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Switching light schedule during flowering?


Hey guys

Was just out on my back step having a puff and this came in my mind. Lets say you had plants on a flowering schedule of lights on at 6:00am and off at 6:00pm. If you left them in the dark for a 24hr period could you resume a schedule of lights on at 6:00pm and off at 6:00am or is this likely to fuck them up and cause them to hermie?

Thanks in advance for any input!



Autistic Diplomat in Training
They'll be fine. Extended dark is the perfect way to switch to a new lighting schedule. Extremely low stress. ;)
Yeah, that's fine. As long as "night" is 12+hours it's fine. I actually did something similar earlier this week, but I did it over a few days.

You can extend the day too. I flowered some sweet tooth #3 under 36on 12 off. I had some other problems with that grow, but they flowered fine, just slow AF.


They'll be fine. Extended dark is the perfect way to switch to a new lighting schedule. Extremely low stress.

Yeah, that's fine. As long as "night" is 12+hours it's fine. I actually did something similar earlier this week, but I did it over a few days.

You can extend the day too. I flowered some sweet tooth #3 under 36on 12 off. I had some other problems with that grow, but they flowered fine, just slow AF.

Thanks guys, good to know!


PDX Dopesmoker

Active member
Yeah, that's fine. As long as "night" is 12+hours it's fine. I actually did something similar earlier this week, but I did it over a few days.

You can extend the day too. I flowered some sweet tooth #3 under 36on 12 off. I had some other problems with that grow, but they flowered fine, just slow AF.

That very interesting, do you think the increased lighting made them slower?

PDX Dopesmoker

Active member
I do think that, but there were too many things going wrong to tell much

Thats really cool that you tried that schedule and made it work. Having it seem like its somewhat detrimental is pretty counterintuitive, I'd have assumed that getting more total kilowatt hours on the flowers would produce better results.
You might have saved me a lot on future electricity bills, thank you.


Thanks all, great info and help right there! That is indeed interesting about extending the day, never would have thought it.

Thats really cool that you tried that schedule and made it work. Having it seem like its somewhat detrimental is pretty counterintuitive, I'd have assumed that getting more total kilowatt hours on the flowers would produce better results.
You might have saved me a lot on future electricity bills, thank you.

I definitely wasn't seeing a gain that reflected the the extra electric bill. It's definitely something I want to explore again. It's high on my list once I have a side by side box (or 10).


K+ vibes
I had to deal with this issue too recentely. I had to switch from 6am-6pm to 8am-7pm because the sun going down later as a precaution of light leaks.Also I split the main steam a node down training, and was worried about stress on top of things so I added a extra hour of dark and went with the 11\13 thing to try to cater to the Sativas as much as possible on top of things

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