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Texas Gov Perry Covering His Ass Incase Legalization Makes Big Money



This fucker is a major member of the Anti Pot Illuminati...spewing more bs than fucking Obutthead...Texas is raking in a fortune from fines, court costs, fees, and Fed money paid for the number of drug busts...small and large...

Texas Gov. Rick Perry said Thursday that he's for the decriminalization of marijuana use — not legalization, but the softening of punishment for marijuana users in the border state, the Houston Chronicle reported today on its website.
Perry made the comment speaking as a member of an international panel on drug legalization at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.

“As governor, I have begun to implement policies that start us toward a decriminalization" by introducing alternative “drug courts” that provide treatment and softer penalties for minor offenses, the Chronicle reported Perry as saying.

The governor's spokeswoman Lucy Nashed confirmed to the newspaper that Perry staunchly opposes legalization of marijuana because of medical issues, but is committed to policies to lower the punishment for its use in order to keep smokers out of jail.

“Legalization is no penalty at all, where as decriminalization doesn't necessarily mean jail time (for minor possession offenses.) It means more of a fine or counseling or some sort of program where you don't end up in jail but in a rehabilitative program,” Nashed said.

“The goal is to keep people out of jails and reduce recidivism, that kind of thing,”
When asked whether Perry thinks it's a good idea to decriminalize small amounts of marijuana in Texas, Nashed said “he has long supported diversionary programs, like drug courts in Texas that have had remarkable results.”

“I am shocked,” said Ana Yunez-Correa, executive director of the Texas Criminal Justice Coalition, adding that Perry killed a drug treatment bill in 2007. “I am very happy to hear the governor supports a more rehabilitative approach.”

More than 15,000 people are imprisoned in Texas correctional facilities for sole possession of drugs, Correa told the newspaper.


Dont need no stinkin Rehabilitation, save your money texas! Maybe they ought to smoke a lil and then take a stand on whats best....and still wont be right . Thanks for posting the 2-faced perrry article. FH


To Have More ... Desire Less
watch out..... that fucker is jocking for a presidential run...

rick perry or hillary clinton in 2016...... oh what a wicked web we weave.....NOT


I remember a couple years ago he said something along the lines of.

Medical marijuana is fine by me... Just not in Texas.


Active member
Put it on the ballot in Texas. Betcha it passes just like in Colorado. If it does, hell will have officially frozen over!


Active member
Since when?
Its a 6 month sentence and $2,000 fine in texas to be caught with an oz!
Did he forget that along with the 3rd government agency he was gonna abolish?
Fucking douchebag cant even remember what he was told he believes


Well-known member
HEY it's taken generations of inbreeding to get as ignorant as some are in the south! lol

Look how corrupt Fla is. Unbelievable. It didn't just happen. It's taken a long time. It's too bad.

BS. Florida is mainly populated by geezers from up north that moved down there to escape winter. it's pretty plain to me that inbreeding isn't required to produce stupid people...:biggrin:

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