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The Dank23's first 4x4 tent


Hey IC! I've been lurking on here for quite some time and finally made an account a while ago. And now i'm proud to say I can actually grow my own! Legally! :woohoo: :smokeit:

So long story short, been this has been a long time coming, plans have changed so many damn times. Got some good, great, as well as terrible advice from my peers. All has led me to a great day of shopping! I still have a few things to grab, but everything should be going up this weekend. I plan on updating this thread often (in detail!) and I hope some of you awesome farmers on here can pop in and offer some advice if ya got time.

The Electronics/Etc.
(1) 4'x4' Darkroom reflective mylar tent (120x120x200cm)
(1) 8" inline fan 720 cfm
(1) Fan speed controller
(1) Phat filter 24"x8" 600 cfm rated
(1) 1000w digital dimmable ballast 120/240v
(1) 1k MH bulb
(1) 1k Hortilux HPS bulb
My buddy has a bunch of reflectors/hoods, he's gonna let me pick through em this week :biggrin: update soon...

Grow medium/Nutrients
(4) Fox Farm Ocean forest soil 1.5cf
(1) Precision perlite #4 4.0cf
(1) Earth Juice Grow one Gal.
(1) EJ Catalyst one Gal.
(1) EJ Bloom one Gal.
(1) EJ Hi-brix MFP (molasses) one Gal.

and finally a bunch of 5 gallon smart pots.

Things still to get
8" ducting
Air stone
Rez (what size should I get ya think?)

So for the first grow im looking into some clones, had my feelers out on some GSC clones, but that guy has gone dark for whatever reason.

A club nearby carries some Cali connection gear, i've heard some real shady shit about swerve and his girl scout fookies, but I have heard some decent things about the chem4 OG and some of his other gear... I'm looking for a good balance of quality and yield for now (haha aren't we all) definitely looking to hit the lb mark. Maybe someone with some experience can speak up or show some examples?

Realistically tho, i'll end up getting my hands on whatever i can grab thats healthy, I would prefer not to start with seeds for this as I need a solid first harvest justify my investment. I have a few options at the moment so we'll see what pans out. Again, when i get some more info on that i'll update this week.

Well thats my :2cents: for now.. I'll post some pictures of everything when i do the damn thang.. Thanks for readin......

Wish me luck!:rasta:




Hey everyone, quick update with a few more materials from my (hopefully last) shopping trip as well as the hood my buddy gave me.

Well lets start off with the reflector, from what i've heard/read my buddy hooked me up! They stopped making these puppies apparently, lets see how she shines!

(1) Advanced Nutrients 8" Melonhead aircooled reflector

So hyped on this thing! its proper!

For EJ nutrients/water/soil etc.

(1) airpump w/ 2 connectors
(1) airline, 25 feet
(2) big airstones
(6) 14 inch drain trays
(1) xtreme gardening mykos 12 oz (for lots of beneficial microbes = healthy rooting)
(1) rapidest ph soil tester
(1) water thermometer
(2) 5 gallon buckets
(1) 2 gallon watering can

(1) apollo 9 two outlet digital timer
(1) Ecoplus large display thermometer/hygrometer

The rest/misc.

(1) 8" insulated tubing, 25 feet
measuring tape
(1) microsnips fine tipped pruner

Still need/essentials
(1) box of powderless latex gloves
(1-2) circulating fans
(~) 1 gallon pots/bags

Well thats it for now, sorry again for no photos yet, I know how everyone loves em. Camera and tent still planned on going up this weekend! Picking through my seeds and a few kind friends that are willing to share for some good options. Clones are a mystery right now, hopefully something will hash up soon. Rest of materials coming in soon.

Thanks for takin the time to read if ya did. I'm trying to be as detailed as possible so ya'll can get a feel for my setup and point out any mistakes or wisdom you may have

if I left anything out please feel free to chyme in!:2cents:

TD :joint:


Few more things to grab

Few more things to grab

Hey guys, i've fallen a little behind on everything, got this week off from work so i'll be able to grind away. After flipping through lots of stickies and tons of threads I realized I'll need a few more things to run this room the way i'd like to.I'll throw in some of the links as I go, hopefully this will help ya get an idea of my thought process.

