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Tennessee Medical Examiner Arrested (used fed ex)


Lord Humungus

NASHVILLE, Tenn. – The Tennessee Department of Health has terminated its contract with Dr. Bruce Levy as chief medical examiner following his arrest on felony drug charges Tuesday afternoon in Mississippi.
Dr. Levy has also been suspended for 90 days as chief medical examiner for the city of Nashville.
The 49-year-old was arrested at 2:45 p.m. Tuesday at the Staybridge Suites extended stay hotel in Ridgeland, Madison County, after agents with the Mississippi Bureau of Narcotics delivered a package addressed to him with less than an ounce of marijuana inside.
The Bureau of Narcotics, a division of the Mississippi Department of Public Safety, runs periodic checks of packages sent via FedEx and UPS, among others.
During a sweep Tuesday, a trained drug dog flagged the package addressed to Dr. Levy.
During a subsequent search of Levy's hotel room, agents found similar packages with similar amounts of marijuana.
Levy was booked into the Madison County jail and charged with felony possession of marijuana. He was released early Wednesday afternoon on $25,000 bond.
At the time of his arrest, Levy was in Mississippi to testify in a trial. He is one of six doctors that the state contracts to do forensic pathology work.
The Mississippi State Medical Examiner's office does not have a chief medical examiner and contracts with Global Forensics, which Dr. Levy is the CEO of.
Mississippi Department of Public Safety Commissioner Stephen Simpson terminated the contract upon learning of Dr. Levy's arrest.
"We believe this to be an isolated case within Global Forensics. No medical examination services at the state medical examiner's office will be interrupted by the arrest, but let this service as notice that no one is exempt from our commitment to fight illegal drugs where ever found. We will immediately begin our search to replace Global Forensics," Simpson said in a release.
In a statement released midday Wednesday, Susan Cooper, Commissioner of the Tennessee Department of Health, said the department was "taking immediate action to terminate its contract with Dr. Levy."
Cooper said she would name an interim state medical examiner as soon as possible.
Nashville Mayor Karl Dean informed Dr. Levy of his 90-day suspension with the city in a letter sent Wednesday.
"As a result of this allegation of serious criminal conduct, I am suspending you from your duties as the county medical examiner for 90 days," the letter read.
Amy McMasters has been named by Metro as interim medical examiner.
In addition to being the CEO of Global Forensics, Dr. Levy is the CEO of Forensic Medical Management Services, a full service forensic pathology group that provides medical examiner services, including death investigation, forensic autopsies, expert forensic testimony, and forensic management services, according to its Web site.
He was appointed chief medical examiner for the city of Nashville in July 1997 and chief medical examiner for the state the following March. Read his complete bio.
Levy has hired well known Nashville attorney David Raybin to represent him.
whats up doc

from: http://www.wkrn.com/Global/story.asp?S=12155793
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I love my life
As a result of SERIOUS criminal conduct?

Really a man possessed of a MD. who may by law prescribe Oxicontin to HIMSELF, is a threat to society because he self medicates with pot.

I hate the government in my country. People of the mind please don't support these tyrants in any way.

Peace, :joint:


I have the key, now i need to find the lock..
they are really just going all out to vilify pot use. like obviously he was a capable person, look at his bio. this is ridiculous. things just seem to be getting worst and worst for the movement.
Years ago I got lucky and found an online source from canada that sold OZ's of tasty Bc bud for 200 bucks each, delivered. never had one go missing. Always sent postal service, double vacuum packed, express( not the most expensive next day but the next step down..2-3 days guaranteed..cheap too!!

Faulty packaging is the cause of virtually ALL siezures thru customs...if only the sender would take the care that the grower did...what a shame.

The proper way to package weed for shipment is to use 3 pairs of disposable gloves, a vacuuum sealer, heavy duty if possible, and three different rooms..believe it or not that is critical to success.

First, you have someone else place the herb in the baggie...do NOT use a zipper type bag for the weed, use one like a sandwich bag..that allows all the air to be drawn out more easily...place the baggie in the bag material for the vacuum sealer and commence sealing.

