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The Drug Wars Are Ending - Drugs Won

Boyd Crowder

Teem MiCr0B35
File Under - Obvious


Its’s not easy being the DEA these days. After an unprecedented losing streak on Capitol Hill, the once-untouchable Drug Enforcement Administration suffered last week what might be considered the ultimate indignity: A Senate panel, for the first time, voted in favor of legal, recreational marijuana.

Last Thursday, the Appropriations Committee voted 16-14 on an amendment to allow marijuana businesses access to federal banking services, a landmark shift that will help states like Colorado, where pot is legal, fully integrate marijuana into their economies. As significant as the vote was, it’s only the latest vote in a remarkable run of success marijuana advocates have had this year on Capitol Hill.

“The amendment was a necessary response to an absurd regulatory morass,” Montana Sen. Steve Daines, one of the three Republicans to support Thursday’s amendment, tells Politico, referring to the multifaceted and complex system of laws that have been enacted over the past four decades to prosecute a war on marijuana. It’s a war that began on or about May 26, 1971, when President Richard Nixon told his chief of staff Bob Haldeman, “I want a goddamn strong statement on marijuana ...I mean one on marijuana that just tears the ass out of them.”

But that war appears to be winding down—potentially quickly. The summer of 2015 could be viewed historically as the tipping point against Nixon’s war on pot, the time when the DEA, a federal drug-fighting agency created by Nixon in 1973, found itself in unfamiliar territory as a target of congressional scrutiny, budget cuts and scorn. In a conference call this week, the new acting DEA administrator repeatedly downplayed marijuana enforcement efforts, saying that while he’s not exactly telling agents not to pursue marijuana cases, it’s generally not something anyone focuses on these days: “Typically it’s heroin, opioids, meth and cocaine in roughly that order and marijuana tends to come in at the back of the pack.”

What a difference a year makes.

Click Here for teh rest of the story - http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2015/07/dea-marijuana-120674.html


Well-known member
wow! this is powerful stuff
2016 could be the year, the rocks are rolling pretty fast now


Well-known member
I want to believe Boyd, but we only need a Trump in the pack...for things to change really fast ..I urge caution, the game is never over with many of these right wing fanatics


ICMag Donor
JUSTIFIED, Boyd!! Love the article! Thanks. About damn time!

Close vote though, but swayed to the way we want it, or should be.


Active member
it does seem like that, also wondering why this happened, why this chesspiece is not important any more. some people think it's because it won the fight. it's a big battle folks.


5.2 club is now 8.1 club...
I do wholeheartedly wish we could hear Bill Hicks roasting the War on Drugs foetid corpse

But, the man gave us so much laughter and influenced us to the point that many of us can pretty much join the dots and channel Bill virtually to image the rest.

The Drug War, can, officially, SUCK SATANS COCK


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
All it takes now

All it takes now

is to get the word out. In today's world the uninformed will read this story and stories like this and believe it is over. The informed rational people will continue to live as they wish with less fear of trouble and the informed dillusional folks won't have a say in how everyone else chooses to live. Then as time passes and information is absorbed the team will grow. Thanks for posting. I need to get busy.


Active member
congrats drug warriors!


Medal of Honor: Peter Lemon was high on marijuana, he single-handedly fought off two waves of Vietcong


Jul 27, 2015

“we were all partying the night before. We weren’t expecting any action because we were in a support unit. It was the only time I ever went into combat stoned. You get really alert when you are stoned because you have to be.”


Cupcakes & Coco

New member
Access to federal banking is so clutch! In Portland, we had a brief dance with MBank, and now Maps in Salem is helping out a bit, but this will be so vital in this booming economy.


a lot of excellent news recently regarding this stuff. things are definitely moving in the right direction, sometimes it's just hard to be patient.

There were a couple guys in "D.A.R.E" shirts outside the grocery store today asking for donations, i asked why, they said, "the Government cut all funding for the D.A.R.E program so we're trying a grassroots effort to keep it going." Good luck guys . . . especially when the head of DARE just wrote an Op-ed calling for legalization of cannabis. . . . . .



Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Add a another d to DEA and you got dead. Nixon was a control freak and got taken down. Takes a long time to take down a government organization though, they will fight it to the end. This is the beginning of the end of DEA as a major force, they realize it too.

They or another group will fight drug smugglers or dealers but the end user will mostly be left alone. Not just pot but all drugs, my prediction anyways. Could take quite a few more years for that though.

Cushy job being a drug warrior. You almost never fight any drug guy, they all surrender or run. You come in with overwhelming force not close to fair so even if they fight they get smoked quick. Never any layoffs cause there are always more drug guys to bust and always drugs out there to confiscate. Gubbermint benefits like pensions and all the shit these leeches give themselves at my expense.