our wives stayed home and raised the kids, as you could live off dad's salary alone. The American dream fueled by capitalism. Some could say it was a great era, and it was.

I would be a fool to think that it was all easy peasy. No, we had are issues as well. But generally it was a pretty good life, and people were more civilized with each other. It was also the times where this tune was on the waves...

Truer words were never spoken in my humble opinion. Why?

Martin Luther King said it best... “Judge a man by the strength of his character, not the colour of his skin”.

Martin is rolling over is his grave, with the way is message is used in today's society!

Well, I had friends of all ethnicities back in those days and we never thought twice about the colour of our/their skin. Was there bigotry back then of course there was. I'm not here to try and BS you but, not at the rate we see today. I'm Caucasian, a Canadian of French decent not a French Canadian. When I tell folks that, they go uh! If you haven't figured it out, I am not about to tell you. You are a citizen of a “nation” regardless of what that “nation” is and hence, your loyalty lies in said nation, not your culture.

I will not ever renounce my heritage (one cant) and proudly have the “Fleur de Lys” tatooed on my shoulder. Because I didn't/don't support Quebec's radical politics (these days, because the party was kidnapped and radicalized). Google the creation of the “parti Quebecois”. That is an interesting story and an important part of Canadian history. Her 1[SUP]st[/SUP] Premier was a great politician and did well for the province but, his cabinet was polluted. Later, the new direction materialized to what it is today.

Within 2 weeks of my arrival in Halifax I was beat up because I was white and spoke French. A good friend of mine who couldn't say shit even if he had a mouth full of it was as well. There are good people and bad people in every walk of life and, ethnicity doesn't and shouldn't play a role in it. I'll just leave it at that!

I spent 3 years in Ottawa but, I lived on the Que side of the river as my family was French (the one I married into) Therefore it made sense and was cheaper although income tax was higher in Que.

After being accustomed to the sense of community of the Maritimes, and reliving the Que climate, we knew that we would be retiring in Nova Scotia. We moved back in '87 and never looked back.

When my ex-wife had moved to NS '83, she kept saying everyone wants to talk to me because they know I don't speak English. I said no, that is what it is here. The only English she knew was:
  • yes, no;
  • fill it up; and
  • sandwich, tomato toasté
Here, they actually give you the time of day. In Que you ask someone what time it is (politely) e.g excuse me do you have the time? An a not uncommon reply would be, buy a watch! What kind of BS is that.

That being said, being married to an anglophone (now) although we are both Caucasian Canadians, there is a cultural difference although I am fully bilingual and most folks have no idea I am a Francophone. They are generally more conservative here, whereas in Que a man entering a lingerie boutique is common place but, here... they look at you like WTF. As young women work in those boutiques whereas here (at Sears) it was older women that worked the unmentionables dept. You assimilate yourself to the community. The difference your not shy going into a lingerie boutique :)

Newfoundland and 9/11, what a beautiful story was written about how Gander opened their arms, in a humane gesture without batting and eyelash. That generosity was repaid 10 fold and created friendships, true friendships 2[SUP]nd[/SUP] to none. Folks returned after the event (not meant like AOC) and many Newfounlander's went on vacation to their countries all expenses paid. Ain't Karma simply beautiful.

I recall one of my subordinates mentioned (he was a newf, it's a kind word by the way) that he always parked his ATV with keys in the ignition. He came home one evening and his ATV wasn't in the yard. He said, it will come back someone just needed it. The following day his ATV was returned and he was gifted moose. Is that not what a community is all about?

3 years ago I was at a party where I ignored my wife most of the evening, she was engrossed in a conversation with someone and so was I. I spent a couple of hours talking to a Romanian who stated amongst other things... He couldn't understand why some folks wouldn't assimilate themselves in their new society. Instead they were trying to modify the country (who accepted them with open arms), to the way of life they had left/fled. He said I came here to get out of that shit hole lifestyle.

I don't know where to fit this piece, it will have to do here. I spent 32.5 yrs in the Navy, traveling the globe. Although we did get drunk in a foreign port etc... what always fascinated me was my thirst for foreign culture. IOW what made them tick.

I remember an incident in '85 where we were in Lahr Germany (Ottawa was responsible in recruiting military dependents that wished to join). We were enjoying a beer and escargot, and Molly (coworker) noticed 2 kids come in, dressed in school uniforms (definitely not of drinking age), belly up to the bar and order a beer. They consumed their libation and were on their way. She said they can't do that LOL. I said you haven't spent time on foreign soil have you?

