I’m thinking about the future and what’s possible.
Growing location and climate 43n eastern NAmerica.
I’m interested in something different and interesting, a clear effect, hopefully not too much paranoia. I’d like suggestions as to sativas that fit this mold, and can be grown outdoors in these conditions. I will consider auto/semiautos and dominate hybrids but would prefer a 100% or as close as possible Sativa.
I’m thinking South African and Asian varieties from mountainous areas of the subcontinent would be good genetics for a temperate zone sat.
Growing location and climate 43n eastern NAmerica.
I’m interested in something different and interesting, a clear effect, hopefully not too much paranoia. I’d like suggestions as to sativas that fit this mold, and can be grown outdoors in these conditions. I will consider auto/semiautos and dominate hybrids but would prefer a 100% or as close as possible Sativa.
I’m thinking South African and Asian varieties from mountainous areas of the subcontinent would be good genetics for a temperate zone sat.