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Tell us when you where kicked out, booted, asked to leave a place!



In middle school I always caused a ruckus on the bus, always starting everyone up singing lame ass songs on the back. One day the bus driver runs to the back gets in my face and says "Whats your name!" and I say "George!" he says "George what?" "Lucas!". Couple weeks later this fat chick who hated me tells him and I'm not allowed back on the bus until highschool, I had to walk at least a few miles to school every day but luckily got to carpool back home. My shins are still chopped as fuck.
I don't think it is about defiance at all, I find that others defy to much of reality.
I was kicked out of the house allegedly for smoking weed, but I was in a mental hospital suffering from some very heavy prescriptions. The mother of the house flew to Florida to have an affair on someone I was told married her. I moved out a little before that then moved back after my first stay in a mental institution. So I usually get kicked out of those, jails, probation's, people front porches that just lived on mine. Man, I am not really allowed anywhere and I respect the rules. I just don't get their logic, it purely does not add up.

I am sorry to hear that Campus diners kick people out, they waste a ton of food daily. I remember a Hostess factory slicing open their trash so no hippies could eat the trash. Well, we did and it was damn good but I think they wanted an IED placed in that thing.

I think I would run away with the right buds, and a pack of seeds. Mostly I don't just trust anyone to grow weed for me, in fact nobody around here other than some special people. Probably a SEAL with a real Hindu Death Fetish, I am not sure that we know each other but these computers tend to chat strangely.

I only read this first page, people have sorry lives and parents are not at all smart. They abuse any intelligence that God gave them and their kids didn't remove. I think I was supposed to slip my mom the drugs I was on, the legal prescriptions with no Benadryl to solve the akesthesia (a really bad burn, it gets worse on other drugs and people typically commit suicide).

I just wish family and well, family would stop blaming me for their own perception. I expect perfect fantasy and this life has been riddled with self abuse from the out of body experience. They still blame me for smoking pot, since I am a 'mental person'. Ya, those drugs that the doctors gave me were the worst visions. Well, Paxil started out nicely but it burned historical structures.

They mother put down my boxer after I started Felony Probation, for a little story on Over Grow. Well, it is impossible to Over Grow Governments if you are not growing with them. I don't care for family secrets, no matter who you are and what you think your lifes worthless mission may be!


yea i hear ya on the colors thing "see the beard see the long hair ....not a gansta!!! asshats!!"


I was booted from OG once.I was booted from here too.Just one of those rare situations where I was correct in my argument and for some reason the rest of the entire world was incorrect.It happens but only rarely lol.


mom and step-dad booted my out on a hot day of august, 1969 because i refused to get my haircut. a couple weeks earlier i bought asked them if i could go to woodstock with some friends and got a quick, "no way!" so i knew if i defied them they'd toss me out with the old, "if ya can't live by the rules of the house...". so off to woodstock we went!

staggered back home a week later, got my haircut and started 11th grade shortly after...went thru it all again almost exactly a year later (over a pair of pants they thought were too tight, of all things!) and took off to the goose lake festival (which i still think was better than woodstock)...! those were the only times i was tossed out, slash, ran away and both times were for a good cause and i wouldn't change a thing if i could!


Back in I belive 84 I was sitting at our local bar haveing a beer with a bunch of Brothers after a long ride. I get up to take a pee and come back to find someone sitting in my seat at the bar, my drink moved over to one side. I nicely ask the guy sitting in my seat to moveas the bar was quite crowded. The bar owner said to mye just find another seat. I told him Hell I'm damn near furniture in here I frequent the place that much!!! He again tells me to find another seat! So I say well I got one outside does he mind if I bring it in and sit on that? He says sure that's fine! So I ask one of my Bros to hold open the back door and I ride in on my 56 panhead, throw the kickstand down and have a seat!!! The owner freaks out and says for me to get that "THING the hell out of there!!!!! So I tell my Bro to hold open the front door! He does and I rev her up and hold the front brake and dump the clutch and light her up...smokeing out the entire bar and then drive out the front door! I come back in and tell the guy sitting in my seat to get up! I get bared for 2 weeks...yea it was worth it!!! I holler out comeon lets all go across the street to the other bar and about 40-50 of us get up with our old ladys and walk the hell out...HAHAHAHAHAhahahaha!!! The owner walked out with us and says I didn't really meen to bar ya! I said mabey we'll see ya in 2 weeks!!!BWWWAWAWAWAWAHAHAHAHAHAhahaha!!! He sure lost alot of business!!! and the 6' patch was still there 4 years later!!!

