Hi all , would like to introduce myself with a few pictures of my first little backyard venture
There are two plants in this pot , they have always been together , kinda like simese twins.
I inherited these guys when they were little babies, good thing both ended up being Female.
I am atm starting my indoor grow and i would like to show you all whats going on with that , and keep a little diary going on . I have a Nikon 900 coolpix and i love taking pictures . And i know we all like pictures of our little friends.
After i get these first pics uploaded i will proceed to upload my set up, etc.
And thank you EVERYONE , i have read as much as possible from all of u who post , and i have leared a great deal from u all. TY.
So far the health of this plant here is mostly due to you all, reading about your expierences has helped me to make desicions and dive deeper into this world of horticulture.
I suppose i should mention what i have been feeding my outdoor plant/s.
Soil is Fox Farm Ocean forest
Nutes have been...well lets just say theres been some learning curve on this part.
I started with Tiger Bloom once the flower was prominent , used that for awhile by itself and then i included SWEET.
About a two weeks ago i noticed a couple minor defincies so i bought some CAL-MAG and that seemed to do the trick. The sisters have been reaking like all hell in the evening...we will see.
Cause im kinda all over the place on this post , i think i will start a new thread of my indoor soil grow , I hope u all will be impressed for i mirrored and took bits n pieces from alot of you. lol Just like Stevie Ray Vaughn and Hendrix playing the same E pentatonic , very close in chops but totally differant.. ha now im rambling . LATE!!
Hope you enjoy the pictures.
thnks , trip
There are two plants in this pot , they have always been together , kinda like simese twins.
I inherited these guys when they were little babies, good thing both ended up being Female.
I am atm starting my indoor grow and i would like to show you all whats going on with that , and keep a little diary going on . I have a Nikon 900 coolpix and i love taking pictures . And i know we all like pictures of our little friends.
After i get these first pics uploaded i will proceed to upload my set up, etc.
And thank you EVERYONE , i have read as much as possible from all of u who post , and i have leared a great deal from u all. TY.
So far the health of this plant here is mostly due to you all, reading about your expierences has helped me to make desicions and dive deeper into this world of horticulture.
I suppose i should mention what i have been feeding my outdoor plant/s.
Soil is Fox Farm Ocean forest
Nutes have been...well lets just say theres been some learning curve on this part.
I started with Tiger Bloom once the flower was prominent , used that for awhile by itself and then i included SWEET.
About a two weeks ago i noticed a couple minor defincies so i bought some CAL-MAG and that seemed to do the trick. The sisters have been reaking like all hell in the evening...we will see.
Cause im kinda all over the place on this post , i think i will start a new thread of my indoor soil grow , I hope u all will be impressed for i mirrored and took bits n pieces from alot of you. lol Just like Stevie Ray Vaughn and Hendrix playing the same E pentatonic , very close in chops but totally differant.. ha now im rambling . LATE!!
Hope you enjoy the pictures.
thnks , trip