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The Case Of A Confidential Informant Gone Wrong


One day you will have to answer to the children of
The number one rule of government work still applies.
Cover Your Ass.

It is the only way to climb the ranks in politics. Results come second.


In the fall of 2003, Santillan and a band of crooked Mexican police officers went on an eight-month crime spree — killing, kidnapping and torturing drug rivals in Juarez. And Lalo was with them. According to documents obtained by NPR, Lalo kept his ICE handlers informed of the murders piling up in Juarez.

"There were these code words that the bosses would say to Lalo," Huerta says. "He would say, 'We're going to have a barbecue.' That meant Lalo was to go and get the house ready, because someone was going to be brought there and be killed." According to a document obtained by NPR, Lalo admitted to Mexican authorities in Dallas that on his way to the house, he stopped at a local hardware store and bought duct tape and quicklime — essential items for binding murder victims and dissolving their remains.
Lalo (the snitch/murderer) has spent the past 5 years sitting in US prison for "being in the US illegally". He has to be in PC; otherwise he would be a corpse. In spite of everything he did, the US is protecting him. If Lalo were deported to Mexico, his former associates would throw him down one of their holes.

Mexican officials I believe just cooperate with both the US and the cartels, since both are paying for services rendered.


New member
Correct.the only thing most polititions care about is there own self advancement.usually at ordinary brethren & sistrens expence..its the blind leading the blonde.


Lalo is a good example of where rats end up: In a real pickle with no place to go. He's a dead man walking


lover of all things hashlike
i love that he basically just kept on a rockin after being popped as a CI with 100lbs at the border..

gee.. red flag you think?



Active member
haha dude is a sav for playing both sides. mexico is crazy, shit is so fucking corrupt down there. its pretty scary when the cops are the biggest criminals, they shook down a friend of mine in rosaritos and robbed him for everything, even took his earings. and this was a native spanish speaking kid they robbed not some white fratboy.

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