Take the sealed bag into a new room, change gloves, and repeat sealing again. new room, new gloves. If possible have a pal wipe down the sealer with alcohol wipes before moving it to each room..it might make a difference.

Then, for the third time, seal the doubled bag and seal it...discard the gloves and take that packge with tongs and drop it into a pristine envelope newly removed from a package.

Seal it immediately. Drop It into a shipping envelope of your choosing. No dog will smell that package, unless it has somehow been breached, snitched, torn open in shipping, etc. Sheer chance cannot be protected against...but the odds are vastly in favor of arrival with no problems if you adhere to the strict regimen of triple sealimng with glove and room changes...also being smart enough to have all the rooms being used clean and with NO weed in them..not even the odor..and no fans stirring up dust.

A little work goes a long way when you get that tasty package delieverd to your door by a government employee, with a smile..and no badge!!


Active member
^using a little 99% iso on the bags kills trace residue too

whats funny is that when i mail on ebay, im always breaking down buds and smoking around the art supplies and they always made it. ive broken down my herb on my netflix things and mail those ahaha..

its pretty fuckind sad how all those fishhead fucking sheeple are demonifying this guy for an OUNCE...fuck


I have never had a problem with Fed Ex. Send it priority overnight with no sig required and never use real names. They don't have time to check a package that has to go from the east coast to the west coast or vice versa that has to be there the next morning by 10AM. I am not saying that you don't have to use gloves and vacuum seal the buds, all I am saying is that I have never had a problem with Fed Ex.

IMO the best way to send bud is through a company account. Do some test runs with no bud and show that there is regular traffic between the 2 addresses. After a while they don't question because its normal behavior. The way these companies work, the same people work the same routes, stations, hubs, airports, etc. They move so much stuff that they don't have time to check any of them, especially the priority stuff. Imagine how pissed off people would be if Fed Ex or UPS or whatever said that there package didn't get there in time because they had to have dogs sniff every package. People would be outraged, especially if the package is time sensitive.

Keep it simple too like initials(IDK Inc.) and make sure that the name matches what is on the account exactly. Technically anyone who worked for the company sent the damn thing and anyone can pick it up, especially if there is no sig required. This might be a little extreme but if someone sends packages out regularly they just might want to think about doing this. Having a real legit business is also a plus so if anything does get caught, you got a back up saying that it could have been anyone from the company that did it. Just my 2 :joint:

I know this should be basic common knowledge but you would be surprised how many people out there are not exactly sharpened up when it comes to this kinda sense.


Horse-toothed Jackass
The man has an impressive resume, including a BS in chemistry from MIT.
So maybe you can have high-functioning pot smokers, just as you can have high-functioning alcoholics...

Pinball Wizard

The wand chooses the wizard
The man has an impressive resume, including a BS in chemistry from MIT.
So maybe you can have high-functioning pot smokers, just as you can have high-functioning alcoholics...
Damn!...now, I gotta find someone else to do my THC autopsy...:alien:
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BUMMER, I feel for the Doc,
Lets see, in the 40 years or so I've been indulging I've partied with. A Congressman, a dentist, pilot's (several), a Bass Pro, (tournament winner) FAMs, (a couple), Rock Musicians, (many), a country club director, a Pro MX Rider, 2 university professors, 2 optometrists (I met in Italy), a major theater manager (in Paris), a vip @ the Sheraton Amsterdam Airport,
I could go on~~~~So You See Bababooey, there's many many "high-functioning" potheads. That cant support the cause like we can, and ARE IN THE CLOSET even more so.


least he has one of the best lawyers around..

who knows, maybe this can help TN change laws on MMJ now.


Active member
if you know the right people (i wish i did) you can use someone elses identity to purchase a prepaid credit card. use this prepaid credit card to pay for the fedex. it looks more legit to use a card than cash...walking into a fedex store with a bob marley shirt and paying in 20s to ship a big box is asking for them to steal your shit..get your nerd on when your mailing illegal shit, or if you got a girl thats the best way too.

also a quick google search and some nice business logos and some avery shipping labels make everything look nice too, check ebay for package invoice slips. handwritten addresses are one of the USPS red flags for drug shipments.


wow.. fed dex huh?
lucky i shipped a lot of my equipments before when i moved.
i was thinking about having someone sending me some clones from the coast to coast
now with that i cant seal everything air tight because they need air to breath..?
and its possible to smell outside the box
i read a thread on here putting in plastic zip lock bag, dont think that will help huh?

and dont know any business account.. :(


ya i read that earleir today.. i thought it was a joke that they are offering $50,000 reward for people who have info leading to arrests of shippers/receivers.

