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The Backlash Begins


Well-known member
Lol saw that article today, what an assclown. I guess
the businesses against pot decided on a new tactic.
That aside, cannabis businesses DO use to much power/create a lot of carbon. The answer is to grow outdoors..


Active member
Isn’t the North American indoor cannabis industry modeled after the North American indoor produce industry?


Comfortably numb!
Ya wanna grow indoors, use other sources of power and LEDs only consume half. At the price they sell their weed, it won't take long to pay for the upgrade. I wasn't about to sit and listen for 3+hrs. Thanks for the short strokes :tiphat:


Well-known member
A few states have estimated canna's share of the electric generated. If you don't like canna, it's very objectionable. Then we have the over use of fertilisers, where no amount is too much, if it can pay for itself. It seems P is the most over used and gives the chemical smell at the door of every coffee shop. These things are no use to us. Conspiracy nuts will burn saying global warming isn't real. Starve saying the P was hoarded by someone. There is only one place for plants though. Outside, gathering co2. Not inside producing it. For decades people campaigned for pot, saying it was good for the planet. It's not though, when you see what it has become.


Active member
8 points loss of IQ, mehhh I think I lost 8 points of IQ listening to him babble off that ridiculous BS...
It uses more water because is is grown in ways which to maximize the THC... LMAO Oh yeah???
That is calle better genetics, not more power, more water, more nutes.... What a clown..


Active member
Wasnt it jack herer that said something like if you plant so much hemp it could remove all the world's pollution or co2 or something ??? That its co2 processing abilities were better than some full grown trees? Does this sound familiar to anybody or did I dream it


Well-known member
This will be a very real thing and will be the biggest change to our industry that we can think of (in Europe at least, USA is 20 years behind in such things and it will never be an issue there like it is in developed European nations)

Good news for illegal indoor growers though as the price for indoor will only rise


Well-known member
Duration: 03:26 6 hrs ago
Smart Approaches to Marijuana CEO Dr. Kevin Sabet on the cannabis industry being a huge problem for the environment.

Sabet is the Nancy Reagan of today, unwilling (or unable) to consider any possible response other than to "just say no!" LOL! his opposition to cannabis is his entire ball of wax. without it to give him a platform, he would be adrift in a sea of uselessness...

Great outdoors

Active member
It's true. Growing indoors is an environmental disaster. There once was a reason, and those who still live in non weed friendly areas are excused. But for legal producers and those in legal areas, it is ass backwards.
With organic grow methods outdoors we could be seriously carbon negative. But with the indoor model now, not only are we unsustainable, but we also raise the cost of growing astronomically.
And to all that say indoor is better. Sure bag appeal is there, but that's as far as it goes. An indoor tomato looks perfect to. But does it have any where near the flavor of an organic sungrown tomato?


Well-known member
Only reason I'd grow indoors now is for breeding. To keep a special variety, or to grow stuff with a longer photoperiod then my area allows. Even so there's green and hoop houses. Light dep and supplemental lighting. Which can be powered by solar. If you need indoor because you're a snob you can smoke hashish, it'll get you twice as baked and tastes quite as good. Lighting up warehouses is a huge waste.


Well-known member
If it ever became legal in my state I'd continue to grow indoors 'cause anything grown outside would be ripped off long before it finished. :shucks:


Well-known member
If cannabis were common place, perhaps having a small outdoor plot would be the cats pj's personally.
Otherwise, like CG stated; my plants would be ripped off. Most likely too early and chopped/ pulled by
neighborhood kids, sigh. Every occasionally some kid/s still will raid a neighborhood garden and smash
the tomatoes they've thieved. So, even 'legal' and grown everywhere... still risks the rippers around these
parts. My yard is small and mostly shade this time of year so... even IF I'd not get arrested/ raided/ ripped,
my yard would not be conducive to a proper grow. No room for a small hoop house and running electric out
there for lights/ fans/ dep's would be a nightmare.
So, growing 4-5 short stocky plants twice per winter season ID, is really my best personal option currently.

Conveniently... the electric co. jacked their rates up and running the AC this summer season has cost nearly
$60 more per month than last year, sigh. Not only that... the bastards came through and chopped down
75-80 yr. old Maple trees out front so they wouldn't impede their lines (so they say) and now my house is
blasted all day by the big fire ball in the sky, smh. I am actually currently saving some cash back for these
2 winter runs so I don't faint away when the garden power draw bills come in. Folks shouldn't need to do that
for cripes sake. BUT... I want my home grown clean meds so... I'm preparing for the cost surge. We all have
our situations and none are the same.
Electric rates have steadily gone up in small increments, for the last 5 winters I've been growing in my little tent.
This year however, they jumped up massively. I'm disgusted yet will set myself ever forward and continue to do
what I can do while in this living arrangement.

Years ago I attended several City Council meetings pertaining to the usage of Electricity, putting a cap on
homes etc, etc... so that the grids would not be over loaded (so, they said anyway lol). This was all a debate
due to the influx of ID home growers (and future warehouse grows).
Dude from the power co. even stated so. I think these massive rate increases currently are not due to the little
home grower but rather a way for the power co.'s to make huge bank off these warehouse grows. And... like it
always seems to work out, the little guy can just assume the position.

I am even more disenchanted w/ my local 'leaders" than I was pre med/ rec 'legal' cannabis
(if that is even possible). Unfortunately, I think I'm tired of fighting "the man" on this topic. I've given my adult
life to spreading knowledge of our favorite herb and fighting 'city hall'... oh, and living in fear because I've been
a criminal; is exhausting as folks here well know. There is some relief to be had in 'legal' states for home growers... sure... but they can still raid/ rob/ shoot your dog/ take your home and your freedom here in my state, so
"legal" is a misnomer. I still keep what I do secret to hopefully keep my garden and myself "safer".
Still always on edge though, growers anxiety is real. Perhaps a tiny bit less for me (?), since folks can't see my plants.

Just remove cannabis from the CSA and treat it like any other commodity already, sigh.
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Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
I have 2 little cindys in a tent - which I thinking about taking outside for a week of so to get some size on them. The sun is much better in the latter part of veg IMO.

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