This is what I ran before I decided to switch to CoCo... 100% Hydrotron... I love the stuff. I ran 14 of those 6"x6" containers in a SoG... and would pour a bed of Hydrotron on the bottom of the fllod tray about 2" then set the containers ontop
I will be linning these same 6"x6"x7.5" containers but with 2" of hydrotron in the bottom of the containers then 100% CoCo to the top... maybe mix 10-15% hydrotron into the CoCo... I will post pics of that in a bit
I love velcro.. cheap and useful... I will be using it to hang my mylar... Ill post some pics of that a little later
As you have probably noticed there has been no green to make it a Sea of Green.. well here is all I can offer you atm
This was named 'The Unkown Chronic' by a buddy of mine because it was a lose seed rolling around my seed stash box... he was with me when I was looking through my beans wondering what to germ 1st. No telling what it is but there is nothing in the box that isnt damn good. It will be vegged a bit cloned and sexed asap..
Here is 'TUC' with a bagseed from some really good mexican that rolled through town this summer... the poor plant as easten twice by one of my dogs and it didnt like the switch from dirt to hydro while it was still in shock from being eaten .. it will come around soon
I went and bought some coarse coco to mix with my Botanicaire coco... I bought black squares of (I think)Bcuzz coco and miixed it with 2 bricks of Botanicaire coco. I like the tewture mux more now
this is plain botainicare coco from a brick
this is straight B'cuzz bounce
This is 2x botanicare bricks mixed with 2x B'Cuzz Bounce coco blocks
I am much happier with the consistancy media now... fyi.. this mix yeilded 10 gallons(2x 5gallon buckets full)
So does anyone have suggestions for what I might useto keep the CoCo in my pots and out of my flood tray and rez?
I am thinking a 2" layer of Hydrotron, but I am not sure this wil work, so I am thinking of window screen but I am not about it... I would have to find nylon screen I think as metal might mess with the chemistry of my water
Any ideas?... I am going to pot em up today
Oh and Ill take some pics of the closet with mylar hung in a bit, it is much more impressive when its all bright and shinny
Maybe some cheese cloth? I have seen Gaius mention a couple of times that he uses one of his lady friends nylons on his return for a filter. I used to have this blue material call 'Root Mat' that looked almost like a furnace filter, it was totally porous but would definitley stop coco particles from washing out if you lined the bottom of a pot with it. Possibly some landscape fabric in the bottom of your pots? I'm not sure how quickly moisture would wick through it, but it would stop coco as well.
Your closet looks great, that E and F tray is a nice size, I have been looking for one like that, whereabouts did you pick it up/does it have a brand name on it?
Go to the dollar store and buy pantyhose... put one on your pump and return inlet if ya can. A fish tank scooper net thing-a-ma-jig plus the pantyhose should work even better.
hmm I like the skimmer idea I may have one laying around lol! I could cut off the handle and silicone it down.... silicone sticks to these tubs but not real well so you can hold stuff with it I use it to hold my pump cord.... it rubs off when I clean the rez
nice setup Ono Nadagin, why not try alayer of nft rooting mat in the bottom of the pots, or buy some nylon window screen and cut it up so itfits in the bottom of your pots. not that it's a huge problem if a few crumbs of coco end up in the tank. specially as it's a flood and drain setup, so no need to worry about blocked drippers.
I just made another post addressed to you about this closet and converting it to drip instead of E&F... I initially switched to E&F for the ease of use... I had DWC before that and maintaining the rez PH was a constant battle I also switched to maximize the small space and light as well as less veg time on a clone to flower SoG.... So I dont want to have to battle PH again so I think drip feeding would remove that issue completely
If I didnt want to grow in coco I would stick with E&F as it is pot growin on easy mode
should be a piece of cake to convert from ebb and flow to a drip system. you will have to use a few layers of nylon stockings over your pump to stop the drippers clogging, also use a stocking to filter the return.
On the other thread I was asking you what type of drip system would you recomend... I have been confused by all the differing types of drip feeding... I was thinking for better wetting of the coco bed I should use thering drippers I have seen some ppl use but I have yet to see them on a dripper website... I just want to make sure I am getting as much of the large bed of coco moistened with each feeding as I can to keep portions of the coco from drying out and becoming toxic... any recomendations?
I have looked at many dripper websites but have just overly confused myself with to many options... is one of those multi heads(powerheads) a good option would they run a complete circle dripper... also how strong of a pump do you think I will need... I have several laying around
you don't need to wet the coco evenly all over the pot, the coco will disperse the water evenly throughout the coco
however if you still want one of those fancy ring things that you haven't seen on the dripper store sites then get a t-barb and some extra 1/4" tubing, poke some holes in it yourself and presto, your ring watering thingy.