50k FOR HERB WOW... yet they lost over a billion dollars in business


Inspectors offer a $50,000 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of individuals shipping illegal substances through the U.S. Mail. Rendina says the reward money comes from asset forfeiture.

While marijuana mailings have increased, shipments of other drugs have declined. Between fiscal years 2008 and 2009, there were fewer seizures of cocaine, heroin, opium, and methamphetamine.



Active member
yea they want to pay 50k to bust some kid mailing 3k worth of pot?

makes alot of sense monetarily...fucking idiots.

how does the postal service even pay 1600 employees for this BS job when they are losing BILLIONS???

and in reality, if they lost the business from MJ shippers they would lose MILLIONS in revenue and they know this. they are bluffing


Canna Coco grower
Seriously STUPID conduct..... I'm sure it was MEDICAL.. though that aint recognized in that state... poor bastard... what was he doing/?? or thinking?? did he need weed to make it through a day in Court??? I know its helped me a time or two.. hahahhaaha


Canna Coco grower
I have never had a problem with Fed Ex. Send it priority overnight with no sig required and never use real names. They don't have time to check a package that has to go from the east coast to the west coast or vice versa that has to be there the next morning by 10AM. I am not saying that you don't have to use gloves and vacuum seal the buds, all I am saying is that I have never had a problem with Fed Ex.

IMO the best way to send bud is through a company account. Do some test runs with no bud and show that there is regular traffic between the 2 addresses. After a while they don't question because its normal behavior. The way these companies work, the same people work the same routes, stations, hubs, airports, etc. They move so much stuff that they don't have time to check any of them, especially the priority stuff. Imagine how pissed off people would be if Fed Ex or UPS or whatever said that there package didn't get there in time because they had to have dogs sniff every package. People would be outraged, especially if the package is time sensitive.

Keep it simple too like initials(IDK Inc.) and make sure that the name matches what is on the account exactly. Technically anyone who worked for the company sent the damn thing and anyone can pick it up, especially if there is no sig required. This might be a little extreme but if someone sends packages out regularly they just might want to think about doing this. Having a real legit business is also a plus so if anything does get caught, you got a back up saying that it could have been anyone from the company that did it. Just my 2 :joint:

I know this should be basic common knowledge but you would be surprised how many people out there are not exactly sharpened up when it comes to this kinda sense.

I lost an ounce to Fed Ex in 1989 up in Kenai Ak... luckily it was still legal in Ak... but it wasn't to mail it through Fed Ex... course I DIDN'T MAIL IT :) and though my buddy was stupid enough to have Fed Ex COME TO HIS HOUSE AND PICK IT UP WHEN HE MAILED IT... they never back tracked to Wa. and busted him... course.. that was 1989 :)


in my previous experience, i have always found us mail to be the best. like others said, never a real name, triple vaccuum seal and i always washed the external pkg with some iso or weak clorox solution.

i also work at a shipping store and have caught some dumbasses trying to ship bud:

a) when you lie about whats in the box, make sure the sound the box makes when you shake it lines up with what you told them

my co-worker unfortunately found a guy out because he said there were cds in the box, but the tea tin he put his bud in made a loud clunking noise...busted

b) don't use a stupid name, use something realistic and be comfortable with it

same dumbass i mentioned sent his package to a guy named "fred soup" at a hotel room...next day air

c) speaking of air shipping; it's three times as likely to get sniffed or searched. With UPS at least, the ground never sees an airport. If you take the time to pack your goods right, it shouldn't matter...but it seems like ground has a lot less of a chance of getting hit

d) grow your own and forget the extra paranoia/risk! lol

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