I got three strains that are about a month too late for my Latitude, and I would like them to be early enough to be grown here.
I got earlier photos, I got IBL autos. But which way is the best one to go? I don´t want to loose too much of the late strains trait´s and overall appearance.
Is crossing with a much earlier photo, then breed some gen´s and then do a Bx the most used way, and after that again breed for early phenoes of the late strains?
This is a hypotetical question, and the strains could be any at all, just want to know the best way to do it, without loosing as little as possible of the late strains..
How would you have done?
I got three strains that are about a month too late for my Latitude, and I would like them to be early enough to be grown here.
I got earlier photos, I got IBL autos. But which way is the best one to go? I don´t want to loose too much of the late strains trait´s and overall appearance.
Is crossing with a much earlier photo, then breed some gen´s and then do a Bx the most used way, and after that again breed for early phenoes of the late strains?
This is a hypotetical question, and the strains could be any at all, just want to know the best way to do it, without loosing as little as possible of the late strains..
How would you have done?