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The chilling truth about Cannabis Psychosis | 60 Minutes Australia


Well-known member
Who knew reefer madness is real, caused by potent cannabis that results somehow in 10 and 11 year old addicts!

Smoking a joint laughing my fucking ass off!

You can't make this shit up its just too fucking funny. Like smoking less cannabis to get the same high is harmful too funny but it gets better! Worse then cocaine or heroin! Oh and if you use Cannabis your brain will be damaged and you will will want to commit suicide. And go insane from cannabis psychosis!

Brought to you by the doctors who discovered CHS!

Watch out for skunk doctors would prefer people using heroin and cocaine because skunk is so potent its more harmful. BTW they also proved the gate way effect of cannabis. LOL I love this shit!!!

FYI everything about cannabis harming kids has long since been debunked.
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Well-known member
So will anyone here defend this reefer madness? Its all there from gateway effects of cannabis to if you smoke it you will go insane! NARCS come on defend this steaming pile of human feces.


Well-known member
These damn kids going insane is because they don't fucking sleep trust me their on the computer or playing games all night. Anyone that doesn't sleep eventually goes crazy your brain needs rest. Doctors recommend 6 to 10 hours of sleep depending on your age. So these kids that sleep 2 or 4 hours or no hours on the computer all night are getting psychosis, depression, anxiety, can't focus, suicidal thoughts and some might smoke weed but its the no sleep that really fucks with their minds

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