Germans have always been known as "partyers", even France allow underage children to consume beer and France wine. Both countries have a lower rate of alcoholism compared to countries with stricter regulations. As Canadian we wore on our lapels what was nicknamed "fuck me pins", to differentiate Canada from Americans. When questioned and when answered their eyes would go tilt. The Netherlander are especially fond of us. Which is a thorn in the American side that can simply not be phantomed. I won't go there at this time. Why? It should generate a conversation.

During my travels, I had the opportunity of visiting Copenhagen and while we were there I took in Malmo Sweden, which was a 1hr ferry ride away. Both cities are no longer recognizable and Malmo has become a “no go zone”. My Romanian friend and I discussed this at length.

I was also in Caracas Venezueala when Chavez was President circa '88/89. I could live like royalty down there on my pension. Now look at the country.

The current climate at the US border comes to mind here. However I simply cannot process Biden's position on Cubans. What is the matter "mister" “uniter in chief” (LOL), are they the wrong flavour? He said don't come I will return you, and he did. He might as well have simply shot them (27) that arrived on the shores of Miami, which would have been the “humane” thing to do, compared to what they will face once they get home! Cubans are the wrong colour... and they know which side to butter their bread on. There fleeing fascism and oppression, do you think they came here for the flavour of the current political climate? No!

Getting back on topic... (finances)
Back in those days you earned a living, and of course we could have a “living”. There was no such thing as “credit” back then to speak of. Of course folks would mortgage their house and perhaps finance their cars, but there was “generally” no credit in those days. They had what was called lay away, where they would set it aside for you, and you picked it up after it was paid for, and, that was done for free.

Well (the system) couldn't have that can we. So I googled ... When was the first credit card in Canada?

The only major international bank card system in Canada by the early 1970s was Bankamericard, which was known as “Chargex” to Canadians. It was established in August 1968 and had 3.2 million cardholders and 50,000 participating merchants in the country.

How Did People Get By Before Credit Cards?

I remember going shopping with my Mum and she didn’t pull out a plastic card to pay for anything. Instead, she paid cash or wrote a cheque. When was the last time you saw someone pull out their cheque book at a store to make their purchase? Today the cashier usually asks, “Will that be on your credit card?” For many people, they don’t know or remember a time when credit cards weren’t part of everyday life.

The History of Credit Cards
Let’s take a journey back in time, to the 19th century to be exact. That’s when the first modern equivalent of credit cards showed up.

1865. Charge coins are issued by department stores to extend holders’ credit.

1882. American Express introduces money orders.

1891. American Express introduces traveller’s cheques.

1935. Charge plates, the metal predecessors to credit cards, gain popularity in department stores and remain popular through 1950.

1941. Department store credit becomes widespread.

1946. Charg-It cards are launched by a Brooklyn banker, allowing his account holders to charge purchases at local merchants with the charges being forwarded to his bank. The bank covered the cost and then collected payment.

1950. Diner’s Club debuts.

1951. The first charge card is issued by Franklin’s National Bank.

1955. First patent is issued for the term “Credit Card” by gas station owners who invented the first pump that could accept cards.

1958. BankAmericard mails out 60,000 credit cards to unknown Californians, and is the first revolving credit program. Other banks follow suit, launching consumer cards that allow cardholders to carry their monthly balance forward for a nominal finance charge.

1959. American Express introduces the first plastic card.

1966. BankAmericard becomes licensed as the first general purpose card. In addition, Interbank Card Association forms.

1968. Interbank Card Association becomes Mastercard.

1970. IBM unveils the magnetic strip and is introduced to combat credit card fraud of the previous decade.

1976. BankAmericard becomes Visa.

1981. Credit cards begin rolling out the first rewards programs.

1986. Discover card is introduced, and acquires Diner’s Club 22 years later.

2015. Embedded chips are introduced as an additional security measure.

And there you have it, credit cards as we know them today, and BTW that chip that was installed as a security measure (which it is) is nothing more than a Trojan horse. I saw the writing on the wall in '97.

We are headed towards a “cashless” society... during the “great reset” they simply turn your chip off. Your credit has been eradicated and your life long savings went poof!

Visa does not issue cards, extend credit or set rates and fees for consumers; rather, Visa provides financial institutions with Visa-branded payment products that they then use to offer credit, debit, prepaid and cash access programs to their customers. In 2015, the Nilson Report, a publication that tracks the credit card industry, found that Visa's global network (known as VisaNet) processed 100 billion transactions during 2014 with a total volume of US$6.8 trillion.

Something of interest here...
My parents purchase our home for $34,000 in 1964 is equivalent in purchasing power to about $297,989.16 today, an increase of $263,989.16 over 57 years. The dollar had an average inflation rate of 3.88% per year between 1964 and today, producing a cumulative price increase of 776.44%.

