Active member
Hi ICMag Website Support. I have been looking at the DEFAULT SETTING for all accounts to ONLY DISPLAY UNREAD THREADS?
See the red circle & green arrow highlighting that the option is on. Did you realise it was there?
ICMAG, did you intentionally set this as the DEFAULT option for all users? This option can be changed, but its taken me several weeks to fully investigate this option, and about how to change this. Its cannot be changed in the users account. You have to GO INTO FILTERS, and UNCHECK 'Show only Unread threads'. Its over on the right; see the blue arrow & red box highlights. What happens is, many posts are missing, and this includes YOUR OWN NEW POSTS which otherwise don't show up. In my opinion (IMO), THIS SETTING IS BAD, AND MAKES THE FORUM ACT LIKE AN INTERNET SEARCH ENGINE. Under this setting, all new posts dissapear from the wider-posts you have read, and the forum develops a mind of its own. IMO, THIS IS PUTTING PEOPLE OFF USING THE NEW FORUM. Can this be changed please? IT WOULD BE MUCH BETTER IF YOU COULD UNCHECK THE CHECKBOX BY DEFAULT ( TO 'Show only Unread threads'), SO THAT USERS CAN READ ALL POSTS. Thanks. Comments by members are welcome. @StevenHXF
See the red circle & green arrow highlighting that the option is on. Did you realise it was there?
ICMAG, did you intentionally set this as the DEFAULT option for all users? This option can be changed, but its taken me several weeks to fully investigate this option, and about how to change this. Its cannot be changed in the users account. You have to GO INTO FILTERS, and UNCHECK 'Show only Unread threads'. Its over on the right; see the blue arrow & red box highlights. What happens is, many posts are missing, and this includes YOUR OWN NEW POSTS which otherwise don't show up. In my opinion (IMO), THIS SETTING IS BAD, AND MAKES THE FORUM ACT LIKE AN INTERNET SEARCH ENGINE. Under this setting, all new posts dissapear from the wider-posts you have read, and the forum develops a mind of its own. IMO, THIS IS PUTTING PEOPLE OFF USING THE NEW FORUM. Can this be changed please? IT WOULD BE MUCH BETTER IF YOU COULD UNCHECK THE CHECKBOX BY DEFAULT ( TO 'Show only Unread threads'), SO THAT USERS CAN READ ALL POSTS. Thanks. Comments by members are welcome. @StevenHXF