Owl Mirror

Active member
I have a funny, second-hand story from my youth. I wasn't there but, the story is legendary among my small circle of friends ;>}
When we were young, we all used to go fishing at the local marina's. We would enter after dark so we wouldn't get kicked out and fish along the docks. Since nobody was ever allowed to fish these places, we caught ton's of fish.
One night, my best friend and another friend went fishing and took this new drug called purple haze. During the night, they got tired of fishing and decided to crawl up inside one of the boats that were being stored on land. Among other things, they swear little green men came down from space, etc... ;>}
Anyways, apparently they got the idea it was cold outside and decided they could warm up the inside cabin by starting the engine and turn on the heater.
After a little while the cops showed up and were scratching their heads as to why these two kids were inside a dry docked boat with the engine running.
They were so stoned, they weren't much help explaining themselves but, the cops just kicked them out and told them to go home.
Those were simpler times when the cops didn't treat people like criminals from the start.
I once got kicked out of laser quest for rugby tackling (spearing) an employee dressed as Goofy the dog at full speed with everything my 220lbs, 6'1" of good muscle had... it was a git bully from school.. and i hate people dressed as cartoon characters

This was a week after i got asked to leave for repeatedly superkicking the "Test your punch strength" machine to get extra tokens from it for prizes :muahaha:

asked to leave a few shops in my young child days for shoplifting, and me and my best buddy have been asked to leave the local pool a number of times for chokeslamming each other into the pool.

oh yeah and i once got thrown off a bus for stinking of weed.. that'd be the oz of blueberry in my backpack.. lol oh and about a month ago got asked to leave a pub in town for skinning up a joint in the beer garden

got a close call in my favourite club around here a few years ago.. i was broke so i'd sneaked a bottle of vodka in.. up in the top deck of this club, there were stalls where you could go sit.. so i'm pouring this vodka into my glass, and happen to look up to see one of the doormen, who is a top bloke (most are there, its why i like it over other clubs) watching me. Oh feck.
So i put the bottle away, stood up, and went to him "look mate, you caught me and i'm sorry, but i got xty £ in my wallet and all of it is going behind the bar tonight. this is extra" (a lie, i had taxi money plus buy girls drinks money at that point)

"do what you gotta do" and with that, he walks off.. phew..
Those were the days.

Those were the days.

Unfortunately, I could come up with way too many of these. So here is a cute one from 1971.
My little "gang" and I were at Fairyland in Oakland. We used to go there and raise hell just for fun. I was 11, Ricky was 12 and Robert was 8 (when you're 11, 8 doesn't seem all that young).
Anyway, we were watching the Popo The Clown Show. It was on a little stage with seating for all the children and their parents. Popo called a few kids on stage to say a poem or whatever.
Of course Robert gets up there. He tells Popo he wants to say a poem and here is how it went. Mary, Mary quite contrary, lift your dress and I'll pop your cherry.
All the kids laughed and the parents jaws dropped. I'm sure the kids didn't get the joke, they were laughing because Popo was kicking Robert off the stage with his big ass clown shoes.
We had too run off and couldn't go back to Fairyland till things cooled off.

h^2 O

In middle school I always caused a ruckus on the bus, always starting everyone up singing lame ass songs on the back. One day the bus driver runs to the back gets in my face and says "Whats your name!" and I say "George!" he says "George what?" "Lucas!". Couple weeks later this fat chick who hated me tells him and I'm not allowed back on the bus until highschool, I had to walk at least a few miles to school every day but luckily got to carpool back home. My shins are still chopped as fuck.

in light of recent bus-driver horror stories, like the beatings on youtube, something like that would now get the driver fired, at the least. One bus driver dropped a kid off at the wrong place and ended up getting like 6 months or something

h^2 O

Unfortunately, I could come up with way too many of these. So here is a cute one from 1971.
My little "gang" and I were at Fairyland in Oakland. We used to go there and raise hell just for fun. I was 11, Ricky was 12 and Robert was 8 (when you're 11, 8 doesn't seem all that young).
Anyway, we were watching the Popo The Clown Show. It was on a little stage with seating for all the children and their parents. Popo called a few kids on stage to say a poem or whatever.
Of course Robert gets up there. He tells Popo he wants to say a poem and here is how it went. Mary, Mary quite contrary, lift your dress and I'll pop your cherry.
All the kids laughed and the parents jaws dropped. I'm sure the kids didn't get the joke, they were laughing because Popo was kicking Robert off the stage with his big ass clown shoes.
We had too run off and couldn't go back to Fairyland till things cooled off.
does the potbelly really smoke? does it get the munchies?


My little pony.. my little pony
I dont know why but it seems that all the good bars that have decent band stages also have douchebags doing security. Like they all read the same book and try the same crap on everyone.

Like the routine when they catch you smoking pot out back with the smokers and try and confiscate your shit telling you that you can pick up your stuff after the show or bar close as if they arent going to go thru everything and return nothing of value.

I had one run up on me when I was smoking a joint like he thought he had just hit the lottery when I told him to either show me a police badge or to fuck off that he had zero right to take anything from me. Then he tried the old we have a cop off duty here and to come with him and I told him fuck off twice I wasnt going anywhere. Thats about the time I got kicked out.

The same bar used black-lite invisible ink and custom rubber stamps for security so I went out and bought a pen that had the same ink. For more than ten years before they changed their methods me and my friends always got in free.


Not a personal experience

but the Johnny Knoxville skit in the Big 5 where they start boxing at random was pretty funny.


when we were 14 or so we used to go into town on a fridaynight and throw water ballons at cars from a two story carpark building.great fun,people used to freek.security could never catch us because there were to may places to hide and escape then one night they got together and blocked all the exits and cought us.we were baned from the mall for a year.the next day we went into the mall and let off stink bombs in all the lifts.lol.ahhh the fun kids have.:joint:


Well-known member

Good stories in this thread! I was kicked out of a hip hop club when my coworker lit up a blunt. Had no idea he was going to do that, plus I didn't even smoke at the time. It was polite as I recall - this would be 10-15 years ago. Shit, time flies!

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