Let's look at the current Covid housing market, it has gone bezerk. The SHTF when that market collapses.

Does anyone remember the collapse of the housing market, through greed in '08 and subsequent bail out of the banks and later in association AIG, that caused $15T (yes trillions with a T) of fiat currency generated out of thin air, was more or less created with banking deregulations or the deregulations of Wall St of the '90s. I believe her name was Clinton as Bill was merely a figure head. This is widely known to those that were around (insiders of the day) as the price he paid for his indiscretions, Hey Bill was and always will be a philanderer. Remember the line in the Godfather III when Pacino told Garcia that is the price you pay for choosing the lifestyle. The joke inside the White House in the day, when told from the president they would say which one LOL.

Does anyone remember the Internet bubble '97, then we had the housing bubble '08 we were due for another bubble '18. It didn't happen. Although the stock market might have done great, there were/is no disposable income. Everyone (most) are in hawk to the teeth.

Wall St 2, Money never sleeps explains what the hell happened in '08 beautifully. Other movies of interest on the subject, include the follwoing:
  • Margin call
  • Inside job
  • The big short; and
  • Too big to fail
How many trillions have been printed over the current pandemic, I lost count but, if the democrats get their way, we are talking $7T (both bills) which will generate $70T in fiat currency. The planet will never recover hence the great reset.

I wrote a school paper based on Egyptian history of the pyramids, one of the greatest marvels of the world. This was circa '71/72. "Evolution of man will lead to his destruction". Although it is one of the world wonders because at the time, they could not be built during the life of a Pharoh using modern equipment, or so it was said. It was thre tomb. I was 15/16 at the time.

When I reflect on that paper, I wasn't fart from the truth!

Today's social/economics are living proof of that. Humanity has gone down the toilet. Humanity as a whole is unrecognizable and the world has become nothing more than a cesspool, with the exponential toxicity fueled on and by social media. No wonder fascist gov't (s) know about it and tap into it, They know how to maxize the minimize.

Especially since you know you can overthrow the Egyptian govt via social media in 24-36 hrs. Like Gibbs would say on NCIS, "there is no such thing as a coincidence"!

Did we have it better in the '60s. Even with all our flaws, a la Gene Hachman ~ Yes sir, absolutely, 3 bags full sir!

... and I don't even want to talk about MSM!

Covid the great biological weapon created by man. Remember the evolution of man will lead to his destruction. I believe we are there. I had posts wrt the later... I am still not cleared by my obligations. I love my country:
They call me/us conspiracy theorist, we have become the “enemy of the state”. With all due respect, a line from A few good men - Only the galacticly stupid don't/cant see what is breaking with their own eyes, or they simply go lalalalala.

The great reset, I don't plan being around when that shit show comes about. “So it is written, so it shall be done”. Yule Brenner ~ The 10 commandments.

I haven't even touched on CRT or the cancellation of gender, fueled by all people the AMA??? Sorry! I have several gay friends that don't support the BS! Therefore why should I. What you do in the privacy of your home is none of my business. For the homophobics out there, the gays sense/smell who is on the fence, as they don't bother heterosexuals. I am secure in my sexuality, are you?

Drafted comfortably numb on ACDC and they say CBD weed is shit. I can't wait to grow Harle Tsu and Ringo's Gift on my next run... Ringo is commonly used in Spain especially on the night club scene (cant find that explanation) Nonetheless...

Ringo’s Gift displays two categories of effects that normally don’t pair together. It offers a potent body high that leaves you buzzing and tingling from head to toe, in addition to a cerebral, heady and relaxing head high.

It melts away worries, internal stresses, and difficulties, all while never producing couch-lock, the munchies or tiredness/fatigue. This combination is unique for this type of genetic makeup. Many strains that tend to relax and unwind the body and produce such calm can suddenly have you knocked out and sleeping tight. But this is not what you’ll discover with RG.

This incredible marijuana strain keeps the balance and acts in favor of the consumer. Oftentimes it also brings about motivation and focused creative energy for those who want to achieve much and get things done in a calm headspace.

It is possible to consume RG at any time of day. However, morning consumption might not be for all, because you can just become too at peace to get out of the house.

Due to such a low THC content, the higher CBD phenotypes of Ringo’s Gift produce much less intense high-like, psychoactive effects. Often you feel more of the body release and mental tranquility than any of the classic stoney sensations that arise with many cannabis strains.

Later, take care and stay safe.
Switcher signing off :tiphat:

ETA: Now many have to work 2 sometime 3 jobs just to make ends meet. Keep them busy, artificially stimulated and generally stupid, oblivious to their surroundings. Resistance is futile!