About how late in the year is the latest that I can take clones from an outdoor plant? Indoor I just make sure its done before they're put into flower. Im around 39N, thanks.
I think it depends on the plant. I've got some big, bushy plants that haven't begun flowering yet, and I took clones off 'em July 5. I also have plants that started flowering in earnest several weeks ago...didn't bother taking clones off those.
Hey thanks for the reply.
I'm gonna go cut a couple clones tonight. Anyone have any suggestions for the best way to transport freshly cut clones? I'm gonna eat dinner and then head out, so if I could get some replies asap I would really appreciate it.
Ontario is farther North than I am (think your around 43N). So I should start flowering even later than that...
Took some clones and they're doing just fine. Thanks for the reply