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Thai Chi


Microbial Repositories
Premium user
Your plants look nice outside grower! I'm one State to the west of you.
I will try and get some pictures of the clones a friend started, I'm getting them acclimated to the greenhouse and my soil. This morning they looked better, hoping by tomorrow they are finding their stride.
Peace farmerlion


Microbial Repositories
Premium user
Hello friends,
Today I'm thankful that I can screw up and recover in less time than starting over.

These Thai Chi were left together in a small container waiting on me. The roots grew together and had to be cut apart with a scissor.

Unfortunately they lost valuable fiber producing time of vegetative structural growth. Now the buds are going to kick my ass during flowering. I concede to using steaks for support during flowering because of my oversight aka, (head up my ass).

There is three clones in this 45 gallon grow bag and one pretty flower that has yet to bloom. I'm hoping that pretty flowers and buds happen at the same time and make for some beautiful pictures.

The mother's the clones came from were very symmetrical. I expect these to recover and demand attention. They will most certainly receive pollen. I don't know how many males I will get this season, worst case scenario is I use a jar of pollen from the Q- SpaceQueen x Blueberry IBL that is Bx to the mother SpaceQueen. SpaceQueen is Romulan x C99 and an early DJ Short Blueberry was used in this work 20 plus years ago.

I would love to have a strong Berry influence in this beautiful Thai representation from Ace. I have 4 Blueberry influenced strains to select my male from.
(Highland Mexican x Blueberry/Chimera, Blueberry x Blue Magoo Bx3 & MOB x Blue Magoo Bx3 Ohwolfie and the SpaceQueen x Blueberry IBL from my friend whom stays in the shadows of privacy.
Peace farmerlion



Well-known member
(spacequeen female x blueberry male) x male spacequeen. 2 different spacequeens used, and both were different from each other. The female was more indica with deeper terps and some playdough, while the male(dominant in the cross) was on the citrus/tropicalfruit side. You probably will not get any playdough, but it could happen.

-----------------------------Spacequeen Male


Blueberry Male
Spacequeen female
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Microbial Repositories
Premium user
(spacequeen female x blueberry male) x male spacequeen. 2 different spacequeens used, and both were different from each other. The female was more indica with deeper terps and some playdough, while the male(dominant in the cross) was on the citrus/tropicalfruit side. You probably will not get any playdough, but it could happen.

-----------------------------Spacequeen Male


Blueberry Male
Spacequeen female
Now I can confirm lineage by post #783. Thank you @Nannymouse 😊 I really do try to recall it properly. This amazing IBL Nannymouse speaks of is such beautiful plants right now even in vegetative growth.

I messed up the first picture is Spacequeen x Blueberry. The second is Blue Thai, the third is Destroyer.
Peace farmerlion



Well-known member
A male plant with a blueberry scent would definitely make a good match. I used the same reasoning when I pollinated my current Thai Chi plant with a Kandahar x Blue Dream male. This round my Thai Chi is green, and more floral. I'll post a harvest picture very soon.


Well-known member
...and then, two sentences later, you call it spacequeen x blueberry. This is like calling the Thai Chi a Thai x KaliMist, which it is not. Just call it "Q", if you cannot describe the pedigree correctly. I give up.
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Active member
The strain this topic refers to i.e. Ace Seeds Thai Chi
Thai Chi is out of stock at Ace and from previous posts in this thread it sounds like it will be out of stock for some months. So I don't think they are able to re-stock any vendors at this point.

Mandala seeds has the Thai Chi in stock but is on their summer break right now. You'll be able to order it there in September. There are probably other 3rd party vendors in your country that still have it available but you'll have to check.


Microbial Repositories
Premium user
I have 3 Thai Chi going that will all be a part of a reproduction/cross with the best male of potential donors. I'm a big fan of Blueberry Thai and am working a few versions of my own lines.

I would be happy to share some after harvest and curing if interested.
Peace farmerlion


Well-known member
Premium user
Your plants look nice outside grower! I'm one State to the west of you.
I will try and get some pictures of the clones a friend started, I'm getting them acclimated to the greenhouse and my soil. This morning they looked better, hoping by tomorrow they are finding their stride.
Peace farmerlion
Thank you neighbor, here's today.


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Well-known member
Thai Chi - Flowering Day 57
Smell some creamy orange and spices.
Very resinous, i´m impressed so far, also noticed some foxtails on some of the buds.

View attachment 19023913
If I'm not mistaken, this is the first time someone has mentioned orange/creamy notes in the KC hybrid. I thought this trait was highly recessive and only present in the original KC. It should disappear by the end of the flowering period. Please keep us updated.


Microbial Repositories
Premium user

Here is my Thai Chi, I have three clones in a 45 gallon grow bag. They have been getting smoothies of Pineapple's, whole eggs, Strawberries. Blueberries, Bananas and Potatoes and occasionally Beets as they're source of sustenance. I do use and promote the use of Sea-90 Ocean Minerals for all micronutrients.
Peace farmerlion

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