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tell me about jobs for an emigrant grower in the industry


New member
I have often thought about making a big move,from ireland and canada is coming up as top of the list(as a stoner).i am wondering would it be easy to get a job in the green industry without connections, if i couldn't are non skilled jobs plentiful.i only have a small bit of college education ,1 year no degree and would be fu**ked without a job.any info on breaking into the industry or moving to canada would be appreciated
Same as Ireland here Mate.

But you could always arrive in March ,buy some seeds , camp out in the bush ,grow a crop, sell it and be back in Ireland before your Six month visa runs out.I know folk who have, and are still here 10 yrs later.Helps to be white and middle class.....


Active member
yes, but outdoor prices in sept hardly make it worth any1's while anymore...sad state of affairs, unless u r the buyer ;)


Active member
if you have loose morals and give a decent massage, niagara falls may be lucrative for you !!

teemu shalanie

WeeDGamE StannisBaratheoN
Tuff to jump into the industry out west without conx , maybe start by visiting, I recommend visiting Van., Fun city, see if ya like then you could find a job, construction somewhere I'am sure.
good luck ladi


will they even give you citizenship or a work visa?

Sometimes you can just stumble into it, I guess it all depends.

If you were really determined, just move here and try.

BC stands for Bring Cash btw.


New member
thanks for the replies.bobthegrower,don't about camping ha.If I do go i will definitely "bring cash" lol.Anyone know anything about getting a job as a trimmer..


Active member
trimmers typically get $20 per/hr + food/drinks, and finger/trimming machine hash. some trimmers get to make bubble, etc out of waste materials. most bigger shows use machines nowadays, but they still need peeps 2 pick and feed it and feed machine as well as dry racking...again, it certainly helps 2 have conx


hard to find a hard working trustworthy individual nowdays in bc that doesnt have a substance abuse problem or his phone is heated out. 20 is starting rate but as time goes on and ur a hard worker thats down to work whenever at the drop of a hat youll c your self getting inot the 55 to 70 and hour range easy and possible manegerial percentage if you follow instructions well. the only problem is finding good people to work for, the crews are tight and rarely let anyone in or there are heated out and take very little precautions
how do you go about applying for being a trimmer without any connections? do you just manually come up to some growers and ask "hey can i trim your stash" something like that

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