Camera is ready tho! borrowing my wife's Canon so i'll be able to take nice hi-res photos. :cool:

So after all that research, here is the another shopping list that im gonna run and get in the next day or so. I'm slowly learning that i'll be needing to make quick trips so no more 'lasts'

(2) 1.5" insulated 4ft.x8ft. boards
2x4s for boxing around insulated boards
(1)triple window fan with thermostat/timer
(a bunch) 2 gallon pots for transplants
(1) Pack of Latex powder free gloves
(1) Small humidifier

Insulated boards will be stacked and cut to fit with 2x4s. I have some heavy duty caulk sitting around somewhere to used for the cracks. My thoughts are that by sealing the garage door i'll be able to control the temperature much better, as well as noise too. Nothing new for all of you experienced growers, but this is my attempt at sealing the room as much as I can.

I left my therm. out in the tent last night and the day temp average was ~52f and the night was ~41f (keep in mind this is with nothing on and below freezing temps out). That should give you an idea of how well the garage is insulated besides the door. I'm saying should a lot, Hopefully once everything is in place/sealed room temps will be able to sit where i want them.

A small space heater/fan placed in the garage should be able to push out enough heat to keep the plants happy when the lights are off. The window fan will provide fresh cool air or exhaust... or both. Only running a 4x4 tent in a 10x30 mostly sealed garage so the basic space heater/window fan combined with the heat from 1k cooltube setup should provide a decent climate control system for these cold winter months.

Once I get all room sealed i'll monitor the temps and mess with everything all night to be sure my setup is solid. No slip ups here, i've invested quite a bit into my first setup and i've got some pretty quality equipment. I did cheap out on a few things though because, well, i ran out of money haha.

Thats all for now, if anyone has any ideas that may help jump in!


Quick update!

Quick update!

Hey everyone!

Excited to give ya'll an update. Grabbed 4 late veg plants off of my buddy two days ago. Had been sittin under t5s for about 4 weeks some trained some not so much. All except one were showing clear pre-flowers, 2 already had visible trichs! So i decided to veg for 2-4 more days and watch em to see how they get used to they're new home. btw i've tried all of his gear and its fire! I'm stoked to see what i can do with em.

- 2 Fire OG (Pungent licorice kush scent already developing on em. This is the one with the most preflowers as well as budsites)

- Blackberry/Blackberry Kush? (Tried his blackberry before, definite kushy/og/rocket fuel smell and flavor in there somewhere wit da berries)

- ??Mystery?? Buddy says this one could be Tahoe OG, or bubba kush. Based on its structure and leaf width im leanin towards tahoe, but i guess we'll see!)

Driving em over went smooth, car was sittin at a nice ~78F, played them some bob marley, sweet talked em the whole way (only a 4 or 5 minute drive) so i didn't think it would be too hard on em. Went right under the 1k at 50% for 18/6. Girls looked healthy, seemingly no shock whatsoever so i pruned 1-2 lower leaves that weren't gettin any light. Cranked ballast up to 75% last night and adjusted fan speed to about 12% (~86cfm).

Temps during first 48

Lights on Lights Off
High: 75F High: 69F
Low: 71F Low: 65F
Average: 73F Average: 67F

Gave em a very light feeding the first night at half strength (had been fed only oxygen rich h20) as they'd been watered 3-4 days ago and topsoil was dry. Didnt put much water in at all in fact barely any at all because my water was chilly so i didnt wanna shock the ladies. So i fed last night with the water temp at about 69-70 after the lights came on. Fire og got extra h20 added to feed, she's prefers it extra lite from what i hear. Secured trained stems a bit better, closed up the tent, smoked a fat spliff and passed out.

Checked on em this morning and they seem to have loved it! I could even lower the light a little but im gonna keep it where its at an crank it up to full power tonight before lights on. Today was first cycle of 12/12 girls are about to wake up soon. Heard I can't upload photos till a certain amount of posts, lets see if thats true in a little bit...

Much love! :rasta:


Blackberry and mystery were lookin thirsty yesterday so I gave em a good pure watering, had just a little bit of runoff when i checked later. Also i'm not sure if this helped but i put down a light sprinkling of myco blast all around the topsoil before i watered. Any ideas on if/how/when this could help?

Giving the Fire OG ladies 1 more night to dry up that soil before giving em just water. This will put me on 2 watering/feeding schedules, a bit more work, but I'm game! Also the mystery and blackberry seem to be heavier feeders, with the fire OG less seems to be more. Should make it easier to brew up different strenth feeds tho, 1 at a time instead of 2.

Here's the mystery tahoe/bubba, her leaves drooped down a little bit last night after watering, but she seems to have bounced back real strong!

Fire OG #1 close up

Fire OG #2

View from open tent

Well thats it for now, Ladies are sittin at a comfy 73F right now and happy as can be! :biggrin:


:lurk: looking great

Thanks bud!

Heres a quick update, been busy as hell lately but the ladies are still goin strong. We're at mid week 3 here and things are finally getting interesting!

Heres a shot from last week when all the ladies started throwin out tons of pistils

Bubba kush

Blackberry top

Well thats all for now, sorry about the annoying hps lighting..


Hey everybody

Time for some more pictures, week for and things are goin pretty well.

First up is the blackberry kush, shes developing super fast, looks like she will be one of the first to finish, few leaves beginning to turn purple.

Next up is Fire OG, this gal has a bit better vigor than her sister. Putting up with my abuse growin indoors for the first time.

Here's the sister, looks to be more sativa leaning.

I'm pretty excited about this girl, don't wanna play favorites but shes definitely the most visually appealing of the bunch. Not sure what she is yet, was told bubba or tahoe og and im not really sure what it looks like, she's givin off some funky smells tho!

And one more of the mystery





Hey guys,

playin with my some flash a little bit, i guess it helps correct the balance with that pesky hps lighting... :biggrin:

just 2 pics for now i didnt wanna stress em or anything with the flash, maybe that sounds stupid but i wouldnt like nobody flashin a really bright light in my eyes!

Blackberry Kush..... ooooo she a frosty bitch

Mystery.. purple nugs only! wonder what she is :watchplant:



well since its mostly me posting in this forum, i feel like i might can it. Plenty of people looking but nobody writing much. thanks to those that did. Maybe i'll keep it goin for myself but all ya'll seem to be too busy with multiple light setups. Adios


Guess i was a bit cranky this mornin, got the best of me.... Onward and forwards!

Just smoked a spliff that ended up bein a bit of a facemelter.... so excuse my rambling :smoky:

So things are starting to get interesting now. Were somwhere around week 5 now and it seems I'm doing somethin right! Definitely gonna pump some co2 in there in a round or so when i've got the money for it, should help the ladies get huge!

Haven't been keeping that great a track of my nute schedules, im definitely not 100% sure about all that so i'll save you my terrible attempt to remember. What i can tell you though, is that they have been getting compost tea and water, and they have been loving it. Plants react much more to the organic compost tea than even the earth juice nutes. Any thoughts on combining the two? Anybody?

SO yea, i know they're small and maybe i'm under-utilizing my space here, or probably a handful of other things but fuck it... im learning. Any tips would be much appreciated, i love learning so please feel free to pass some knowledge on. Any constructive criticism i try to take in the best way so please! Fire away!

I've got to work on my camera skills a bit, but i think i got some shots you guys might enjoy.

First up is the Fire OG #1 (#1 as in 1 of 2 that i have not any fancy 1st cut of all or nothin) She was a bit camera shy at first but now shes starting to come around. Snapped this one about halfway down one of the shoots.

Next up is her sister Fire OG #2, a little bit stretchier and more impressive vigor.

Well thats all for now folks! Gonna go roll up somethin tasty, thanks for puttin up with my nonsense :)


Hey everybody, quick little update for ya'll, been busy lately so I haven't been able to update on here as much as I'd like to, or creep threads tryin to soak up knowledge much either.

Good news though, im officially runnin a kush tent. mystery gal has been confirmed as Purple Kush (VA cut) supposedly, and man is she beautiful. My terrible pictures don't do her justice. Speakin of which, i'll shut up now... what was that they say about pictures again?

BAM!@#$%!! Straight purp nuggets! Here's another one of her, beautiful colors, great structure, bushy, mmmm mmm mmmm

Fire Og #1 Pluggin away, she seems finicky, maybe i'm not givin her all she needs?

Fire OG #2 Better structure than her sis, bit stretchier too. Looks like she's packed on a little weight.

And finally, the main shoot of Blackberry Kush, woooo frosty.

Let me rant for a second and just say that all the blackberry kush i've gotten in dispensaries and from friends that grow it, even from my buddy that gifted me her, just does not do it for me. Never else have i had a specific strain not do it for me everytime i've tried it. Don't get me wrong, it looks and smells amazing, taste is usually alright, but the high is always lacking. Anyone else encounter this dilemma?

Anyways, hope ya'll enjoy! Stay safe! Be good! Much love!


44 days in

44 days in

Hey all, just a few quick pics for ya tonight, i've got a fat spliff calling my name.

Blackberry kush largest top

Fire OG #1

Purple Kush main cola
